Like most have said, in summer the whole tackle box is in play. Not knowing where you fish, or what the make up of your lakes cover, structure, and forage base is it would be tuff to give you an answer reguarding your situation. A typical summer day for me, on a shallow lake, with grass, docks, and other shoreline cover as the primary areas I fish, and with bluegills,perch, and crayfish as the main forage would go a little something like this for me.
Early AM, if it's calm I would work top water over the submerged grass that grows from the bank out to 10-12 fow, if they are biting it I stay with it till it dies. If I am getting alot of slaps and misses or it's too windy for TW, I will pull a sqaurebill crank through the grass to see if they are willing to play on a moving bait. If they don't want that I break out the weightless soft plastics. Alot of times early in the day they will come up and suspend in the grass, but not really be in the mood to chase. If none of that works, I know it's going to be a long day LOL.
By mid morning when the sun finally is hitting most of the water, I slow down and start pitching and flipping jigs, and t-rigged plastics tight to cover, sometimes out in the weeds, some times shallow around the docks. Alot of times it's just my gut, or trial and error telling me what direction to go. Now if it's overcast, with some wind, I'll deep crank the outer edge, or fish bigger jigs faster to cover water looking for active fish. Come evening I go back to the AM routine. Then of coarse there are the days where it's flat calm and they want crankbaits, or it's windy and need to babied into biting a drop shot on isolated cover outside the weeds, and only they know why it's like that on that perticular day.