I have not owed or carried a pistol since I left St. Pete FL back in the 70s. Back then I carried a 44 magnum. Only reason I had it was because I often had to make late night cash deposits for the company I worked for--ABC Liquors, which back then only took cash. Part of my job was, around Holidays (Christmas, New Yeas, Thanksgiving, 4th of July) to go around to all the local stores and pick up the days deposits and take them to the bank. I could easily be carrying $10,000 or more. I would park near the bank, get out with the deposit bag in one hand, and the gun in the other, held in plain sight. It was loaded, and the safety was off. I was never bothered, even when I was working in the Tampa area.
Now days, I only own 1 gun. A lever action .444 cal. saddle gun. It is kept loaded, and unsecured in my bedroom. We have no children at home. I don't advertise that I have the gun in the house, and visitors would never know it was there. The reason I keep it as I do, is that we live in a very rural area, and are somewhat secluded. If someone was to try to break in, or even if someone was prowling around outside, it would take the local law enforcement at least 20 min, and maybe up to 45 min. to get to us. Not much help if there was a "problem". I have taught my wife how to use the gun, and how to take care of it. If there were kids in the house, things would be different. Right now, if someone comes to the house that has a child, the gun is unloaded, and secured with a trigger lock, and put in a gun safe-usually befor they get here, and until they leave. I am not careless or stupid.