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Everything posted by ww2farmer

  1. Yup............I switch to squarebills and soft jerkbaits, from lipless baits and suspending hard jerkbaits round about 50-52 degrees. Actually I will throw all four of them until the water is solidly in the high 50's/low 60's and then the squarebill/soft jerkbait combo really takes over. I will also fish a squarebill around wood no matter what the water temp is.
  2. Southern 1/3 of Silver is wide open, and the extreme north end is open. Middle part of the lake still has ice, but it's not long for this world with giant holes/cracks in it. I loaded up the boat with the tackle today, by Monday I hope to launch and at least make sure everything is still working.
  3. I'll echo what's already been said...............I am not a beginner, and have fished with tons of tackle ranging from basic budget stuff, to custom made rods, and everything in between, and the Pflueger President in the 6930 size is my "go-to" spinning reel, and I have a ton of those Lightning Rod Shocks that still see regular use even though my main rods are all custom builds.
  4. Sometimes, but usually only a quart or so after a 10-12 hour trip. I am convinced it's from dryed out gasket/sealing material around the thru-hull fittings that I have disturbed over the ten years I have owned this boat, ,like around the livewell intake and rear transducer bracket, and /or the keel seam thingy that Tracker welds on not being 100% water tight any more..............because sometimes there is not a drop of water in it. If I have been out in heavy rain and damp weather, it takes 3-4 trips out to not get any water out of the bilge, even though it's drained after every rainy outing, the amount of water that is in the carpet, floataion foam, etc.... and other places that drain into the bilge area is pretty impressive at times. I once fished in a downright monsoon, with a limit of big smallmouth from deep water and 80+ degree air temps and 75+ degree surface water temps, so I kept the livewell on "constant" the entire day to keep those smallies supplied with as much fresh and oxygenated water as possible. I have a 1000 GPH livewell pump, and my livewell drain tube can't keep up with what the pump takes in...........I wasn't paying any attention to this overflow situation, coupled with the downpouring rain, and before I knew it..............about 3 hours later.................the console area of my boat had shin deep water in it. It took the bilge pump a 1/2 hour to get rid of all that water, but the boat was never in danger of sinking.....................Moral of the story.............water in the boat causes my no alarm, unless it's from major hull damage LOL.
  5. Just about every pack of plastics I buy can be classed as an "economy" brand...............$2.99 Berkley Havoc, and Yum baits. I do splurge for $4 packs of Berkley Powerbait stuff at Walmart. LOL
  6. It's also very highly dependent on the body of water...............there is no "one answer". For example, I only know how they move and behave (or I like to think I do) on my home lake...............and 15 miles away on another lake I fish a lot, but not as much as home, I have little exp. in predicting their seasonal movements. On my home lake just after ice out, they will still be in their winter haunts, which is usually the where the main lake basin. Which means they can and will be anywhere, as this lake is 80% basin................IE the large 30-35 foot deep mud bottom flat that covers the majority of the lake. They are out there following around schools of perch and other assorted bait feeding on blood worms that reside in the mud. Once the perch begin their movement shortly after ice out to their spawning grounds..................the smallmouth DO NOT follow them. They do not seem to like to get up in the littoral areas of the lake and compete with the pike and the largemouth that are waiting there for the hoards of perch to come in. Instead, the seem to start stacking up on the edge of this vast basin outside spawning areas, inching closer and closer to the bank as the water slowly warms...............round about the time the water is in the high 40's/low 50's they can generally be found just outside the first "break" in the littoral zone in hard bottom areas, relating to hard offshore cover like wood/rock/debris. They will stay here for a while, 2-3 weeks or so...............the first mass move to the banks occurs usually around the first moon phase (full or new) after the water has reached the low-mid 50's and is stable or warming.............a drop in water temp during this move will push them right back out. There is about a one week window after they move up, have the feed bags on, but before beds start to show up. Once the first beds show up............they come and go in waves for about a month, with usually the first wave being a large amount of fish, and each wave after tapering off...........for whatever reason, some years, it's one giant first wave, then random stragglers, and yet other years the numbers build the longer it goes on, what causes this I will never know. Generally by the time the largemouth are done spawning in the warmer backwaters, the first wave of smallmouth are about done on the main lake....Then the largemouth seem to take over on the main lake...........often recycling the smallmouth spawning areas for them selves....but there will still be random smallies mixed in here and there. The smallmouth that have folded up camp and left the shallows usually stop and hang out for a couple weeks in the same depth/areas they used just before moving up...............then round about the time the largemouth are done spawning and head out to the same areas...........the smallmout all but vanish for the rest of the summer roaming around the main basin much like they do all winter. During the summer, I will run into random "wolf packs" or lone big smallies in largemouth land, but it's nothing I can predict or bank on. Come late summer/early fall..................they come back into the same staging areas they used in the spring...............but this time.............they never seem to go any shallower. Some years they can be found for several months in these areas, some years only a couple weeks, and even after all these years I never know when they are going to show up until they do, or when they are going to leave..........until they do. I have tried to tie it into many things...........water temp, moon phase, bait movement, etc......and every time I "think" I have found a clue to predict it...............they prove me wrong. After the water temps start falling fast in late fall, they move in steps, getting deeper and deeper, sometimes seemingly by the day, right back out to the basin, and we start the whole thing all over again.
