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Everything posted by ww2farmer

  1. Jerkbait, bladed jig, swimbait, ned rig, finesse football jig, blade bait.
  2. I hope it's not being discontinued. It's been a staple for my for as long as I can remember....almost 20 years...maybe more.
  3. Get well soon
  4. II honestly don't remember the last time I threw a lipless crankbait, yet 10 years ago one was one my deck seemingly year round. I also don't remember when the last time I deep cranked....also a staple 10 years ago.
  5. I used to be a big SK, Spro, and Lucky Craft guy, buy in the several years I have been silent here, I have grown quite fond of Ark, and YoZuri shallow crankbaits. Both offer baits that I think fit your requests
  6. 1/16th, 1/8th, and 3/16th... coincidencently those are also the same size ned, hover rig, and finesse swimbait head sizes I use as well. 1/16th = super shallow, calm water. Also the best size for skipping 1/8 = the "do all size"...great shallow when there's a little wind, and great out to 10-12 feet If it's not too windy 3/16 = deep grass line, or rock pile size. Also is my preferred size for slowly dragging a worm around as it ensures bottom contact better than 1/8th in water over 10 feet deep.
  7. Most of the lakes I fish DON'T have shad (a couple have Alewives) and shad colored swimbaits work well. Like MN Fisher said, many if not all lakes have some kind of shiner/minnow type schooling bait fish that behave and look similar to shad that it's not a concern color selection wise.
  8. That rods probably a decade old and has long since been discontinued. That said....yes, I had it and used it for jerkbaits. It's been a while, but it was a good rod, the whole smallmouth series was a good series...their Achilles was the reel seat, I twisted more than one of them off trying to tighten then down on the old Team Daiwa Sol, and Fuego casting reels I had on then that never seemed to stay tight without use of electrical or duct tape on the reels feet.
  9. I have been a braid to leader guy for probably 20 years. Longer than it's been popular that's for sure. Once every few years I get curious to see if I'm missing anything with straight flouro or mono...and that experiment usually lasts 2 outings on a combo or two and then promptly back to braid/leader.
  10. I grew up in the 80s watching Bassmaster on TV. Bass fishing got it's hooks (no pun intended) in me very early. It's about the only species of fish I have ever pursued going on 40 years now. I never fished a tournament until I was in my mid 30s, did very very well on the local scene for 15 years, gave it up when things in my personal life were in transition, but kept on recreational bass fishing. A few years later, other than the comradery with my friends, I 100% DO NOT miss tournament fishing, but I'm still just as, if not more passionate about bass fishing as ever.
  11. Idk if they are the best or not, but I've had far fewer issues with Picasso than other brands I've used, which includes Yum, Strike King, Mann's, and maybe one or two others I can't remember. Quality hardware out of the package, and durable wire are my main 2 criteria, and the Picasso checks those boxes.
  12. I've used about every brand of baitcasting reel over the last 25 years....I keep coming back to Daiwa. Whatever they call the brake system on the fleet of Fuego CT's I own is my favorite. My least favorite was the older Shinmano system 6 pin brakes that you had to take the side plate off to adjust. It was the one thing I didn't like about my 2nd favorite reels of all time, Shinmano Curado 51e"s.
  13. Time to update this story. As far as the crazy ex-wife goes. She did her time, was released on parole, and lives a couple hours away with her mother. She sees our youngest daughter (now 15) about once every 6 weeks for about an hour or so. My oldest daughter, now a sophomore in college, and living on her own, wants nothing to do with her mother. Can't say that I blame her, nor do I force her too. As for my life.....I'm in a new, fantastic relationship with a great woman. That's going on 2 years now. I had a few health hurdles in 2024 that have been cleared. In June, I had a freak accident that wrenched my neck badly, it actually tore my carotid artery and I was rushed to a major hospital to be stabilized and repaired with 2 stents. That's all good.....but.....while I was getting all the scans and MRI's and other stuff done on my head/neck area during that, they found an AVM on my brain. Those interested can look up what that is. Long story short on that...I was born with it, had brain surgery in late August to remove it, and was given a full bill of clean health and returned to work the first week of October. For the first time in several years , I'm excited about life. Have a great girlfriend, my kids are doing amazing in their post mother nonsense life, I bought new boat this past spring, and will return to making bass fishing an important part of my life. Heck...I might even hang around here like I used to.
