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Everything posted by ww2farmer

  1. This ^^^^^^ I don't find that to be the case at all, and I do a lot of open water frogging. It's far easier for a fish to throw a spook than a frog. And a frog draws more bites in open water, it's not something they see every day. If I am throwing topwater, 90% of the time it's a frog, open water or heavy cover. Than don't do it. But it works and works well.
  2. Have had pike swipe at , chase, and/or grab many a small bass or panfish that I had caught and was reeling in many many times
  3. If an oversize flapping claw type bait is what your looking for, check out the semi-newish, but available at Wal-mart and TW, Yum Christie Craw. I have been impressed with them, and the best part is they are $2.99 for an 8 ct. bag at both places. The Havoc Pit Boss in all three sizes is my go-to flipping, pitching, jig trailer "craw-esq" style bait. But sometimes I want a bait that moves a little more. I have tried many of the following baits over the years, and my thoughts on each..............keep in mind I am reviewing these simply from a claw action standpoint, they all catch fish, but when I want to use a bait whose close are supposed to move, they better dang well move..........on to the "review": Berkley chigger craw: Not a fan, claws don't flap unless you peg a heavy sinker to it, and make it fall fast. Berkley Havoc craw fatty: Pretty much the same as the chigger craw. Netbait Paca craw: way more claw action than both of the Berkley offerings, and was my "go-to" craw of this style for years. Yum Craw Papi: Same as the Berkley's, yet, even at higher speeds and faster fall rates, flapping performance was poor at best. Strike King Rage Craws: Equal to if not better than the Paca Craw, only downsided...........price per bait is more than I care to spend. Big Bite Baits Swimmig Craw: Better than the Berkley's, but still not quite as good as the Paca and/or Rage craws. Plus they just are not available locally. I like most of my stuff to be had from the local places within short driving distance....making TW orders every time I just need a pack or two of something gets expensive real fast, because I always spend the $50 to get the free shipping, and rarely stop at the $50 mark either LOL. Yum Christie Craw: Finally a cost effective "action claw" type of craw bait that actually performs at slow speeds. I have been using them a lot this year, and so far, I like them. Plus they are at the walmart 3 mins. away, are cheap, and have been productive. Is this my new favorite? Who knows, but it's my new favorite for right now.
  4. 6.something:1 works for me.
  5. I have owned my boat for 10 years, and have had exactly 4 beers over those 10 years while on the boat, and 4 more after a couple tournament weigh-ins while standing around shooting the breeze with the guys......................However.................one time wnybassman and I went ice fishing on Conesus, he was the driver to and from the lake, and foolishly left me alone in the ice shanty with a full bottle of booze. When he returned a short time later, I had made quick work of most of said bottle, and was soon out and about bumming booze, beers, and smokes off the rest of the people on the ice................I have no idea if I caught any fish that day, or how I even got off the ice..........lesson learned, booze and fishing don't mix.
  6. I use Havoc Pit Bosses for my "beaver" style bait. For T-rigging I use VMC Heavy duty "Ike approved" EWG hooks. 6/0 for the Poppa Pit Boss, 4/0 for the Pit Boss, and 2/0 for the Pit Boss Jr.
  7. My favorite fish to eat in this order: #1 Blugills #2 Yellow perch #3............3 way tie between largemouth, rock bass, and pumpkinseeds Fish I do not care for, that most other people love: #1 Salmon and/or Trout of any kind #2 Crappies #3 Catfish/bullheads
  8. For some.............but the last 4-5 years I have found that post spawn is very good if you get off the banks and/or obvious stuff, and get the power fishing mindset out of your head that's been productive for the last 4-6 weeks. The one exception to that is once the bluegills start making their spawning colonies. They are natural bass locators, you might go 4 hours between bites when fishing around gill spawning beds, but when you do get one, it's worth the wait. A lot of the larger, early spawning females never get to far away from the bluegills. In larger than pond size bodies of water, there never is really a true "post spawn" period either, as fish will move up in waves until at least July. I find the bulk of the big ones are the early spawners, say late April-mid may. The middle waves, from mid may to early june, seem to be all "average" sized fish, with a random big one, and for some reason the later waves are either on the small size or hogs with no middle ground. I am talking LMB......smallies here seem to be one and done for the most part with random stragglers till mid june.