  7. I have caught plenty of bass with an UL while drop shotting for panfish...............so getting the hook into them is not an issue. It's about getting the fish to the boat. Anything above 2.5lbs or so is going to give you a run for the money on an UL with 4lb test line, and as the bass get bigger, your chances of landing getting slimmer, esp. if there is even a hint of cover near by.
  8. Interdasting question.............but I have a few of my own to add...I wonder if rain falling on the surface of the water sounds to a bass, like a heavy rain hitting a metal roof sounds like to a human? Can bass tie shoes? Do bass have makeshift underwater gas grills? If I glued a bunch of those little plastic football helmets on the bass would they group up according to which team's helmets I glued on them?............... These are somethings we might never find the answers to.
  9. Yup..............and I would probably do just fine.
  10. I use Boss heads that I buy from TW..............but I don't "tie"...........I just use a regular ol rubber skirt band/collar, or pre-made skirt.
  11. I like the Exceler too. I don't mind graphite framed reels for light duty and spinning reels.............I have a bunch of Abu Black and Silver Max's,and Pflueger presidents, but I only paid $30 +$40 for them.....................at $100, no thanks.
  12. A 3" or 4" stick bait is a fantastic finesse jig trailer
  13. I fish them on a M/XF spinning rod around light cover, and a MH/Fast Casting rod around heavier cover. I bump up to a heavy wire hook when using the casting gear as well.
  14. I kinda did, but kinda didn't........................A buddy and I took over running most of the local open tournaments. One group of guys ran opens on Sundays for years and years and they just decided they didn't want to do it anymore, so we just started doing it. They had a large group of guys that fished with them, and many of the same guys come to ours. The other "series" we took over were the local Thursday evening 3 hour/ 3 fish tournaments from the guy.............wnybassman, who stated them. Much like the other trail, it was pretty seamless, we get the same group of guys. we haven't changed much from either trail, other than different guy's (my rod builder/buddy and I) now run both, and we hold a year end "classic" for the teams that have cashed and won during the year from both tournament series. I play around with different formats every year seeing what will stick...............for a few years I had "aluminum boat only" tournaments, and they had good turnouts for a couple years, but last year tailed off, so I put them on hold for a while. I also have an "invitation only" tournament where I invite all the guys who are regulars on the sunday open/thursday nigh trail, as well as other guys who have helped and supported us over the years. We hold this on Conesus as a change of pace from Silver, and this year I am having a "Singles" open tournament as an experiment instead of the usual team format. I'd like to have a MLF formatted tournament one of these days too, but haven't quite figured out how to pull it off in the open/team format.
  15. Get ready.................a week of 50 and 60 degree temps coming up, with rain mixed in combined with thinner ice than usual for this time of year. I predict I will be back on the water in 10 days or so, if we don't get another extended deep freeze spell. I drove by Silver both yesterday and today.............lots of ice fisherman out yesterday mid day, today..............not a soul to be seen out there and the ice was looking mighty iffy and lots of run off coming in. Conesus and Honeyoe usually lose their ice first, but I like to stay close to home the first trip or two of the year to make sure there's no issues coming out of storage with the boat and other gear.
  16. I let the water clarity, and sky/sun light conditions dictate my color choice.................Say I am fishing water with decent clarity and using a green pumpkin texas rigged creature bait, and am NOT getting bit on that, I will change several other things first before I change color. #1 is location...............one stretch that was hot 3 days ago might not be today, #2 is depth................IE..if I am fishing docks, inside grass lines and other shallow cover and not getting bit, maybe they have slipped out off the banks and are in the grass or off the edge of the deeper grass line, or vice versa, and if that proves to not be working, I will go with a different presentation altogether.
  17. There's enough places in this world for kids to be exposed to unsavory things, out for a day of fishing should not be one of them. I am not Mr. Morality, I just don't feel it's needed in something like fishing.
