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Everything posted by ww2farmer

  1. Buy several bags.............they are even less durable than GYCB Senkos. Which is not a bad thing at $2.99, thank god they are not $7.99 like Gary's sticks. I just wish they came in a 4" size..........but that's where the Havoc Money Maker comes in To be honest with you, when I first tried the Flat Dawgs...........I kind of hated them, and stuck to Dingers and/or Big Bite sticks. Then one day I was out of both, remembered I had some Flat Dawgs in the burried bowels of the boat, got them out and have been using them ever since, and I don't plan on going back to the Dingers anytime soon. I'll still keep some of the round Big Bite sticks around, because there are just some things a flat, fragile stick bait is not good at. #1 is punching.............yes,I like to punch with stick/heavy weight pegged to the nose when the big jig or creature bait bite has died. Those fish are still there and often times that's just the ticket for me. The Flat Dawg doesn't hold up coming in and out of the cover, and you'll be changing baits often, even without getting bit. A BB stick will at least last till the first fish or two.
  2. They are a guilty pleasure of mine. Even though I have "better" rods, I find myself using these all the time, even though I claim they are my "backup/loaner rods". IDK what it is about them. But I have never paid full retail for them, and I think it just tickles my cheapskate bone that I am out there catching fish just fine with what some people on here would label as "junk".
  3. Even a trip to wal mart for some new boot laces is a hazard to the wallet. They were practically giving away Lightning Rod shocks, so I picked up a couple more. Now I have backup rods for my backup rods lol.
  4. I used them a lot this past year. Mainly for fluke and senko type baits. They have a longer shank than most belly weighted EWG hooks, a 4/0 worked perfect for 5" baits.
  5. I had one a few years ago (101D). It didn't wow me. With so many other lighter reels available now, unless you were getting a heck of a deal on it, I wouldn't go out of my way to get it. I had it paired with a 7' MH/F Avid and it was a nice combo, but was not a finesse casting reel by any means. About the lightest stuff I used with it was 3/8's oz.. My 51E's were noticeably better.
  6. Havoc flat dawgs and money makers. 4" and 6" Havoc Bottom Hoppers.
  7. Your braver than me. I like ice fishing just fine, and do it often. BUT 4" of ice is pushing it. If it's clear, hard, (what they call "black ice") I would go out on 4" and have before, but the minute I found that 2" spot, I would be out of there altogether.
  8. I have always deep cranked with a 5.something :1 reel. I think next season I am going to use a 6.3:1, at least to start to see if I like it, but also.........for two reasons #1 It's a lot easier and less fatiguing to reel slower with a fast reel, than to reel faster with a slow reel. #2 Today's 6:1 reels with there over size gears, and longer 90 or 95mm handles handle high torque with less strain then the reels of just 10-12 years ago. And #3 A lot of the deep diving crankbaits on the market today, like the SK 5xd, 6xd (which are what Iuse), pull very easy on non-cranking specific gear, the same can't be said for some of the other baits I used to use.........Manns depth + and Norman baits come to mind.
  9. Took me from 10:30 or so this morning till noon to dig my jeep out, and we only had a foot or so. Drove up to my elderly grandfathers house and cleaned the mess up there, not nearly as bad. He has a decent snow blower, and he only got 6-8" as he was on the western most fringe of the storm.
  10. you got it...............hope it turns out ok.
  11. You just have to find what works on the water you fish. As for the pause, even in cold water I don't like too long of a pause..........#1 I fish really clear water, and I have found even in 42-45 degree water a 10-15 second pause will get me just as many bites as a 20-30 second one. I think they come up and get too good a look at it when it sits too long. #2 I just can't stand letting it sit that long LOL. I still "jerk" in cold water but it's more of a "twitch", as the water warms up my "jerks" get snappier and harder. My cadence doesn't very much.......usually it's "twitch twitch 10-15 second pause, twitch, pause, twitch twitch, pause" in cold water....and "snap snap, brief pause, snap, pause, snap snap, pause" in warmer (50-60 degree water) Sometimes just for the heck of it I might through three snaps or twitches between pauses. I'll pay close attention to where in my cadence I am getting bites...........and change as needed.
