I have an acquaintance who guides for a living. He guides on Lake Ontario, the Salmon River in NY when the kings are running up to spawn, and for Steelhead, and also on the Niagra River. He also has done (does do?) some guiding on Lake Erie for Smallmouth. He nets about $70,000 a year. Sounds like a great gig, right? Not so much. He has no life outside guiding for 10 months a year. He also works an average of 12-14hrs a day between guiding, preparing to guide, maintaining equipment, handling his bookings, and doing paperwork. The other 2 months is taken up with bookkeeping, maintaining/upgrading his boats, and trying to do all the things he has no time for during his season. He is always under stress to produce for his clients. He must be pretty good, as he is booked out for 2-3 years in advance. Before he got into being a guide, he loved to fish, and we would often fish together. Now, he never fishes for fun....in fact the last thing he wants to do is go fishing for himself. I could not do what he does and would not want to. His plan at this point is to guide until he is 55 years old (yes, he is considerably younger than I am) and then retire....if he lasts that long. I almost never see him anymore....I hope he is happy, but I really don't think he is.