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Everything posted by ww2farmer

  1. Same here, except my "go to" skipping spinning rod is M, I find I can get better and more accurate skips with a rod that will load a little bit. With Casting gear I use a MH.
  2. My favorites in order: #1 Havoc The Jerk #2 SK Caffeine Shad #3 GYCB D-Shad #4 Zoom Super Flukes #5 Big BIte Baits Jerk Minnow
  3. good to hear
  4. A good indication around here is we'll start getting busy at work, and I'll have far less time to fish than I want to. LOL
  5. Do you have a fishing partner who's a real a-hole?
  6. Braid as mainline on all my reels. It's cheaper in the long run because it last's seemingly forever. Fluoro leaders as needed.
  7. I use them, and I have broken a few. 99% of the time it was my fault, as most all rods broken are user error. People are just too ignorant to accept that fact. The ones that were my fault I cut the guides off for future use and tossed the blank in the trash, the ones that were not my fault (at least in my mind) Abu took care of me beyond my expectations. At $80-$100 for the Vendetta and Veritas, they sell a boat load of them. For every broken one with some one acting like a whiney brat in a review, there are 100 that are working fine that you'll never hear about.
  8. ww2farmer

    Bore Snake?

    I find them very handy for stuff that is not easy to clean from the breech end, esp M1 Garands, M1 Carbines, 10/22's, etc.... Pistols, bolt action guns, AR-15's I still use a cleaning rod.
  9. Same here.
  10. same here
  11. Sorry to hear this. Best wishes for you and your family in this difficult time,
  12. Red craw. I don't know what it is about this color, but it works in the spring for me, even when it shouldn't (clear water)
  13. I learned the disconnect between me and the "pro fishing" world gets larger with each passing year.
  14. Nope...............if anything I remove strands.
  15. Yup. If you can only have one size, that's the one to get. When I first started swim jigging that's all I used, and over the years tweaked my system to include 1/4 and 1/2 oz., but I still find myself using 3/8's as much as the other two combined.
  16. Natural gas forced air furnace. I am not excited to see what the bill will look like for Feb.
  17. I have had both. Sold the Citica's and love the Lexa's. #1 reason................bored with the Citica, reason #2............I like externally adj. mag reels better. Both are great reels. Flip a coin.
  18. I make my own from components I get from WNYbassman, and I use Zman EZ skirts.
  19. I keep Plano 3600 and 3700 boxes stocked with my most often used stuff. I keep them in there original bags in a tote and refill the boxes as needed. I have used 2000 different systems over the years, and this is the one that stuck for a couple reasons: #1 no digging around for bags, or having empty bags all over the boat. A quick look at the box, and I know what is in that box, and when that box needs to be refilled. #2 It keeps the baits "straighter", and if I do get a bag with some bent up baits, an afternoon on the boat deck, in the sun, softens them up and makes them "straight" again.
  20. I like a single tail grub, the Havoc grass pig, and the Havoc sub woofer.
  21. Tournament fishing was an A...............fished 14 tournaments, finished in the money in 8. One win and 7 second place finishes. Fun fishing was a B+...my home lake was slower this year in the summer than usual, I "only" caught two fish over 6lbs this year. Everything else was an A+..............boat didn't sink, nothing expensive broke, I didn't drown, I had a good time with my buddies and got to take my kids fishing several times.
  22. When something I use is on sale, or when I am running low on something.
  23. Flick Shake/ Wacky jigging is a technique I rely on from the minute the lake thaws out till it freezes up again. My heads of choice are the VMC Wacky Jigs for light cover/spinning tackle, and the Revenge Flipping Wackers for heavy cover/line/casting gear. I K.I.S.S. with the head selection, I only carry them in the color black, and use both in 1/16th or 1/8th oz sizes. The three baits I use the most are the Havoc Bottom hopper worms (both sizes), the Havoc Money Makers, and the Havoc Flat Dawgs. Color selection again is simple for me. Green pumpkin, and a dark color (June bug for the Money Makers/Bottom Hoppers, Black/Blue for the flat Dawg) I also like watermelon red in super clear water, and green pumpkin and/or watermelon esq type colors with purple flake in them.
  24. Yes. A small keeper 12"-13" bass is very tasty. I like them because, like bluegills are fairly firm meat. I am one of the 1% of the people in the world that prefer bass to crappies because of the texture of every crappie I have ever ate was mush.
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