Man................what a crappy last two outings. Rained out at work the last two days, hit Silver yesterday, Conesus today. Silver was just plain bad....not a bite to be had up shallow, I caught 8 smallmouth, but they were all less than two lbs, and I caught 4 largemouth with a 2.25 lber the "lunker" LOL. I did catch a 9lb 4oz fish, but it had teeth. On to Conesus today...........started good, with a 3.25lb for me, a 2lb smallie for my buddy, in the first 15 minutes of the day, then they started playing there stupid smallmouth games of getting all the way to the boat before getting off, we lost the next three bites. Then that bite died, went largemouth looking and fished A LONG 4 hours without a bite, then the switch flipped, we caught 8 or so in the next 45 mins, highlighted by a limits worth of 3+ lbers, with the best one pushing 4 that my partner caught, then that died. Back to smallmouth, nothing....................but oh no, the real fun was just about to begin. Drifting along, fishing our football jigs for smallies, we spot some fool running around the bank completely buck naked, my buddy Rick starts hollering to him, and I am doubled over laughing my butt off. Next thing I know..................SPLASH...........I was laughing so hard, I blacked out and fell head first into the water...........30 feet of water. I guess hitting the water woke me back up, and I come up totally in panic mode for a few seconds. Rick is just about to me with the boat before I calm down and start treading water, and actually semi-floating around. I grab the boat and tell him to just go to the bank, I'll get in over there rather than try to get back on still over 30 FOW and slip and fall back in or something, he takes me to where I can touch, and I have to plow my way through the milfoil to get to the bank, and than I just had him pick me up on a dock that was in the area. Nothing broke, nothing hurt, the rod that was in my hand somehow didn't even go over with me, and didn't get broken. My phone however was a casualty of the ordeal, but as luck would have it, I just used my upgrade two days ago, and my new phone should be here anytime now.