In my home lake, finding smallmouth beds is easy..............they are everywhere in 2'-12' feet of water. They make nice huge beds, that stand out like sore thumbs in clear water, and almost with out exception are next to something on the bottom, like a boulder, car tire, stump, rail road tie, etc......And as our smallmouth population has boomed over the last decade, they are now starting to spawn in areas that in years past you just didn't see them too often.
Largemouth beds are a little more difficult to spot for me here, as they are not as good of "housekeepers" as smallmouth, and their beds often don't look like anything special on the bottom. They are also not as picky of where they bed. They do tend to stay shallower than smallmouth, but don't have a preference for being next to a hard piece of cover. I have found them in just random spots on soft bottom flats. Smallmouth, while not "colony" bedders like bluegills, tend to not be so concerned with other smallies bedding close by, largemouth however seem to want plenty of space between them and the next largemouth bed.
We have a nice little progression of bedding here (not counting random late spawners which happen with both LMB, and SMB every year) usually about two big waves of smallmouth and crappies, with random largemouth, and hoards of rock bass showing up at the tail end of the second smallmouth wave. Then a big wave of largemouth, intermixed with random smallmouth. Then about the time smallmouth completely pull off, little lazy pumpkinseed sunfish make use of all the old smallmouth and largemouth beds that are not being used by random late spawning bass. Then the bluegill colonies show up, and bass still on beds are few and far between.