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Everything posted by ww2farmer

  1. Same. But I would rather they be grinds than hog fest's.
  2. I am not a fan of it. But if it's not against the rules, then there is really nothing I can say other than " I am not a fan of it".
  3. I would be happy with nothing but Lightning Rods if I had to. The Lightning Rod Shocks make up a good bit of my arsenal for reaction baits as it is. Go pick up the epic dog turds that are the G. Loomis "frog rods" or the St Croix Mojo Frog rods, then fish a frog on a 7' MH LR Shock...........
  4. I like the VMC "drop dead" hooks for fluke style baits, and their weighted swimbait hooks for swimbaits. I can't remember the last time I fished either type of bait WITHOUT a weighted hook.
  5. I like summer the best. Weather is stable and a pattern can last for a week or more. Spring is great but a cold front or something can make the fishing do a 180 really quick, same with fall. I will say a % wise of my bigger fish come in spring and fall, but summer is not really all that far behind. Lucky for us in WNY, our summers are not brutal, day time fishing is not uncomfortable, and with the exception of a few busy holidays, the jet ski/wake boat traffic is not too bad.
  6. I love the MLF format. If i could figure out a way to implement it into my team opens that I run I would.
  7. A great all around reel for me has been the Daiwa Exceler in the 6:1 ratio. They can be had NIB for less than $70 off ebay. They are powerfull enough to handle deep diving cranks, and can also toss weightless plastics with ease.
  8. Swim jigs.....I run three sizes. 1/4 for ultra shallow work, 3/8 for all around use, and 1/2 for deeper work. Football....I am of the opinion that a football jig belongs on the bottom, no need for light weights. I use 1/2 ,3/4 or 1 oz only. Don't use stand up jigs.
  9. I'm a dyed in the wool junk fisherman with a heavy lean to the power fishing side. My tournament partner is a drop shotting fool. Works great for us, I let him do what he does best back there and it's one less rod I have to have on the deck, or thing I have to worry about.
  10. Sorry to here, it really sucks that beloved pets in the grand scheme of things are not with us for all that long.
  11. I like the Strike King or the Booyah.
  12. I really have only had one job my entire life. There are certainly things about it than are fun and seem like "play" instead of work. Mowing hay-----turbo fun, I could do all day every day and be happy. Thankfully I am the only one who does it at our place and I have/can and will skip fishing for it. Spraying crops---I like it, but don't love it, it's only fun when I am spraying non-row crops, it's a bit of a chore spraying and fertilizing row crops. My sprayer is getting to be an antique, a newer one would make it a whole lot funner. Just like the mower, I am the only one who does it at our place, it'd be nice if someone else stepped in once in a while, especially when i am busy mowing. Tillage work or other field work with the tractors------depends, zone building is fun, moldboard plowing is fun, everything else is boring but I don't hate it Drag lining manure----that's work, and if something goes wrong I curse life LOL. thankfully the last 2 years I have a well trained partner for this now, and that makes it easier, but it's still work, Shop work-----depends, I like servicing equipment, and really enjoy doing our A/C work.......fabricating, repairs, etc....meh, not so much Driving truck---------also depends, I like driving 18 wheeler hauling manure, especially when we spread it on the fields with the trucks, transfering to the spreader is not bothersome, but it gets boring, and I loath running 10 wheelers next to the harvesters, especially corn. Being one of the "old fat guys" now has it's perks. I don't have to go pick up stones out of the fields, or clear hedgerows, or dig tile ditches anymore. When we had cows, I enjoyed milking, and feeding.....calf and heifer work not so much
  13. Yes, twice. Once a few years ago while I was out by myself, I tripped over all the rods I had on the deck, lost my balance, and rather than risk falling on my rods/graph/etc...I basically jumped feet first off the boat into about 4' of water. Just grabbed the boat and walked it and myself to shore and got back on. Water was a little nippy....48 degrees, and that ended the day right there. Second time was just this past fall. My partner was causing a scene on the back deck yelling at some guy on the shore. Evidently the guy was running from cottage to cottage peeking in the windows and was buck naked. I didn't see it, but the banter from Rick (the guy in the back) was so comical I literally passed out from laughing so hard. I came to UNDER WATER. I shot back to the surface in a total freaking panic gagging and hacking up water, with Rick running circles around me with the TM on high not knowing what to do, or what happened. I calmed down right quick and swam over to the boat, and held on to the side while he took me to where I could touch (we were in 30-40' of water when I went over). Then I walked to shore, got on a dock, and got back on the boat. We even fished for a little while longer laughing about it.
  14. My 7'3" MH Vendetta is that rod for me....great bang for the buck.
  15. I am from down in wyoming county, I fish Silver and Conesus a ton during the season. I run a small open tournament team trail on both lakes, look us up on facebook..it's Silver Lake Bass Anglers. If you ever want to poke around on either lake, I'm always game.
  16. Bare hook, under a giant bobber, and too drunk to care if I get a bite.
  17. I am starting to really enjoy these long cold winters we have had the pat couple years. Gives me time to put all the weight back on that melted off me during the summer, and I love being able to be a jerk on multiple internet forums. During the spring/summer/fall all I have time for is BR.
  18. Mmmmmkayyyy.....................just when I think your post's can't make any less sense to me, you go an prove me wrong again. Well done sir.
  19. No, but let me call my buddy, he's an expert on the subject.
  20. I noticed they are all $2.99 too. I like that. Between Havoc, Yum, and Big Bite plastics the "Bang for the Buck" soft plastic realm is getting crowded.
  21. Based on my exp. with the 10xd.............I'll pass. The 6xd serves me well, and gets to where I want it long lining, plus it's WAY easier on me.
  22. It's pretty simple..................where there are bass, and if those bass are biting, they will bite YOUR favorite color(s). If they are not biting, going through the rainbow of colors won't matter much. "BUT....BUT...BUT I was throwing june bug for two hours then switched to watermelon and I got bit" Chances are Einstein, you would have gotten bit had you kept throwing junebug, you just happened to have watermelon on WHEN THEY STARTED BITING AGAIN. Out of the 1000's of bass I caught last year, how many do I think bit because of my lure color.............probably 3. Why do I have more colors than I need then? Or why aren't my lures all one color...................well, that's just plain boring. When I am feeling a little naughty, I will often switch to black and blue from green pumpkin...........my god, yes, even in clear water. And I'll keep on catching...............if they are biting. As for the original ?, how did I gain confidence in my favorite color...........well I used it, it worked, and has worked year after year. Pretty ground breaking stuff.
  23. Got the SR9 added to my permit today, will be picking it up tomorrow, and after a cleaning/degreasing session hopefully will get to out to shoot with it soon.
  24. If I find smallmouth............IMHO they are easier to catch. BUT they can and do vanish quick, especially in the summer time on the lakes I fish. Largemouth on the other hand...........I know where they are most of the time, it's up to them if they want to play, and on our natural lakes with turbo amounts of forage, they only play in spurts. Be there when they are chewing, or have a long day.
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