The list is endless.....................However, i don't get too mad at the jet skiers, and pleasure boaters, it's there water too, and most of them are not idiots on purpose, they just don't know any better.
It's other fisherman that drive me over the edge. A few things over the years that stick in my mind.
#1...........I was fishing a row of docks that were close together, and had another bass angler set his boat down off plane and start fishing 1............ONE!!!! dock in front of me, the direction I was heading. I came unglued............he left. The jist of my hollering and scene causing was this: First.............there's 30 docks on this shore line, you want to fish them too........fine, but don't start one dock ahead of me, at a distance where I could have flipped my bait into your back pocket.
#2.......I was fishing an off shore weed bed in front of a stretch of bank that had no homes/dock on it, another guy was fishing the docks leading into this area. Instead of going out and around me and the weed bed I was fishing to reach the next stretch of docks, he puts the TM on high and makes a beeline right into the middle of the area I was fishing. I picked up my punching rod and launched a 1oz punch rig so close to his head it hit the brim of his hat, and gave him the look. I have never seen a bass boat go in reverse under TM power faster in my life. Funny thing is, this guy and I have become friends after this incident, but it has never been spoken of.
#3...... Two wrong don't make a right, and I am the idiot in this tale. Often on my home lake other clubs have tournaments that I have no idea are going on until I get to the ramp that day to fish. Sometimes, I turn around and go to Conesus to give them room, but often I go out and try and stay out of the way of any of the guys in the tournament. On 2 different times, the same guy, from the same club, would follow me around fishing the "bent rod" pattern, and then cut me off in areas I was fishing. So...............time #3 I get to the ramp, see this club is there, and see this guy's trailer in the parking lot. I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine if I come across never got to that point. I started crushing fish left and right well away from crowd that day, and had a 20+ lb limit for my best 5. With all the fish in the box, I drove around looking for this guy. I found him, and started making small talk and being "nice". He tells me he is having a rough day, hasn't got a limit yet, has lost a few good ones, and the ones he has are small. I then said..............."well a-hole, you should have followed me around again today, and cut me off like the last two times you were here". Then I pulled each fish out of the livewell one at a time, calling out the weights, and tossing them in right into the area he was casting. I was mighty amused with myself for a few minutes after this, but then I started felling kinda bad, and know I acted like a jerk. To make matters worse, my buddy Tim who is in this club, told me later that guy got all spun out over this and went home early. I approached the guy a year or two later on the water while they were fishing another tournament, and we both buried the hatchet over each others dumb moves, and we have never had a problem since.