  14. I have been here a long time, but not real active the past year or so......and for good reason. What a personal life Rollercoaster it's been. The short version: I'm doing well, my two daughters are doing well and are with me, and things are moving along ok given the circumstances. The TLDR version: Late last spring, after 20 years of marriage and a 30 year relationship that began in high school, my ex wife and I separated.....this is where the fact is stranger than fiction part comes in. Without being to specific, let's just say I found out that for quite some time prior to me leaving, she was leading a second, secret life, under aliases on line, and traveling under the guise of "work trips" to Ohio and Wisconsin hooking up with these dudes she was scamming. But wait, there's more lol.....This past January I got a call from the Police, they urged me to move back into the marital home, and take full custody of my daughters, telling me my ex had fled the state, abandoned the girls, and was unlikely to return, and she had been gone, leaving the girls alone more tines than not for the better part of 9 months. I had my girls on the weekends and whenever they wanted to come to my place the entire time I lived elsewhere, and not one SINGLE word of this was mentioned to me , other family members, school staff, or anyone else the entire time, as they were having their phones, and other things held over their head to keep quiet about it. Back to January.....Without hesitation, I break my lease on the rental I was living in, and move back home lock stock and barrel. After about 2 weeks of being back, getting settled, and dealing with two very hurt and confused teenage daughters.....the police show up again, and tell me everything. The just of it is.....her secret life has been going on since at least 2018, and to fund it, during that time period she embezzled $105k + dollars from her employer, and when they moved on her to arrest, she fled to one of out of state boyfriends. They eventually coaxed her back in February, charged her with an arms list of felonies, and was convicted of most of them in mid March. In two weeks she reports to the State of NY to begin her prison sentence. In the meantime I have tried my best to make things better for my girls, and we're getting by OK. They have stability and a responsible parent in the house for the first time in a year or so, No more bribery or blackmail, and hopefully this summer is much much better for them than last. They don't talk about their mother much, and she's had little to nothing to do with them since January....and I don't force it. I'm just here for them.
  15. Yup... not a fan of the keitech stuff as trailers. I like them much better as a stand alone bait
  16. When I'm using a grub as a swim jig trailer, it's usually on a compact, finesse style swim jig. 4" GYCB single and double tail grubs get the call here, as does a 3.5" GYCB Swimming Senko. On "normal" full size swim jig.....I know not a grub per say, but the new GYCB Kicking Zako has been FANTASTIC, and is about all I use any more.
  17. I was an original Power Pro user for almost 20 years. Last year I switched to Daiwa J-Braid. The X4 version. It's better than regular Power Pro in every way. Plus more affordable. I Have it in 10lb test on all my spinning reels, and 20, 30, and 50 on my casting reels. I love it, and have had zero of the issues I saw in some of the negative reviews on it. In fact, it has been way way better than expected. I won't be going back to Power Pro any time soon.
  18. Whopper ploppers or anything that resembles one.
  19. Thoughts and well wishes to his family. Sorry to hear this.
  20. ww2farmer


    Clayton, I own a pile of 1911's....Colt's, Springfield's, Sig's, Ruger's, old USGI guns, and Rock Island's. The Rock Islands are every bit as good as the rest in function, if a bit "unrefined" around the edges. That being said, 1911's.....no matter who makes them are not as forgiving of poor maint., crappy ammo and mags, and questionable quality parts as the vast majority of modern polymer framed guns. I'll give you some tips to get and keep that Rock Island in tip top operating condition. #1: right out of the box take the factory recoil spring out, and throw it in the garbage, replace it with a quality 18lb recoil spring....Wilson Combat, or Wolff. The spring it comes with is supposed to be a 16lb spring....same as what USGI specs call for, but in my exp...it's a crappy spring, and the tension is all over the map, just eliminate it as a potential hang up point. A good spring is less than $5 #2: check your extractor tension, there's a million youtube videos on how to do it. MOST new 1911's come with the extractor tension too tight and will cause feeding problems until it relaxes a little on it's own. It can be an infuriating wait and process, so just check it yourself, and tension it correctly. #3: if the factory mag that comes with you Rock Island works...great, but in my exp...they are kinda crappy mags. The best of the best 1911 mags are Wilson Combat 47D's, but they are expensive, a great budget mag that works flawless in ALL my 1911's are MecGar's, and they are usually less than $25 #4: LUBE IT. Drop of oil on the barrel link pin, drop of oil on each each of the two top locking lugs on the barrel, drop of oil where the barrel hood contacts the slide, drop of oil where the barrel contacts the barrel bushing, and a film of grease on the slide/frame rails. The wetter the better when new, and as the gun wears and loosens up, you can get away with less. I have been a 1911 guy for 25 years, mine all run like champs.
  21. I don't like M powered spinning rods, I only own one M power spinning rod, and it's my least used spinning rod. I much prefer ML I don't like XF rods, I am 100% braid to leader, and Mod/Fast is my favorite taper for just about everything I don't like glass rods at all...feel heavy and dead to me, even with braid.
  22. Biggest Largemouth was 7lbs 5oz on a beaver Biggest Smallmouth was 6lbs 2oz on the ned rig.
  23. Head style and shape has a lot to do with it to. Some jigs I see marketed as swim jigs, have...IMHO...100% the wrong style of head to come through grass. I like a a bullet shaped head, vertical line tie, and a fairly shallow line tie angle (less than 30 degrees). And I like a lighter head for grass too. Sometimes as light as 1/8th oz, but rarely heavier than 3/8's. 1/4 is that nice sweet spot in the middle if you only want one for fishing grass from the bank out to 6-8 feet deep.
  24. I have gone back and forth with Senko's and Dingers for years. Senkos when I'm not on a budget, Dingers when I am. Both catch tons of fish, and both have won me lots of money. I'm firmly (for now LOL) a Senko user. 5" and 4". Oddly when I'm using a Dinger, I always think I could be catching a few more, and a few bigger ones if I was using a Senko.....probably the one reason why the last few years I have let my Dinger supply deplete itself, and have just stuck with Senkos.
  25. I like a Reaction Innovations Smallie Beaver rigged flat in cold water. Zako for everything else.
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