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Everything posted by FishTax

  1. My Crocs shrunk really bad in the sun when I left them out to dry. They were good for kayak but I am now wearing Chocos on the kayak. I feel like they have some support, but benefits of flip flops, and awesome tan lines. I always have to go ankle deep at launch so I'm limited on shoe options, I wear waterproof hiking boots in winter.
  2. The black finesse worm is a confidence bait for me, so I'll start there. I may try a big ribbontail, not sure if those float enough for a C rig? Is that a bad idea?
  3. Thanks @Woody Bfor your detailed explanations on how you work baits, in this and other threads. As a less experienced angler I appreciate the tips and am taking notes for my next time on the water. on your C rig, what plastic do you like?
  4. I've never thrown the c rig but am going to give it a try on my next outing, already rigged it up. I have a pressured lake and am hoping it'll increase my bite count. I don't mind fishing slow, and have a few off shore spots I want to drag it through. Football or pitching jig do get bit some for me. I can't get bit on swimming jig, not sure what I'm doing wrong. T rig is always faithful with a senko. I need to branch out with other baits there as well this year.
  5. Currently about once a month because of work and family obligations. I'm going to try to start going before work some soon. My local lake was opening at 7:30 but now it's open at 630 so I have a little more flexibility as long as the ramp line isn't long.
  6. I have an h2o ethos hd on a airdx rod and it's much better than my black max combo. Lighter weight, casts further, smoother retrieve. Similar price from what I recall. All purchased on sale.
  7. I'm a bottom feeder. Jigs and shaky head are my go to, always tied on. I like to camp on a spot and work it thoroughly.
  8. That's amazing all around. Great day of fishing, but sometimes the wildlife I see trumps the fish! Thanks for sharing!
  9. I try to cover up with clothing, but am not loving the gloves feeling while fishing. I do like my huk hooded sun shirt a lot. Also hate sunblock on my hands, I feel it transfers to lures. I use spray sunblock on any uncovered area except near my eyes. I tried the face stick of sun block, easy to apply on face but it's in my kids pool bag so I usually forget it.
  10. What jigs do you guys like for this? When I look at Seibert I’m overwhelmed by the options. Grass, brush, dock knocker, sniper, etc. if you had an all purpose which would it be? I feel I lose many in timber.
  11. Reviving this as I'll be at the grapevine Gaylord hotel the last week of June this year. Trying to determine how often I can sneak down to the lake, conference is basically 9-4 W-fr. Not sure I'll be able to pack any fishing stuff but willing to pay for some or a guide when I get there. Anyone know if any guides cover this lake? I can Google but references are always appreciated if personal knowledge by someone here. Sounds like if I go up to bass pro I can buy a cheap combo and basic tackle to bank fish at night nearby? If I do that, is there someone local who would want the gear when I fly out or either somewhere I could donate it? I'm trying to figure out of I can pack a multi piece ugly stick in my bag and pray the airline doesn't snap it. I may just buy one and try to give to a kid if any are around. I'd love to catch some of these big Texas bass I keep hearing about... ?
  12. @LrgmouthShad can you tell me more about Badin? I didn't want to hijack the other thread you mentioned it in. I've been to Tuckerton just above it but never Badin. They killed all the grass in T and there was so much snot grass I couldn't use half my presentations.
  13. @Woody B I have a friend who lives on Wylie but have only fished off his dock with my kid. He has a massive pontoon which I don't think I could fish from very well, but next time I'm down I may give it a shot. Great to know they're in there!
  14. Just curious for the few NC guys on here what lake you think are the most productive? I went to Hyco this week and caught 25, mostly small guys though. That was a great day for me. I heard Micky in Durham is productive but haven't been yet. I fish mackintosh in Burlington a lot, don't get numbers but it has quality. I think it gets a lot of pressure for the size. I've struggled at Norman to catch much. I like Tuckerton/high rock for bigs. What lakes do you like in NC and why?
  15. Caught about 25 in our boat between 2 of us yesterday. This one was the largest, didn't weigh it but well over 3 lbs. Fat belly. 67 water temp. Black and blue jig, and black shaky head was all they wanted on points. I was surprised this girl didn't appear to have spawned yet, thought it was over but apparently not.
  16. Black Shaky head and jig on points and flats in about 5-8' depth.
  17. I was at Academy today and noticed they have the H20 version of this available. I don't remember the price but I don't think it was too expensive. I escaped without getting any, figured it probably looked better to me than a fish somehow.
  18. I have an Old Town Sportsman PDL 106. It's my first kayak, I bought it used on FB Marketplace. I think for the first one buying used is great, not just for cost reduction but also because many times you can get paddle, some accessories, etc. with it which all add up fast after buying it. I paid 1600 with trolling motor and battery, paddle, pedal drive of course, and a few other things here and there thrown in by the seller which I feel is an excellent deal but would understand if that's over budget. I have no issue with the length, chose 106 because it fits in my truck bed with no additional support and so far I'm happy with the storage space, etc., and don't think I'll be looking to get a longer one even if I could afford a new one right now. I'm 6', 185 lbs for reference. Mine has a trolling motor added to it, which I love but don't always use. The PDL is sufficient for me. I find it very difficult to paddle and fish at the same time, so if you are going to use it a lot I'm in the camp of starting with a pedal model so that you aren't looking to upgrade 2 months after buying it. Also if you buy used, the resale market is pretty strong on FB (at least in my area) so in my mind it's relatively low risk if it's in good condition and a desirable model because you can resale if you don't like it for some reason.
  19. How are you rigging and fishing the speed worm if you don’t mind sharing?
  20. I’ve got that one but feel it bends the wire a little. I may be imagining that. Thoughts?
  21. I had very similar experience Friday. Weather was crazy, windy and rain one minute, bluebird skies and calm the next. 12-18" visibility, rising water. My buddy caught 2 on the end of laydowns on spinnerbaits but that was over 8 hours. I got skunked. We hit every laydown on the lake, I was back of boat and threw the box at them. Missed 1 on a wacky, otherwise nothing. Just felt like the bite was off.
  22. I've participated in conference calls with a bluetooth in my ear numerous times from my kayak. As long as it's not something intense that I need to take notes on beyond jotting down something simple in my phone notes, it's doable. If someone just has to talk to me on a Friday outside of tax season, they may hear the wind blowing in the background!
  23. Thanks everyone!
  24. Hey Pat, Sounds like we're practically neighbors! I look forward to interacting with you on here and maybe on a boat ramp nearby one day soon. Curious what your favorite lakes are in the area, I usually fish Mackintosh from Guilford Marina but have been to Higgins and would like to spend more time there at some point along with the other city lakes.
  25. Hey everyone, I've been reading on here a while and finally decided to join the conversation. I've learned so much from this site and appreciate the willingness to share from everyone here. I grew up fishing, mostly bluegill but have done it all to various extents. I quit fishing for about 15 years but got the itch again during COVID and quickly dove into LMB. In November 22 I bought a kayak after renting a Jon boat in city lakes for a couple years. I love being on the water, even when the bite is off. It's my quiet relaxing place away from kids and work noise. Looking forward to getting to know everyone better and joining in the conversation!
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