I use 4 colors of Booyah Pad Crasher frogs in these situations:
Cricket Frog (white belly, brown back, splash of yellow on the throat, brown and black leg strands): Clear shallow water, light grass, early spring-mid summer. This will be the first frog I have tied on in the spring, usually once the water gets into the mid 50's, and unless the water gets real murky from rain, I don't take this one off for a few weeks.
Shad Frog (white belly, aqua green/black back, splash of orange on the throat, green, white and purple leg strands): When bluegills are spawning and the bass are , for the most part, done spawning...... and this is my usual "open water" frog color through the summer months.
Bullfrog ( yellow belly, green back, green, brown, and black leg strands): Dirty water on sunny days spring summer or fall, and my go to color from late summer till the frog bite dies in the late fall.
Dart Frog (black belly, black back with yellow spots, black and yellow leg strands) Dirty water on cloudy days spring summer or fall, and fishing over heavy mats no matter what the water/sky clarity/season is...........I will also add a rattle and a small chunk off a used up yum dinger stick bait to help the frog "sit" lower and move more water over top a heavy mat.