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Everything posted by FishTax

  1. I think I'm hitting one of the yadkin lakes Wednesday. I'll let you know what it looks like if it happens.
  2. I've missed seeing those beautiful Maine bass. Glad you're back! I think we had record heat today in NC, high 80s. Crazy. 2 weeks ago it was snowing in the mountains 2 hours from here! I wonder if the bass are as confused as I am in the spring? Probably not because they don't need as much Benadryl 🤣
  3. Thank you @whitwolfthat's very generous! I will certainly let you know if I'm up this way again soon. River fishing these mountain streams is a lot different than I anticipated and I haven't been able to find good spots. Should have hired a guide, I know for next time!
  4. The section of stream in on is devoid of all species of fish. Going to try to find a new spot tomorrow. 😞 This weekend may not be my time, but I've got 2 more trips scheduled this month 😀
  5. Get away from me bait monkey! 🐒
  6. I think the height you're at, and thus the angle you are looking from, matters as well. I feel like when standing on a boat I can see much better under water than when sitting in kayak, or standing really. Just being higher seems to make a big difference, which makes sense because if you think of standing on a bridge over a creek you can see way better than just from standing beside the creek. Clear water matters though as others have said. Lots of factors involved. I've definitely seen fish with them, but it's definitely not miraculous, it's not like thermal imaging or something lol (that's more FFS)
  7. Those are some gorgeous bluegill, and fatties at that! If you're catching those you may as well keep on and enjoy that bite. I love catching those, especially on UL gear!
  8. I've got a slew of various size spinners waiting for me at walmart pickup, although most of them are the $1 walmart special. I'm counting on being in unpressured water where the fish don't know how much i paid, so if I'm catching lots of tree fish I won't be too sad
  9. You are still over thinking it 😎 On chatterbait, if you insist on using it (I don't love them) try different retrieves and speeds until you get bit. On your tackle, if you have a rod and reel that is functional, a worm of any color, and a sharp hook, you have enough. Go catch a fish!
  10. I'm going to get my first snagless sally wet this weekend. Looking forward to it!
  11. I think I'm going to keep it simple and stick with neds, senkos (wacky and TR), the bitsy bug jigs @MediumMouthBass recommended since I just got several last week from my BPS spring sale order. Hoping to have a new 'sort of BFS' setup to throw some of that on as well as a couple spinning rods as I'm only bringing 2 pc rods on this trip. @TnRiver46 I'm not sure I'll actually make it to that river, we'll see how the weekend goes but your post made me want to! I'll be close to Lake Lure, but doubt I'll go there as bank fishing a large lake has never been something I enjoy, I just want to get on a boat the entire time Thanks for the advice!
  12. @Rocky998 the SB had a standard split tail zoom trailer. Your best chance of a bite for lmb is on senko, IMHO. Spinnerbait, for me, is very hot or cold bite. Senko gets bit way more often. Don't over think color. Maybe people slay on green pumpkin. I know people who swear by black or June bug. I think they all work and color is not too important compared to other factors.
  13. I was at work.. in an office without the cool glasses so I missed it entirely. My kids saw it though and were pumped, so I'm more happy they're happy then anything else.
  14. I'll be in the mountains this weekend, smallie country. I've never fished for them. The house I'm renting is on a creek with trout, unknown on bass but you know I'll try 😎 I'll probably hit a river, definitely a creek, we'll see. If you absolutely had to catch a smallie of any size, fishing Creek or small river (French broad), what would you throw and where? No idea on water temp, I'd guess around 50. I'm definitely bringing ned, not sure what Else or where to look for them as Creek fishing is a whole different game than lakes in my kayak!
  15. Bass pro sells them. I stumbled on it in store and picked one up.
  16. On the question about what size fish bite spinnerbait, I've caught fish well under 1 lb on 1/2 oz standard spinnerbait. See photo. I've caught crappie on lures that wouldn't fit in their mouth.. so I wouldn't worry about that. With that said, I recommend sticking with senko. Go slow. Either wacky or Texas rig with light weight (1/8) around cover. Cast it, wait until line goes slack when it hits bottom, then slowly life lift rod and repeat.. If rod feels anything different, set the hook. When you're learning, set the hook a lot 😎 they're free. You'll have a bass on before you know it!
  17. Don't rule out tuckertown. There are big fish in all of the listed lakes. I won't know what they're doing but would assume pretty similar to rest of the state. Trying to spawn, bouncing back and forth depending on weather. If they're spawning, look up the river off high Rock. Lakes are full and fish should be shallow with this week's warm weather and muddy water from rain.. I think?
  18. Is that a snagless Sally? I bought one because of you a while back but haven't tied it on yet. Where do you like to throw it?
  19. I'd focus on one body of water and try to get some bites and learn the area and patterns before moving to the next. You need to learn and build confidence, not get confused by the thousands of baits and colors we Constantly discuss here. Start with high probability stuff, like senkos. I didn't fish rivers often but a senko is universal fish catcher! Ps I crossed the Neuse a few hours ago on my way to the beach 😎 would love to fish it sometime when not with family in the van 😊
  20. Just opened my box from BPS spring sale, it had senkos in it. I'm an idiot. Then I bought more at Academy sale. Now bait monkey says I should buy more at TW sale, but I'm fighting it because I have enough to last me 3 years already.
  21. I think I'm more stubborn than anything else. I'll fish 5 hours and get skunked, and only come off the water to keep promises at home but I'm ready to go again as soon as I have an opportunity. Then every once in a while I find a big fish hooked on my line, and that's just the motivation needed to get skunked a few more times 😎
  22. I've never been but it looks beautiful online.. Trying to find something my wife will enjoy also and that's been on my list a while.
  23. Lol I'll pay you to guide me sometime if you want to haha I can support the bait monkey for you! It's probably too short of notice to do a guided trip anywhere, this just sort of popped up this week as an opportunity and now I'm trying to capitalize on my parents taking the kids for the weekend. Wish it wasn't bad weather at the coast, I was excited to do saltwater trip and I think my wife may like that more than bass fishing with me
  24. I'm thinking of going out with a guide next Saturday for a half or whole day somewhere in the state for my birthday. Was going to go to the ocean but looks like potentially bad weather for that. Now I'm thinking of going west, maybe Lake Fontana? My wife is coming and that looks beautiful, I'd like her to join me but she's not into fishing... I'm curious if anyone has recommendations of anywhere in NC they think would be good for a guided fishing trip with short notice. I don't have a particular species in mind and am open minded. I'm not good at fly fishing but like to have fun and would consider it. Maybe this isn't enough notice or is a bad idea, but thought it was worth asking.
  25. Nice! Which version of steel shad do you like? I bought one recently but haven't opened it yet
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