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Everything posted by biggin

  1. I think I've been trying to hard..... I watched a vid of a guy gently twitching his rod. Maybe it depends on the type of lure and weight of lure dpends on how you work it.
  2. I just see Lifetime Tenton Pro 116 on Dicks website, not Yukon.
  3. bought a Peilcan Blitz from Dicks yeasterday. $475 all said and done.. 60 days warranty provided no abuse. Gotta go on Pelican website and see what they have for a warranty. They're in Canada Considered a used one but wasn't comfortable with used plastic
  4. Got a Pelican Blitz 100X
  5. Sounds nice! Kinda leery on having one shipped. Rather go to Dicks locally and if there’s an issue it can be returned. Probably just hit some large lakes close by.
  6. I read a review about it. The replacement doesn’t match
  7. I did. The link I showed here I sent them.
  8. Done. I emailed them just now.
  9. And ?
  10. That's what my wife said ! LOL
  11. Thoughts ? Wondering if I can install those electric rod anchors. And any other features you all would recommend ? Walmart Kayak
  12. I’m not having fun catching nothing or even no bites at all with any lure or set up, and l tried a bunch. The only success they have with mediocre fish and move from creek to lake and back to the same old places and are only concerned about catching whatever they catch. Biggest challenge for me is living in an area that’s limited. I have to travel at least a half an hour to 45 minutes or an hour, but even then it’s questionable. I have a lake that’s pretty huge l went to yesterday and saw grass along the bank, it looks promising but ?‍♂️. I need a kayak.
  13. ok I'll give you that, duh, however, there are times where he cast catches, and does a repeat, casts and catches that's what I meant.
  14. like I said before, there are no segments breaks in most of his vids If you watch them. He does mention at times how many fish he catches for the day, alot at times. He will mention if he didn't, and to catch a huge musky for the day at the first cast, would be enough for me !
  15. that's not nice ! Just because he's addicted to fishing lures doesn't mean he's a freak. ? Although he kills it catching the same fish on many different lures. It's not like there's a smorgasbord of critters for the fish to eat. They're not needed, but who's to say how much someone can own of anything ?
  16. what does he do for a living ? LOL
  17. I did mention where l live and him
  18. You mean two guys in a boat, one guy, who is a competitor who didn’t have anything to say to me about how l was casting catching fish and he wasn’t but then in a different spot he was and l wasn’t. We were both doing Ned TRD and drop shot shad with a 1/10 ounce weight.
  19. Some of his videos have breaks but you can tell when there are none. Anything else ? It’s a toss up with cover and open water, AND his over an ounce lures make a big splash when hitting the water, btw, fish do that from time to time and would cause a bigger fish to investigate. He does move along and casts as he goes, l believe you need to keep moving. The fish population just ain’t there and if they are too many cold fronts to suit me or the fish. Hope the forecast helps. Goofy weather is like that all summer long, and only gives you a window to get in. By the time the water warms up a little in larger bodies of water it gets cold again, maybe not for small ponds and lakes, but then what do they hold ? They probably move and stay in shallow water because of it. All of the bass l caught was shallow this past spring. Reading structure l don’t believe would help in some cases. You could bounce off and keep this going or get aggravated and move on, choice is yours. Maybe l’m being pessimistic but l can’t help that.
  20. I used a Ned TRD. I pop craws with a weight insert and rig the hook up top so it stands up. Every time I go out they aren't there. Why are they there for other guys all the time ? In the same spots. I just think the area I live in just sux. On average how many different lures do you use in one outing ? makin a living and doin the best I can, when it comes to leaving I hope you'll understand.
  21. Ok so.... got my feet wet with a guy catching large mouth bass on his boat. Mediocre size. Ventured out myself and fished a couple of creeks pre spawn I believe. Caught at least one every time I went there. All of a sudden it dried up. As the weather warmed up, more guys showed up. Some said too much pressure. Heck I caught a 2 pounder with at least a dozen holes in it's upper lip. When the catches for me stopped, I'm like.... ???????? Other guys were still catching them for the most part. One guy in particular stopped going as far as I know, there's an app they post their catches on. He stopped. Some others go else where. ONE old guy catches ONE everyday but that's it, and a few others do at other spots. I live in NJ, which is to me a polluted state. The guy who took me on his boat took me bank fishing and constantly caught fish where I didn't, every time. ???????? I watch a guy from ND killing it, huge pike and musky, small mouth, large mouth. The guy from ND is a you tuber NDYakAngler. I made a comment on one of his vids saying I can't watch him anymore, due to h's too successful...first cast and a few later with big fish !! But I'm watching one now ! Epic Battle With a River BEAST ! The baicaster sure throws that rat far ! That muskey took him for a ride ! He said they stock them in the river he fishes. Today I went to the other side futher downstream and worked the whole bank where I parked my truck. I used various lures, swim baits, cranks, popped craws, texas worms, shakey head, rat lure without a bill but has rotating paddling rear feet. He talks about an adrenaline rush. What's that ? I never got one even with my eight point buck I got 16 years ago.
  22. How many of these people really have conviction of what a memorial day, or just a day off to eat and shrug thier shoulders about it ? Serving thier country is serving us to stay safe and free. Most people don’t really care about WW1 or prior to maintain that safety and freedom. Kinda like a vet who won’t own any firearms because ones who never had to take a life don’t know what it’s like. Some were effected more than others, and some may be just saying, or that others may believe and really know how important it was that men go in harms way. Guess if some grew up in a functional house hold and was sheltered from abuse, or whatever then l suppose it may seem sanctimonious to them.
  23. these companies add verbs to sell more product. Flashy abbreviations, etc...... Berkley Mono and trilene same thing. The designing engineers sit behind a desk pressured by their chief to design something even though what's out there is good enough. Maybe this would be easier
  24. Memorial day should only be a day of remembrance and that’s it. No laughter or barbecues.
  25. What’s the difference between the two?
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