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Sam Kirk

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Everything posted by Sam Kirk

  1. Ace Hardware and Tractor Supply? I would have never thought about that. Is the jig trailer a plastic bait? I don't know what they are.
  2. I have to use Flex Coat on my rod tomorrow. After reading this I am a little cautious now. I is a big help to read this.
  3. I will be at Fort Wilderness Campground for 7 weeks off and on and my last day fishing a fisherman told me to use Shiners. I need all the tackle also. I have never fished Shiners. Is there a Bait & Tackle shop near the campground. It seems if you go any ware you have to use RT 4 .
  4. I just ordered 9 wheels from e Bay. $18.00 total. They are perfect. The rims have ball bearings. I e mailed companies that made rod wrappers and they had the wheels but they answered my email. I also ordered a set of Microwave Lite guides.
  5. when we go to Disney my wife and I stay in the campground every January . The Bass fishing is very good at the spill way. It is fun catching 3 or 4 in the morning and then doing the same in the late afternoon. I use a Texas rig with the sinker pegged. This winter for the first time I am going to use shiners. I know nothing about fishing shiners. I hope the bait store will set me up.
  6. Wheels are the support two on the bottom one on top to hold the rod in place. I am using the uprights with a v but with felt material covered the v and top of the uprights. I can't post photos sorry.
  7. All that I have found has plastic or hard rubber in the 2" wheel. I was hoping someone has found the part I can't find.
  8. I an looking for the wheels on the uprights the the rod rests on? Can anyone please let me know if I could purchase 9 total.
  9. I never knew you could use a spatula to apply epoxy. How about mixing epoxy?
  10. I want to purchase tubing that you cut then put it on the rod to temporarily hold the guides to set the distance and to help holding when wrapping. What type of tubing and the ID .
  11. I see rod crafters use the spool with washers to adjust the tension. I see people use bobber tensioners'. Two. Cupped washer with a spring and it is fed to two eye screws. There is that set up plus a rod tensioner that takes our the slack. Is one better than the other? I just scrapped the first wrapping jig. I found one that is simple and easy to take down and set up. Now I am working with the thread tensioner.
  12. I am just starting rod building most purchases are Amazon and then E Bay. Most I have purchased has been tools, epoxy and guides. I have not purchased a rod blank. My first one was stripping down to a rod blank. After I finish this I will have a better time starting from scratch. Thank God for this forum. I just booked two weeks in Fort Wilderness campground then one week in December after that two months for the winter in January. One Large Mouth Bass did this to me.
  13. I have been using flex coat disposable brush. Today I watched a video on applying epoxy and she used a wider straight cut brush. What is the best brush to apply epoxy ?
  14. what tools are important for rod building? I don't waste money and purchase something I don't need. As a beginner I am setting up my rod building shop.
  15. What action is best to have the power to set the hook?
  16. I don't understand what is the difference between medium heavy action and medium action fast ? I guess fishing on the bank a 7' rod is oh? Is braided line ok or go with fluorocarbon? I don't want to get in trouble asking too many questions but I have until October to everything I need. My basement has over 50 years of trout tackle.
  17. I am looking for a good rod but at a reasonable price. I have to put the rods on top of my car when I drive to Florida. We stay overnight at a hotel. I have done the trip down and back one time and they strayed on the car roof all night. I have to get a rod that I can set the hook. The Bass fishing was amazing. Just think if I had the correct rod.
  18. I am addiction to bass fishing has me looking for a spinning rod I need to catch 3 to 6 lb. Bass. My rods are for trout. I can't believe mt glass rod did not brake, For trout a glass 6-6" rod is fine monofilament is fine. Now I want bass tackle. I put 20# braid as my main line and 12# fluorocarbon as my leader.. This never failed me. I booked 3 weeks at Fort Wilderness campground. The fishing is much better than the park. I booked two guided fishing trips and they were very good but bank fishing is much better. Ride the golf cart. To the spot walk over the bridge and start fishing. Very few people fish this spot. They go behind the 300 loop near the dog walk. I fished there and caught nothing. So I kept moving down. Some places the fishing police ran me out. I found out Tuesday and Thursday the are not around. Thank you all for in information. The #3 hook put me in reeling them in. The first bass that jumped out of the water shook my up! II will never forget that day. Now all I do is read about bass fishing.
  19. After a month at the Disney Fort Wilderness campground I had the best time fishing. I am and was a trout fisherman but the first monster bass I caught changed my #1 typo of fishing. We booked another trip to Fort Wilderness campground in October this year. The people fishing is very few. There are two very good places to fish on a bank. Every fish I caught was over three pounds. Switching my hook to a #3 worm hook was the trick. Working the worm very little at a time right to left. In the afternoon the place to fish was the area by the dog park near the bridge to the left. Wow this was a blast. No one fishes this area. Thank you everyone for the help getting me the best experience fishing I have ever had.
  20. The hook size makes a big difference. There are so many good size that strike. You can feel the line gets a slight pull.
  21. Trout fishing you can use 2 lb. Test line. I have for over 30 years. I caught a 25" trout with it. You need to set your drag for 2 lb line. Last week I caught the Biggers large mouth bass with 30 lb. Braided line and 8 lb. leader with a 6" rubber worm. As a beginner I will not go less than 8 lbs.
  22. Thank you everyone for the help. I will change my hooks tomorrow.
  23. I am in a RV at Disney Fort Wilderness Campground for a month. The fishing for bass is fantastic. I went and purchased a 7' medium rod with fast action. Then I purchased a 5000 size reel. I put. 30 lb. braid 8 strain line. 12 lb. Monofilament leader. I purchased #4 wide gap hooks. Then put a 6" zoom pumpkinseed worm on. I did not peg the 1/16 oz. Bullet sinker. With all oh this I hit the golf cart and went fishing. After fishing for an hour I had a hit. I set the hook and landed the biggest bass I ever caught. After I released him the excitement has me shaking. I never caught a bass this size. I caught a 25" trout back home but this bass was much more fun. Today I lost two bass. I had them almost near me and I lost them. I am use to trout fishing you don't need to set the hook real hard just keep even pressure on the fish. How hard do I need to set the hook on a bass? I am loosing more fish than ever have done. Do you let them take it wait then set it? I am very upset I purchased good stuff and get good hits then loose them. Can anyone please give me some advice on what I must do?
  24. I was looking at a spinning reel that is raited for 8 lb. 10 lb. And 12 lb. Line on the spool. I want to put 6 lb. Fluorocarbon line on it. Will there be a problem with using 6 lb. Test line?
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