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Kirtley Howe

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Everything posted by Kirtley Howe

  1. Ok mister Baldwin. You should credit SNL....<G>
  2. I like a reel with larger line capacity for a several of reasons. Where I fish I semi-often encounter Musky, Tiger Musky and Pike. I don't like losing lures because large fish like that can do a pretty massive run, especially if they get into the current, and I don't want to have them spool me. I also don't like to have to respool line while fishing, so if I lose a bunch of line...which happens a LOT where I fish..... I want to be able to just keep on fishing until it is convenient to respool (like when I get home). Also, on several of my reels I am using 20 or 25 lb mono (Big Game usually). which due to line diameter really cuts down on the amount of line you can fit on a reel. So, basically, I am paranoid about getting spooled, lazy about respooling, and my reels really can't hold all that much line with the line I use, and I snag up A LOT.
  3. I am shocked that any angler skunked for the day. I have fished there under some really bad conditions, and the worst I ever did was 4 fish in an 8 hour period, for a weight of about 9 lbs. It is such a fantastic fishery, that it should be almost impossible to not catch at least one scorable bass in a full day of a tournament. Anyone know what happened to the anglers who skunked?
  4. check out the spring selection at your local hardware store. if they have some you like, then order from the supplier they use, or directly from the manufacturer if possible.
  5. You can't fix stupid but you can muffle it with Duct Tape.
  6. When I was younger and less concerned about my personal safety I had a technique that I used in that type of situation. I would use an 8 foot extra heavy duty rod, and a large lure with multiple treble hooks, and would side-arm cast. That usually cleared the area around me pretty quickly. These days when people get shot for looking at someone the "wrong way" I just move on to a different area. At 74 years old, discretion is the better part of valor....and I want to live to see 75 or more years of age.
  7. Roland Martin did that for years. He would wade and have his boat tied to a rope around his waist. He stated that he quit doing it when it got difficult for him to get back in the boat. Getting old makes a lot of things difficult.
  8. Still works for both Smallmouth and Largemouth where I fish on the Susquehanna River. Sometimes a Choppo is more effective, sometimes the WP. If neither work, a popper or frog usually does. And sometimes the only thing that will trigger a topwater strike is a walking bait.
  9. As I mentioned in another thread, I sometimes fish tubes on an EWG hook, with the size depending on the size of the tube. If I want to weight the tube, I will put an egg weight inside the tube. I use lead weights if I am using a larger tube, tungsten weights if using a smaller tube, as they fit inside the tube better. I have used worm weights in a pinch but prefer the egg weights.
  10. I think of it like this....Fish that live in current (a river) are always "working out", so they are stronger pound for pound than fish that live in a calmer environment like a pond or a lake with less current than a river. Plus, when you catch a fish in a river that has current, the current can make the fish feel much stronger.
  11. Where are BPS outlet stores located? I just chatted online with BPS, and the agent told me they do not have any "outlet stores", and none of their locations sell refurbished/rebuilt reels of any kind. Also, do the BPS outlet stores have any online presence? I can't find one....
  12. What is this word "Money" you speak of? Is that some ancient language? It is totally unfamiliar to me.
  13. I think I may be the odd duck here. I buy PUGS Amber colored polarized sunglasses for less than $10.00. They seem to be pretty scratch resistant, are lightweight, and wrap around to the side of my eyes for good glare/eye protection. I don't notice any particular distortion with them. They are pretty shatter resistant...I have gotten hit right on the lens by a small rock when riding my motorcycle, and although the lens was damaged, it did not break. They offer 100% UVA and UVB protection. With them on, I see things in the water at least as well or better than my fishing buddy who has a pair of Costas. And if I lose them or damage them, I am not out much money to replace them. They are light enough in color to allow low light use, but work great in direct sunlight too. The do not work at night. For that, I have a pair of clear safety glasses. I have not tried Okley sunglasses, but I have tried my buddies Costas and I really didn't see much difference in my ability to see things in the water. I will admit the Costas were a bit more comfortable to wear, but not enough more for me to justify the expense. Just my opinion of course...your results may be different.
  14. Define best.....Chance to catch the most smallies per hour? Largest average size fish? Chance for really large fish? Best chance for world record? Lake fishable and productive year round? Good quality and quantity? Lake/river with best access? Productive lake/river with least traffic? Best from shore? Best from Kayak? Best from boat? "Best" all depends on what you want to experience. Suffice it to say, there are many great smallmouth fishing lakes/rivers right now. Some say we are living in the golden age for smallmouth fishing, and I don't disagree with that statement.
  15. On occasion. I see a wild Karen...but they have become more common lately.
  16. Scary indeed. I am sure we have all had those moments. I know I have. So far, the worst I had was a hook imbedded in my palm. I was working a Zara Spook and a pike grabbed it. I set the hook and just as maximum tension was reached the hook popped free and the lure came flying back toward me. I just had time to put my hand up to keep it from smacking me in the face. Would not have been bad, except the hook managed to get around a ligament that controls the little finger. No way that was coming out without a trip to the ER. At least it was not to the face.
  17. If you want to waste your hormones growing hair, go ahead.
  18. Check the regulations on the bodies of water you plan to fish. Some (so far only a few, but it seems to be a growing trend) are now banning 2 stroke motors due to environmental reasons.
  19. My father was mostly bald.....just a fringe around the sides. He asked his barber for a discount since he had less hair to cut. The barber told him he was going to charge more than usual as it took him longer to find the hair to cut.
  20. Does this motor have a thermostat? Sound to me like the thermostat (assuming it has one) is not opening up soon enough and is not staying open when the motor is warmed up. If it does have a thermostat, it should be cheap and easy to replace. Good luck.
  21. Are we related?
  22. Well, as long as she gave THEM back.......
  23. My guess is that he doesn't any more.......
  24. True...but I have never seen Glenn push a product that isn't good, or that he does not believe in.
  25. Red Jacket Yacht Club Maina. Southern portion of the lake, on the East side. Also Hibiscus Harbor Marina, west shore above mid lake.
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