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Everything posted by ww2farmer

  1. Tale of two days....sunday, fantastic weather, poor fishing. I caught one 4lber, one 3lber, and one 12"er....Today...well...I had the best day, maybe ever on silver. Wind, sleet, hail, rain, and 50+ largemouth. Best five were a 5-6, 4-14,4-11,4-9,and a 4-6. Countless other 3.5+ to low 4lb range fish. This one will be hard to top. Might as well sell the boat now lol.
  2. I have learned to save my breath, those who don't get it, never will.... Including a lot of bass fishermen.
  3. I use the Alberto, and when pitching I keep the leader short. Problem solved.
  4. I got on the board last night, with a limit of largemouth that ranged from 14" to 6lbs 2oz.
  5. Lake was NOT ice free, keeping me pinned to the southern 1/3 of a 3 mile long lake. Well the boat ran good, but in the 2 hours I spent fishing 36 degree water no fish were harmed by me. LOL
  6. tomorrow will be my first day out. I will probably hit it in the afternoon when it warms up a bit. You'll have to come down again in a couple weeks when it's "ON" here.
  7. I could put the boat in and drive from the launch to George's house, but most of the east side is still unusable. At least as of the drive-by I did 1/2 hour ago after I got out of work. I am shooting for sunday.
  8. Right about now, I'll take any water that is not solid, and start there LOL. Soon, soon, 10 days or so and the ice will be gone here.
  9. That was my #1 complaint with my Mojo's too, and my split grip Legend Tournaments as well, my Avids and older full grip LT's were much better balanced with the smaller reels I used on them. NO DOUBT they are built with more attention to detail and better components than the Abu rods I am using now, I have said so many times. One of the reasons I sold my St Croix's was simply boredom, I fished them for 4-5 years and wanted to try something else. I also had a morbid curiosity with "let's see how inexpensive of stuff I can use and still catch fish" and so far my plans have not back fired.
  10. If they are not the same height, that's just plain not set up right. Those sights need to be on the same plane. If you want to tempt fate and run the polymer sight on the gas block, check out Yankee Hill, Troy, or Midwest industries. They all sell risers, and metal flip up sights meant for gas block attachment. I know how hot these things can get, and I just wouldn't trust a polymer sight on the block, esp. since Magpul says not to do it. Accessories...............ask 100 AR fans and you'll get 100 different answers. Get in where you fit in, and build what you like. Like my bass fishing, I do these things on a tight budget, I put my $$ in the things that are important to reliable function(BCG, barrel, buffers, springs, and mags) and looks for deals on uppers/lowers. For furniture, I like Magpul stuff myself, it's not expensive, available everywhere, and is rugged enough for my uses. Not a fan of optics, personally, at least scopes and anything with magnification I have a couple red dots, but they are just plinker grade stuff. For what I do (plink, and goof off) I'm just as happy with my Del-Ton and PSA uppers, as I would be with a $$$ tack driver or go to war AR. Mine go bang every time I pull the trigger with any kind of ammo I feed it, and put the bullet where I am pointing. Go over to AR15.com or M4.com and visit those forums, AR snobs will make fishing gear snobs look mild.
  11. Let's talk about sight plane first. I can't tell from your pictures, but is that a receiver height railed gas block? or a Low profile railed block? If it is receiver height, putting the front sight on a riser will make the sight too high to co witness with the rear sight, if it's not, than you need A.) a riser anyways, because the sight is too low to properly line up with the rear sight, or B.) a metal front sight that will bolt on to the block you have that is longer/taller to line up with the rear sight. I am not inferring that the MBUS polymer front sight will melt into a pile of goo on a gas block after the first round is fired, but Magpul states in there instructions to NOT USE THEM on railed gas blocks. Some guys do and get away with it, some don't. I'll also agree with MDBowHunter, if that came from a shop that builds AR's, I wouldn't let them even look at anything of mine. They should know better.
  12. Looks good, but I caution you...that polymer magpul mbus front sight WILL MELT installed on the gas block like you have it. They are meant for handguard install. Magpul makes the metal MBUS Pro Series that can be mounted to the gas block...but it's more $$$
  13. #1 don't break anything expensive #2 don't fall in the lake again #3 get my kids out fishing
  14. I have owned both. Currently I use the Veritas. Better bang for the buck, and while St Croix's warrenty is fantastic, Pure fishing is a little better....no sending in the rod, just send them a picture of the damage and a picture of the receipt and your new rod is at your door in a couple of days for $10 s/h.
  15. I toss mine on MH casting gear. Usually a 7' or 7'3"
  16. One rod (usually a spinning rod) is rigged with a drop shot every day, all season long. Most day's it's on the deck too. There are also times when multiple rods have drop shot's rigged up for bubba/power shotting as well as the spinning/light line rig.
  17. Yes, but around here the milfoil and grass will get too thick to fish hard treble hooked baits in any thing less than 15' FOW.....but that's when I switch to t-rigged soft jerkbait so it works out fine. Strangely enough that same grass that you'll just rip out in wad after wad with a jerkbait, is the perfect grass to rip a squarebill around in.
  18. Bass guarding fry can be caught on a bare hook at times, but I usually like to toss a senko or fluke type bait into the fry ball. Not often it don't come back with a bass attached. It's kind of funny...Smallmouth are more aggressive on the bed itself, while LM can be uber picky. But as soon as the LM start guarding the fry ball, they turn stupid protective...but the downside is they are usually all 1.5- 2.5lb males.
  19. Spinning: Berkley Lightning Rod Shock w/ Pflueger Trion. LR was $30 at walmart on clearance, reel was $30 NIB w/ free shipping off ebay. Casting: Abu Garcia Vengenace w/Black Max 2. Combo was on clearance for $49.99 at DSG, plus I had $10 off a $50 purchase coupon, and at the time there was a $20 mail in rebate from Pure Fishing....$19 for the combo...........I'll take that all day, every day. Both combos have served me well, taken lots of abuse, and won me plenty of money against guys with "better" equipment.
  20. Change the oil + filter yourself, it's pretty simple. To help clean any water out of the crankcase, add a little seafoam to the oil (follow the instructions on the can), run it, than change than change the oil and filter again. Keep an eye on it. I doubt enough water got in to hurt anything, and you caught it in time. I'd certainly let that service dept. look at it to let them know they screwed up, but I wouldn't let them touch it again.
  21. Still locked up with ice here...But ice or not, tomorrow is supposed to be nice, so I am loading the boat up with the gear, putting the batteries back in and firing her up on the muffs. went to the DMV today and got the trailer reg. I'll be ready when it finally thaws out in June.
  22. Hollow body frogs.................I'll fish them in open water too. It's rare that I toss a spook or popper, but I have a few.
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