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Everything posted by ww2farmer

  1. Drop shot sinker belongs on the bottom, a 1/4, 3/8 or 1/2 oz weight goes to, and stays on the bottom. Thats what I use most of the time. 1/4, for shallow water, 3/8 for general purpose, 1/2 in deep water, when I am fishing in my sonar cone, or if it's windy.
  2. I like both. And I like which ever one is biting best more...........on that day. Where I fish, you have the chance to catch either one on any given cast, more so this time of year and/or in the fall.
  3. You don't need big southern fish. I had one pond I stocked with Bluegills, and four 12"-14" bass early in the year. The pond was about an acre or so. You should have seen the growth rates on those bass, by the end of the summer they were 3lbers, by early next spring the were 4lbs +, by the end of that summer they were over 5, and the next spring they were pushing 6...and thats the last time I fished that pond. That was April 2008, if they are still alive I wonder how big they are now. They did in 3 years what many northern bass take a lifetime to do. Only forage was bluegills. I might have just talked myself into going fishing in this pond again. It's funny too.............when they were 3-4lbs I couldn't get them to bite anything but live bluegills, but once they got over 5, I caught them on Senkos LMAO
  4. One is 6', one is 6'6". Sorry LOL............. of those two lenghts, I would chose the 6'6" for plastics, the 6' would be a good target/roll cast spinner bait rod, or a top water rod. IMHO, if all your going to do is fish plastics with a rod get a 7'er it has many advantages , longer cast's, moves more line on hook sets which is a plus in deeper water, if you want all purpose get the 6'6".
  5. To add to this thread..............today for the first time ever I fell out of the boat.
  6. About all I do with them anymore is put them on swimjigs. I will be using them on an a-rig when I get around to it.
  7. I have no problem sending the bum lure back in for them to inspect, I am not trying to scam anyone. I just find it pretty rediculous that Rapala basicly makes it a process and semi hassel with the stipulations they put on it. Many MANY or my lures are bought weeks, months, heck even a year or more before they make it out of there packages and into the boat. I visually inspect each one as I open it, and if it looks good to go, which 99.99% of all of them have over the years, toss the box/packeage and put it a plano in the boat. The reciept......I don't even know or remember when/where I buy some of this stuff, let alone have an original store receipt. Were talking about a $8 fishing lure here, not a bill of sale on a car or truck How about all the DT's that I have busted bills off of over the last few years that I never asked for a replacement, oh well, like I said, I am done with them, there are too many other good baits out there from companys that don't make it a hassel to simply return a defective product that catch fish, for me to waste anymore of my time or money on Rapala stuff. The bad Red Eye shad is all packed up in an envelope, with a copy of the e-mail directing me on what to do ready to be mailed in. The crap X-rap, I took the hooks off to put on another X-rap that needed new hooks,so I could sell it, along with the rest of the Rapala crap I have, and buy some more Spro, Strike King, Xcailiber, Jackall, Luck-e-strike, Bomber or Bandit stuff, and I tossed the defective bait in the garbage.
  8. Cheating?.............No, fishing is fishing. But it is much easier. I gave up fishing in all the private farm ponds we have where I work. It got boring. I had different ponds managed for different things, one for size, one for numbers, one for big bluegills, one that had a little of everything. I have not fished any of them in a few years, I plan on hitting them again a little this year to see how they have faired with out me tinkering with them in so long. The public lakes are much more challanging, and I feel I have acomplished something when I have a good day or cash a check in a tournament on a body of water that every one can and has fished.
  9. Since spinnerbaits seem to haul water for me around here anytime the sun is out when the water is clear, even if it is blowing, I tend to toss them only on cloudy days and/or in stained water, so I use gold most of the time. If it's really overcast I use painted blades. That's specific to one body of water, on others I have used silver and done better.
  10. In NY, by law, you must skip senkos..................or so it seems, because thats all anyone I know uses LOL. I have bucked the all senko all the time mob the last couple years and found quite a few things that are effective when senkos are not. Go to any tournament around here, there will be an endless parade of guys going around the lake(s) in circles skipping senkos under docks, and when it's not what's on that day, they keep doing it, but with a different color senko LMAO. Don't worry we also have there counterparts covering the other fishable water.............the guys who pitch a jig into weedholes 24/7, who also curse the senko fisherman, thinking they are somehow better because they know how to plop a hunk of lead into a hole......................wow, did that go way off topic, haha.
  11. Star-tron in the recomended ammounts every time you fill up, Seafoam about once every 2-3 months OR the first time I fill up if the weather has been cool and damp, or very humid, right in the tank with the star-tron. That is how I do it.