  12. Bass fisherman give themselves too much credit. The 3 lakes I fish, Honeyoe, Silver, and Conesus, are all relatively small, get pressured heavily from a moderately to large sized crowd of skilled anglers, yet still produce year after year after year. When they are not biting, they are not biting, bass fisherman are THE #1 excuse making group of fisherman of all.
  13. I shoot 62grn. out of a 1:9 twist newer Mini-14 Ranch rifle and it's good enough. I am not shooting matches with it, and I can hit my target from as far away as I can see it with the iron sights. I am sure it would/could shoot better if I could shoot better.
  14. A big one.
  15. I see this non-sense written in many places. Either I am a wizard or it's total BS. Because I have NEVER.......and I mean NOT ONCE (unless I broke it off on a snag or something)Taken a crankbait out of a package and had it NOT catch fish, and I own a ton of baits.For example...........I am catching fish on a brand new KVD 1.5 all day until Mr. Pike decided he wants it for his collection, and it;s gone...............OH NO!! What to do?!?!? All the so called BR "experts"l say I just lost a rare gem of a bait that in my lifetime will never be able to found again............oh wait, I'll just tie another one and keep on keeping on.....give me a break with this crap. Maybe in olden times this was true, but that's not been my exp. with modern baits. To me this is just another example of fisherman thinking too much, and making lure selection out to be something it's not,and quite possibly making themselves out to be something they are not.
  16. I'll take this snow over blazing heat/humidity from April-Oct. I have lived in the south during the summer, there is a reason I am back in the arctic.
  17. This year, once the algae blooms cleared up and the water dipped into the 50's this fall, I took home a limit of small 12" keeper bass (largemouth) on two separate occasions..............they were fantastic. Soaked the fillets in salt water for a couple hours before I cooked them, then dipped them in the beer batter with a ride in the hot oil,and they were as good as any fish I have ever ate, including bluegill, perch, and crappie. I am going to make it a point to do it again next fall when the water cools off. Cleaning 5 bass beats cleaning 3 times as many bluegills or perch.
  18. If I had that book, and read that, I would throw that book in the trash, that author has no clue.
  19. Same rod... But it's the 2pc. model. Mine is the one piece.
  20. That's mine as well..............but good luck finding one now. They are discontinued, and you won't find too many even on sale. However, the new Elite Tech Bass rods are now out, and are just as nice. They have a 6'9" M/F rod in the new line up that feels (in the store where I have played with it) almost exactly like the smallmouth series, with the exception of the grip being a little slimmer. It's taking me every ounce.............and that's a lot of ounce's..........of self control I have to not run out and buy one just for grins and giggles. I I See exhibit A I <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I
  21. 7.5. Better than a regular Dicks, but it's really nothing more than a Gander Mtn. type store. However, they do seem to carry more of what I use and like compared to the Gander across the way.
  22. I have a used Pflueger Trion spining reel I paid $9 for of ebay that was like new, mounted on a Berkley Lightning Rod shock that Wal-mart had marked down to $30. This rod/reel was in my hand when I won a tournament this past july, and also landed the tournament lunker. Not bad for $39.
  23. Let's see...........my last couple purchases were at the new F&S store in Henrietta when it opened a couple weeks ago. I walked out with: For Bass: Fenwick HMG 6'9" ML/F spinning rod 150yd Spool of 20lb Power Pro Several Bags of Havoc Pit Bosses (they were buy one, get one 1/2 off) Several SK cranks (also buy one get one 1/2 off) For Panfish and/or Ice Fishing: Fenwick Eagle 7' UL/Mod spinning rod Pflueger Trion 20 size spinning reel Fenwick 23" UL Elite Tech Ice rod Spool of 4lb Nanofil Spool of 4lb Seguar Abrasx Ice Spool of 2lb Seguar Abrasx ice Jar of 1" Gulp minnows Bag of 1/2" Gulp waxies
  24. Our water is hard in the winter, but if I a worm fishing in cold water (early spring after ice out, or in the fall before I quit) it will usually be with a straight tail worm on a shaky head.
  25. Same here........... You buy yours from Gander in Henrietta? That's where I got all mine (except one I bought used from wnybassman, but it might have gome from there too). I wonder if they didn't get a shipment of them that was "man handled". I have other buddies that bought them from the same store, and they all ended up busted.
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