  18. Multiple times. I quit using GYCB senkos because Yum Dingers work just as well and are much cheaper I quit using anything made by Reaction Innovations because I found cheaper alternatives that work better, plus I don't have to explain or hide the sexual inuendo laden bags from my kids when they are on the boat
  19. Both of my kids have the Abu Garcia "Ike" kids combos................I am pretty impressed with the bang for the buck with these. I have them spooled up with 10lb braid for them, and they use them for everything from dropshotting panfish, to throwing wacky rigged baits for bass, to tossing little crankbaits and spinnerbaits.
  20. 1000's of bass have been in my boat over the last 10 years on a trick worm, or similar styled straight tailed worm.....................but only one on a jelly worm, but it was a good one..................."cool story bro" time once again with ww2farmer in 3............2.............1.................... My tournament partner (the smaller dude in my avatar) and I were having a MIGHTY SLOW morning one tournament last year, being the clown he is, the fool reached into his tackle bag pulled out a 10" translucent pink Jelly Worm, and says..........."well we haven't caught them on anything else, we better get serious here"..............We both start laughing our butts off, and he whips it out..................doesn't the idiot catch a 5+ lber on it the very first cast. I am still laughing and dang near in tears as I am scrambling for the net. I net it, it goes in the livewell, and we both laugh like morons for the next 10 minutes. He throws it the rest of the day.....................without a bite. I finally get me head out of my butt a little while later, and catch enough to keep us in the game, and we end up finishing in the money at 3rd place, and winning lunker of the tournament with his 5lber.
  21. I like to keep my lipless bait selection simple, SK Red Eye Shads are hard to beat as far as traditional rattling baits go, but I keep a couple one knockers in the rotation. It used to be the Xcaliber ones, but my last few went to the pike last year, so it'll probably be the booyah version this year. I usually start with a Red Eye Shad , if they are not biting that.............chances are the lipless crank bite is not on at that time, and switching to a one knocker is not the answer...........however............If I have been catching them with a Red Eye Shad, and the bite gets real slow, or just stops without warning in an area ...I will toss a one knocker out for a bit and see if I can't pick up a few that were not impressed with the initial offering before I leave and try other water. About 50% of the time it picks up an extra bite or two.......but I wait until the Red Eye Shad bite has totally ran out of gas. Another time I reach for the one knocker first is after many many days of killing them with a Red Eye Shad, and I want to change it up, or when a bunch of buddies I have who fish lipless baits in the spring have already been all over the places I want to fish with a Red Eye Shad, I'll try the one knocker behind them, as I know they are not throwing them.................how do I know that you may ask? Because I do. LOL.
  22. Red Eye Shad lipless, KVD 1.5 squarebills, and Storm Wiggle Warts.
  23. I can tell you 100% that If I ever buy a new boat, or re-do mine............there will be ZERO carpet in it. I fish in a lot of bad/wet weather, and track a lot of mud an crud in and out of the boat. I will have aluminum decks/floor on my next one, with removable vinyl covered foam rubber dairy cow mattress pads for padding/sound muffling in the "foot traffic" areas. I am either going to eventually "gut" my boat (Tracker PT170) and turn it into a foul weather boat, or sell it someday and build what I want out of a new/similar hull like a Tracker grizzly 1754MVX, etc....
  24. For antidotal evidence, here in WNY, I have caught exactly 1 fish over 6lbs on a 6" stick bait and not much else of note (lots of "average size 2.5-3lb fish), Several dozen 6lbers on a 5" bait, with more 5lbers than I can count, several 6 +'s on 4" baits, and also more 5's than I can remember. No 6's on 3" baits......yet, but a bunch of 5's, and a lot of 4+ lb smallmouth on them. I quit buying/using/carrying the 6" baits. I have always thrown the 5" + 4" sized baits more than the 6"...............but for a period of about 3-4 years, I purposely gave the 6" baits a chance, especially when I was looking for bigger fish, and in my exp., they were just not that productive.
  25. 100% personal preference. I grew up using spinning reels, with the crank on the LH side, and holding the rod in my right hand. When I bought my first bait caster 25 or so years ago, I didn't pay any attention to what side the handle was on and bought a RH reel. I disliked it very much...............ever since then I have only bought LH casting reels. I have tried many times over the years to re-train myself to use a RH reel by using/ borrowing reels that are RH from buddies, but it just feels odd to me, and since there are plenty of LH reels, I won't be trying RH again anytime soon. I am right handed, do everything right handed, and the weird sensation to me was not turning the reel handle with my right hand, but holding the rod in my left hand.
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