  9. It's also been backwards the last two days on Silver....post front, north winds, etc....should equal bad fishing right? Well, you never know unless you go. Both yesterday and today were pretty good. No hogs either days, but plenty of numbers of both green and brown fish, with a couple upper 3lbers of each kind both days to keep things fun.
  10. Since last report: All on Silver: Weds. night secret spot #1 was re-loaded with semi fresh fish.....no hogs, but decent "average" sized 2.5-3lbers. It was one after another of those that evening. Thursday...pulled a double, a few hours in the morning before work...............STUNK....a couple small keeper LM, and that's it. Went back in the evening and it was not much better. A limit of 2lbe smallmouth on topwater (at least that was fun), and my biggest Pike of the year so far at 11lbs 6oz. Yesterday morning.....I held my annual Rock bass tournament. Weather was MISERABLE.....mega wind, 40 degree air temps, steady rain all morning, but people showed up. Soaked, cold, and in a bad mood, my partner and I gave up. LOL We went and sat in the truck 1/2 way through it. Needless to say we didn't do well.
  11. Yeah.....guy's in small, slow boats can't be competitive against a field of other guys with fancy 21' glass rigs,with 250s on them.....never mind me, I'm just over here counting all the money I have won from my little tin can. Talk amungst yourselves.
  12. 99.9% of hollow body frog hook up problems are user error. I do just fine on Booyah's and Strike Kings, with no modifications other than a leg trimming job.
  13. I don't use them, I just prefer a wacky jig head............BUT..............LOL at the "experts" who don't understand the merits of a weighed wacky presentation.
  14. Pflueger Trion or President in the 30 size.
  15. Dear god............you were George'ed. I know him, I know him well. Oh, he's "Mr. Silver" lake alright. Nice old guy, but..................and I think we'll call it day on that note.
  16. Since last report: Roller coaster ride. Strong cold front (upper 80s for highs to 50's for highs),plus general business at work, kept me off the water till last sunday afternoon. That afternoon between the holiday boat traffic, and wind was a semi bust. A 3lb largemouth, a half dozen small keepers of mixed lmb/smb, and a 4.5lb smallmouth were all I could muster up. Monday night I ventured to secret spots #1,and #2, and did OK. Lots of beat up post spawn fish, with a pair of 4lbers in the mix. Ended the night on the lake with a couple decent smallmouth in the 3lb range. Last night was average at best. A limit of 2lb largemouth, a pair of 3lb largemouth, and a couple of 3 lb smallies.
  17. My five best tournament fish: Aug 2012: 6.68lbs Aug 2015: 5.51lbs Aug 2015: 5.29lbs Sept 2012: 5.09lbs June 2013: 5.07lbs For a total of 27.64lbs My five best non tournament fish: March 2009: 8lbs 3oz. (from Florida not NY) Oct. 2013: 7lbs 2oz. Oct. 2013: 6lbs 12oz July 2015: 6lbs 10oz July 2012: 6lbs 8oz 35lbs and change.
  18. Everything in the box. But my most productive baits are: 5" stick, wacky rigged t-rigged creature bait jig
  19. I have cranked with braid for years. Never straightened out a hook. The stock Arashi hooks are fairly decent, hooks too....My B.S. detector is on alert.
  20. Give me a 7' M/F spinning rod, 30/2500 sized reel, spooled with 10lb braid, and a 7' MH/F casting rod, 6.whatever:1 casting reel, spooled with 30lb braid. I can fish just fine with that. They are the "vise grips,and crescent wrenches" of bass fishing.
  21. 7'mh lightning rod shock IMHO is about the best frog rod you can buy for less than $100, and it makes a fine flipping and pitching rod too. I fish them with bottom contact baits right along side my slightly more expensive Vendettas and Veritas's and notice no lack of "feel" even though they are a "cheaper" rod. In fact, the more I use them, the more I like them. They beat the other rods I mentioned in price, plus are more comfortable for me to fish with, as I like the reel seats and smaller plastic but better than what Abu uses.
  22. Been using them with braid for several years now, no issues.
  23. Pflueger Trion in the 30 size for $40, and a Berkley Lightning Rod Shock for $40, and call it a day. If $100 is your budget, spend the $20 you have left on some line.
  24. One extreme to another here in WNY. From one of the coldest and snowiest winters on record to one of the driest springs ever.
  25. Sorry to here this. Having gone through a similar situation a few years ago with my grandfather, I know the way this road goes very well, and I hope it turns out for the best for you and your family.
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