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Everything posted by ww2farmer

  1. They make both.............the 7' MH/M crankbait rod is graphite. Then there are the "Mojo Glass crankster" rods which are glass rods, the 6'10" M, the 7'4" M, and the 7'8" MH.
  2. I find a ton of crawfish parts in my livewell that are green pumpkinish in color, with orange tips on the claws............I use a lot of green pumpkin colored plastics, and did before I ever knew what color a craw was in this lake, so I guess you can say I match them.............even though I don't beleive it matters. I have even put little dabs of orange on the baits for grins and giggles, and it dosen't matter. What's funny is, when our water is clear I fish green pumpkin or watermelon and git bit,and when it's dirty I fish black/blue or junebug and get bit ...YET the craws in my livewell are still green, even in the dirty water, yet the bass some how still find them. Could you imagine if they were black? Like the book says the color we are supposd to fish in dirty water.....we would have 20lb bass around here because they would be so well fed....LMAO
  3. Welcome................I plan to visit your area around Colmar some day to tour the WW2 battlefields in and around the area that was known as the "Colmar pocket".
  4. My wife usually goes with me once or twice a year, she'll sit on the back deck with a spinning rod and a flick shake worm and skip/cast up under docks pretty well, or put it in weed holes. She catches fish.
  5. I have actually had way LESS trouble with the SS guides than with ceramic guides.........at least once, if not more, times a year I have an insert fall out on a ceramic guide. Brand dosen't matter either, Fuji, Pacbay, etc.... I have had inserts fall out on them all. I fish braid and have never had one the SS guides groove, nor have I had any inserts fall out...............because there are none to fall out. They are lighter than some ceramic guides, BUT they are louder with braid than most ceramic guides. I don't scoff at a rod that has them, but I don't seek them out either. If I pick up a rod and like the way it feels and it just happens to have those guides on it I will buy it and not think twice, because, as I said before, those guides have never given me any trouble in the past.
  6. If your a St Croix fan, you won't be dissapointed in the graphite cranking rods they make. I had a couple and they were/are worlds lighter than similarly spec'd glass or glass/graphite comp. rods of similar lengths and powers. They have all the advantages of glass, with the feel and light weight of graphite.I won't (if I can help it) ever crank with glass after using graphite cranking rods.
  7. Some spinning reels now come with "braid ready" spools, with rubber/plastic "grippers" set into the spool so you don't have to use backing...for at least prevention of line slipping. I have a few reels with such features, but they still hold too much line, and I use backing to fill it up.
  8. I save and reuse the tubes from TW when I buy a rod, or , if I don't have any tubes, I use thin wlled PVC from the hardware/building supply store. I think a 10' lenth of 4" pipe is like $6-$8 from my local mom and pop store, and probably less at a big chain.
  9. Another Power Pro fan.
  10. It probably is...... If the local stores you buy from honor it.... I am not the only one here who's had an issue with it locally... Jfrancho, I think had the same issue, and I thought.... "well that can't be right? "..... Until it was my turn to use it.
  11. Mine have, and I have had fantastic service from them.
  12. I have not used them yet, but had a partner in tournament last year that was using R.I. Beavers on them and caught some nice fish. He used them in the fall, and was catching nice smallmouth when I, and wnybassman were hauling water on brown fish, I am adding them to my "stuff" this year.
  13. I don' tlike the Aruku Shad in grass, and since I fish grass about 95% of the time with my lipless baits, I got rid of mine. My favorite is the 1/2 oz. Red Eye Shad, I couple others I like are the Damiki Tremor, and the Storm Rockin Shad. I ususally fish the stock hooks on the Red eyes untill they get mangled, which dosen't take long because they are a "regular" strength wire, but they are good and sharp and will last for a few fish, then I swap them out.
  14. I am going to have to start calling Shimano out on there so called "warranty" . The over the counter lifetime warranty is only as good as the stores that sell the rods..........Around here NOT ONE SINGLE STORE THAT SELLS THEM WILL HONOR IT.....and Shimano gives you the run around when you try to go through them by telling you to take it to a retail location. The whole thing is a farce. With St Croix, and Pure Fishing (Abu, Fenwick, Berkley,etc...) you get a REAL warranty.
  15. I like the VMC Rugby head, it's kind of a hybrid football/round head. And the guys over at *** also think it's a great head in current. As for worms, can't go wrong with boring old Zoom finesse and trick worms. Get a dark color like junebug, and a natural one like any one of the watermelon or green pumpkin based colors and you'll be all set fot shaky head 101
  16. Senstitivity...too subjective.........they were all plenty sensitive. Best built, best components, best warranty....St Croix gets the nod here. Best Bang for the buck....Fenwick Best Balance, and lightest weight.....both go to Abu I also have several Vendetta's and Veritas's.........again flip a coin. The Veritas's are lighter, but as far as "feel" I don't notice a huge diff.
  17. Simmer down cowboy, I thought your blanket, and fairly ignorant statement in your first post that the Revo was not capable of being a "frog" reel while the Lews is, was stupid. And I a not the only one who figured out that is how I took it ............read below.
  18. FWIW..................I have owned the following $80-$125 rods over the last 6-8 years: St Croix Premier St Croix Mojo St Croix Triumph St Croix Eyecon Fenwick HMX Fenwick HMG Kistler Graphite Special BPS Extreme Shimano Clarus Shimano Compre Abu Garcia Vendetta Abu Garcia Veritas And probably a few more I can't remember. If I had to do it over again, the ones I would NOT buy again would be the Kistler, the St Croix Premiers, and the Shimano Clarus's. Kistler..............because they are over priced junk..........(.IMHO of coarse, don't want to rile the fan boys up). The Premier was low on the bang for the buck scale when you could get the same blank cheaper in the Mojo and Triumph, and the Clarus's (at least the ones I had......6'8" MH/F spinning, and 7'11' H/XF flipping) because they were unbalanced and heavy. I'd flip a coin on the rest, as I liked them all.
  19. Sums it up pretty well actually.
  20. And you'd also be suprised how far short some reels fall of what they advertise as "max drag". I have been on to care about drag all that much, but some people do.
  21. Not much. I use #6 Spro power swivels, an 8mm red glass bead, and a slip sinker, weight depends on depth, and weight style depends on the bottom/cover your fishing. I prefer bullet sinkers because they slip through grass better than the barrel types that a lot of people use.
  22. Well, check into how they are wired. The TM should be on it's own circut/battery (s). If it's not, thats a big part of the problem....no ammount of pre/post trip charging is going to solve anything. The TM will suck the life out of the batteries, and very fast too if your using the same batteries to start the OB, and run other electronics.
  23. TW sells and ships international, and they carry the Yamamoto tubes I mentioned.
  24. You can never go wrong with white and chart. it's the crescent wrench of spinnerbait colors. Clear water, stained water, deep, shallow, ...........it just works.
  25. I had originaly glossed over this comment, but I had to pump the breaks and go back to it............I just can't let something that stupid go by with out further comment or clairification.
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