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Everything posted by biggin

  1. thanks all for the input.
  2. I was told that a deer lives within 1 square mile of where they were born, as long as the habitat is plentiful. The state does what it can to enrich that habitat. Recently l read of silt removal from a local creek that didn’t do a great job and found industrial lubricants and arsenic. Does the habitat get effected from this runoff ? Are there any studies showing what bass do from where they hatch ? I know they spawn from down river to the area they they are fished. Once spawned do the females die die typically ?
  3. Don’t finesse fish fast but crank and jerk bait might switch it up
  4. over thinking, got it. Too much pressure where I go, early season I was catching fish, so the technique was fine.
  5. Drop shot with shad or billed crank or glide bait.
  6. any advice on finesse to nautral movement. Maybe a good you tube guy. The nature of fishing is a great channel and many thanks for the help to Pat Brown ! Thanks man !
  7. I'm good now..... Security issues when I was signing up, but an Admin settled it. No it means Power pro is better than Spider wire.
  8. Generally speaking? Read an article from here l searched on the web. With an exception during spawning. “ In general, smaller fish are far more affected by water and weather changes than large ones because they reside in shallow water, where water temperatures change first and most dramatically. Larger fish living in deeper zones will not be affected by water temperature and weather changes until the change reaches their area. This can be longer than what it takes to do so in shallower water. “
  9. I was offered a new rod but declined. It was a medium rod and I went up to a medium heavy moderate fast action.
  10. thanks for all the replies. rod splintering from the twist, would a swivel help prevent this ? Or is this a myth ?
  11. Guess I would say, big fish are smarter, kinda like big bucks. It happened on my spinning rod and my casting rod only has one extra guide. Both are 7 foot rods. Also had a clean break, no splintering. I thought a swivel would have helped due to the fish rolled like a carp, then started to thrash as I reeled it in.
  12. toothy fish.... pickerel and snakeheads.
  13. I was told that..... experimenting on my own. It seems like a waste of money, verses one temp insensitive rifle powder with a particular bullet Hornady SST along with a coax press, Lee collet die and Redding body die in my 06 or 270 factory rifles. Only took 18 years to finally firgure it out talking to the right people, but I guess it ain't gonna happen here.
  14. most of what I caught since April is Texas rig senko's on EWG's pop drag.
  15. Guess I could chase my tail with this, considering the fish are just waiting for a free meal presented the right way, in the right conditions and what ever is presented they want at that moment. Guess if I ate shad and bluegills all the time I would want something different, only I ain't interested in retying a bait on my line or carrying half a dozen rod and reels to save time.
  16. Guys are catching them every day... for the most part smaller bass, 3 or smaller, sometimes bigger 4 pounds but that's it. I caught a 4 and a three the rest under 3. But then it stopped, fished the same way, texas mainly senko's. But the other guys, from time to time, 4's and 5's. Nothing today over 2.
  17. I'm on a lake with just grass and wood. The braid I had got frayed from dragging worms or trying to bust free from snags or walking snapping a snag, 15 spider wire ez braid. I have 8 lb flouro Berkley vanish.
  18. the fish'll let you know what they want. I heard that before ! LOL seems shakey heads and ned rigs are just about the same.... almost. Shakey has a little more pivoting.
  19. Sorry man I'm just frustrated to catch fish, and you say flouro is garbage and the next poster says it's tougher than braid. Can you see where I'm coming from ? Braid held up better than mono with pickerel, snapped the line seconds after I hooked it. So I went with 15lb braided. It frayed some but it held up better than the mono 6 pound, which I caught more fish with the mono, and the 15 braid is like 6 mono diameter. So 20 braid is like 6 dia. mono ? And low vis green isn't very green then? I bought moss green copolyermer and it's on the faint side green, almost looks like a brown.
  20. so even though they see your line that doesn't make a difference catching fish ?
  21. would a texas be fine or would it hop better on a ned/shakey head ?
  22. without a sermon on the mount, could you give me a rundown on how you catch "plenty" ?
  23. does it matter if they can ?
  24. do all braided line regardless of color, visible to fish in any water clarity ?
  25. do I still need a fluorocarbon leader ?
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