Fading? Washed up?................I doubt it.
I think there are a couple reasons he hasn't dominated the past few years like we were used to seeing.
#1...........Everyone has their strengths and weakness's. Quite a few of these tournaments the last 2-3 years have NOT been in KVD's wheel house, but those that have, he's been right up there.............like B.A.S.S. Fest 2014.
#2................in the immortal words of the nature boy Rick Flair..........."to be the man, you gotta beat the man"....................he's had a huge target on his back for 20 years................it's not that he's slowed down (maybe a little?? IDK??) but that the others have caught up and closed the gap.
#3............and this is just IMHO................maybe a little success "hangover". I don't know him, and maybe he'd argue against this, but when you have been on top for so long, maybe a little complacency starts to take hold in such little amounts here, and little there, that it doesn't show up over a short period of time, but after a couple years it will.................like the mouse who jumps up on the counter and takes a crumb off your nice apple pie...........you don't notice the first 5-6 times he's done it, but after there is a big chunk all of a sudden gone, you finally do something about it.
I am .................as a 40 year man...............a KVD fan boy LOL. I have met in passing quite a few pros over the years, and I have never met a nicer bunch than Rick Clunn, Brian Snowden and KVD. I could tell you whom I thought were real jerks, but that's frowned upon here.
Now for ww2farmer's "cool story bro" moment of the week...........I was at the BPS in Auburn NY a few years ago with my wife and kids while the Elite series was up here and all the Nitro/BPS pro staffers were doing a meet and greet. I watched the mobs bombard these guys with the idiotic "whats your favorite color" questions, and "what's a good spot on this or that lake" etc....I could see a bunch of them (the pros) kind of getting tired of the song and dance, but KVD rolled with it kept a smile on his face and was ever the gentleman. When I got a chance to speak with him, I said.............."I am going to ask you something that I haven't heard asked by anyone else today. You guys are on the water a lot............what's your favorite sunscreen and skin moisturizer? I need to keep my boyish good looks while not turning red or into an old leather handbag." I think I might have made him chuckle...............then we posed for pictures with my kids, and then life went on....................ahhhhhh the memories... LOL.