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  1. I have 5 kids I take em all fishing. I found the best way is to have numerous rods ready to go so when they break one or bird nest it I just hand em another lol. Makes my life easier and allows me to enjoy my time fishing instead of being pissy about another bird nest!! I'll get rods when they go on sale or hawk ebay for decent used ones whenever I get a few extra bucks..... Which isn't often with our current ? administration....but I digress. To your question guess it depends how u fish. For bank fishing I'd say a 6'6" Is essential. If u mainly fish from a boat I'd say 7'2 or 7'4 would be the best purchase from here.
  2. I swear the big bass in stocked lakes eat nothing but rainbow trout
  3. I like to throw big rainbow trout swimbaits in trout stocked waters this time of year. You're right it's a great time of year to fish
  4. I look at it like this....when I was 21 I would go to the bar chasing broads, drinking and eating delicious unhealthy food. Would I have done that if there were scores of blonde vixens at my apartment serving me wings and refilling my glass whenever it was empty? No I went there because those weren't in my current environment and my personality wanted it lol. Other 21 year old didn't want it as bad and now they are probably billionaires. Moral of the story is that dink could be a billionaire one day!!!
  5. Bob truly is the pond boss lol. I could listen to that guy spit knowledge all day long. I saw another study of an Ohio lake that they tagged and released a number of bass. Some traveled great distances. Some hardly moved. I believe alot depends on the environment. If all the fish needs remains close by.....why move? Lol temperature fluctuations would be the x factor.
  6. Never been...sounds awesome. My grandmother was Norwegian. For Xmas dinner every year she would cook ludefisk and lepsa bread lol. Delicious white meat.
  7. Lol bro the bass hammer trout. I'll never forget when I was a kid at grenloch right before my eyes about a 6 pounder came out of nowhere and ate one rigjt off my stringer 6 inches in front of me. Check the state site for info on closing
  8. Quick reminder the lake will close to fishing I believe for 3 weeks prior to trout stocking. Spinner fine choice. Any swimbait I'd try in rainbow trout color if u aren't having any luck. Great cold water setup is bobber and a fly!
  9. No meaning early in the am or as the sun sets. Or go on overcast days. Another helpful thing is bring some hedge clippers and cut your own spot as u make your way back. Think outside the box when u fish heavily pressured lakes. Lures and methods others don't use.
  10. I was using a whipper snapper from 13 fishing. Got em for like 6 bucks lol. Bro there's tons of bass in that lake. I'm not gonna spot burn but honestly timing seems more important there than other local spots. Early or late for best opportunity. Water is still cold so slow retrieve down.
  11. They come into feed in the shallows. I got a few last week there. All on rainbow trout colored jerkbait. I prefer the right side to the left but absolutely do not discount that shallow cove you first come to when you approach the lake. Especially now as it warms before the deeper parts of the lake. I was told by an old timer the lake is nearly 60 feet deep. Though cruising with a depthfinder 40 was the deepest I Could find. That still makes it far deeper than almost every lake in this area. Not sure if its true but the old timer told me they mined the sand when they built route 295 and that's how it was created and why its so deep.
  12. I believe they stocked muskies and walleye in the Cooper River. U can find stocking locations on state website.
  13. 10 years late I reply to the roll call!!!
  14. I fish there alot there are some giants. Not sure if u fish from shore or a boat? But the lake is very deep toward the back. Any live bait works sure. Far as lures go.....the lake is also stocked with trout so I've had the best luck on lures of that color. If u fish from the bank step up your stealth game.
  15. Pet peeve of mine is intro music!!! You aren't stone cold Steve Austin just get to the fishing or whatever your agenda for that video is ??.
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