  12. I also forgot to mention, nice rig!!!
  13. Hard Jerkbaits, 1/2 oz lipless cranks, small to med. size square bills, like bandit 100's or SK KVD 1.5's, 3/16-1/4 spinnerbaits, top water, Small-mid size medium cranks, like bandit 200/300's,SK series 3's/3xd's, Spron Little John MD's etc...., soft jerkbaits, senkos, finesse jigs, t-rigging, drop shotting, C-rigging............and probably more, about the only I don't ue them for is Deep diving cranks, flipping, frogs, and big jigs/T-rigs/c-rigs around heavy cover.
  14. The first time I went out on Erie I got a little woozy, and I was not hung over. It was not all the rough either, rolling 3-4 footers,I was fine bobbing up and down in the waves for a few hours, then I broke off on something and when I concentrated on re-tying.......it hit me. I didn't puke , put it felt like I was going to at any moment. The rest of the day sucked, and once it hits, there is nothing you can do to stop it. Back on solid ground, it took about 10-15 mins of sitting in the AC in my buddys truck and I felt ok again. Now I don't go out there with out taking something before we hit the water. Even tho the last few times I have been there it has been calm, I take some anyways.
  15. I emptied the tank that the motor was running crappy on, started over with the star-tron/seafoam mix, and within a 1/2 day of running that through the system I was good to go.
  16. I noticed you said you "cleaned all the line and weeds out". How long was that crap in there? If it was in there for a while it might have wrecked the seal on the prop shaft and let water in the lower unit. That would certainly cause it to run poor. I take the prop off mine after almost every trip to check mine, especialy if I have been fishing shallow and/or weedy water.
  17. I had issues with ethanol even when using the blue marine Formula Sta-bil. Since I switched to Star-tron, with a sea foam treatment about three times a year I have had no trouble, and that cocktail actually cleaned up the mess Sta-bil was supposed to prevent with out me having to make any repairs to my fuel system/carbs.
  18. If I could only have one, it would be the 6'6", more versitile IMHO.
  19. What ever works for you. I use both, depending on the rigging method and/or the cover I am tossing it into.
  20. I like the SK 3x worms, they catch fish as good as anything I have ever used, plus they last forever. I don't care how durable baits are, as long as they catch fish, but these are the best of both worlds, and around here you could catch a 5lb SM, a 5lb LM, or 3000 rockbass in any given area. It's nice to not lose $500 worth of baits a trip to rockbass. I don't have much color preferance, greenpumpkin works, so thats what I use.
  21. Well by stating last week I had no recent memory of every getting a bum average priced bait, I get two in row LMAO. First a SK RES that takes on water, and second an X-rap that sinks tail first like a rock. An e-mail to each company, and I get, in summery, this from each: SK: Send it back, we will replace it free of charge and give you an extra one for your trouble. Rapala: Send it back, using this idiotic form, with your orginal receipt, box it came in, DNA sample, passport, ss#, and photo copy of your birth cert., we will evaluate it, make sure it's not your fault, and maybe we will replace it, please be advised this process could take any where from 6 weeks to 4 years. Oh..and if you don't have the receipt/box/etcc..................tuff luck. No more Rapala/Normark products for me.
  22. I am also from WNY, don't know much about Claytons stomping grounds tho. I have fshed the Oak orchard once, we did ok. I am south of you guys and stick mostly to the Silver/Conesus/Honeyoe lake area. Any WNYer here has an open invite to come fish off the back of my boat...............except J.Francho.....he has to provide the boat LMAO.
  23. My god man......................clean the screen on your graph
  24. A good all purpose rod for both soft plastic "toads" and hollow body frogs have been my St Croix 7' MH/F rods, I have two, a Legend Tournament and an Avid. Both have blenty of power for frogging in cover, and enough tip to get good long casts with the baits.The only time I don't feel as if those rods are powerfull enough for frogging is when I am dragging one across a mat thick enough you could walk on. If thats the case I just tie the frog on to my flipping/punching rod. I tried to make a 7' H power/fast action St Croix my all purpose frog rod, in fact St Croix calls them the "Frog and Slop" rod in both the Mojo, and LT lines, but it was just not a good frog rod IMHO. Plenty of power, but not a good caster, and it was the most tip heavy rod I have ever owned. I have spent full 8 hour tournaments frogging, and a heavy rod is not your friend. I would rather have a lighter rod, that migh be a little under powered and have to use the TM to go get a fish than be swinging a broom stick around all day.
  25. Berkley Lightning rod shock $39.99 at Walmart, 6'6" or 7' M . I bought one to keep in my truck as a pond /loaner rod, and have been using it on the boat this spring. I am very impressed with it. Balances with a Shimano 2500 Sonora very nice, and I have been using it for fishing tubes for smallmouth this spring, I am actually surprised by it's light weight, balance and sensitivity, no, its not as good as my St Croix Avids, and Legend Tournaments, BUT, it compares very well to the Mojo's I own for alot less $$$.
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