Yeah.....similar story for me. My buddy and I left out at 2am to drive to a lake we had been wanting to try, It was about a 4 1/2 hour drive. Since we left so early, we thought we would just grab a quick breakfast near where we planned to launch. Only problem was there was no place to eat anywhere near there. Only thing we could find was a gas station that had some "breakfast burritos" for sale. Ok, that would do. We each grabbed a couple and of we went. Got to the launch, got the boat loaded and launched no problem. Ran around for a while and found a likely looking spot to fish. By now, we were both we gobbled down the burritos. No luck at that spot, so we ran about another half hour to a new spot. Got set up, made a couple of casts, and all of a sudden my buddy was projectile vomiting over the side of the boat. Not good! Then it hit me...unfortunately for me, it hit at the other end. So picture guy puking his guts out over the side, and the other guy desperately trying to get out of his pants before he s@@@ them solid full. I did manage to get them off, and hopped over the side of the boat into the water. Great....except the water temperature was about 45F. When the "festivities" finally stopped, and I managed to drag my frozen butt back into the boat and get my pants back on, I looked at my buddy. He was absolutely green. It was a long trip back to the launch, with a couple more instances of disrobing and hopping overboard, then trying to get back into the boat and getting dressed again.....Got back to the launch, got the boat loaded, and had a horrible drive home. We both swore we would never, ever, eat gas station food again. The only saving grace was that we seemed to be the only two people in that area of the lake, so at least I didn't get arrested for indecent exposure. I did end up with a really bad cold, and felt like crap for most of a week. My buddy made out better. He said that after he evacuated his tummy completely (several times), and finally managed to keep water down, he felt a lot better.