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Everything posted by corey90

  1. is the carbon 4 blanks from rodgeeks really good
  2. i started a the would it be silly topic but didnt get the answer i wanted so ill explain this. i ordered a rod that has a tip of 6.5 i want to use fuji black titanium frames and use the kw double foot with a giude train of 10-8-6 all the way up to the tip top that needs to be a 6 ring becouse the tube size is 6.5. what i want to know is will using all double foot kw giudes damper the performance of the rod, a carbon 4 7'6' medium heavy rating 3/8-1 1/4 OZ lure weight
  3. metallic gold
  4. when was the last time they have any new blank fibers or technoligy
  5. maybe theres not a need but its a custom rod and think it would look different
  6. im talking kw double foot casting giudes no runners
  7. why not a metanium shallow edition
  8. i just ordered a carbon 4 7'6" medium heavy blank with the gloss finish so i was thinking using all double foot black titanium k frame giudes i was thinkink a 10-8-6 allthe way to the 6 tip top.
  9. my favorite reel is the 2019 Antares A70 i brought it from japan much cheaper it is a great caster. i also have the 2023 Steez A2 i also brought from japan and the 2 reels cast about the same for me. The Zillion TW HD also cast forever as well
  10. the k2 blanks are a bit better for bortom contact 765 and 736 anyway and rhe recon elite i think are better for moving baits
  11. look at the recon elite i built a 7 foot 1 heavy its a great rod.
  12. I do what i can and i am a bank fisherman so im walking and standing for as long as i can before my nerve pain in my legs and back gets to the point is throbbing pain. The source it started when i lost my best friend my father to cancer and then in i get a severe infection that coused my organs to fail from septic shock i still have memory problems and nerve pain from.i was an ahlcoholic but quite after getting sick. now life is starting to hit me. I know there are people worse off than me and are making it and im just going a hour at a time
  13. 2019 antares 2022 bantam 2023 steez a2 tw 22 calcutta conquest 200 xg 2020 and 2023 metanium and of course the new zillions
  14. do think they will come out with a better Antares mgl. paired with 12lb tatsu the 19 Antares cast better than any other reel i have
  15. i have the 7'4" legend X and i have used it for carolia rigs to swim jigs the rod is super sensitive and very strong. i dock flipped a 4lb smallie a couple days ago like it was nothing. super great rod but i have not used magdrafts or frogs with it but i know it would get the job done
  16. My doctor just swabbed my mouth for a test that shows how i digest the meds im hopining that works and she putsme on the right stuff. I am gratefull for everyones response its not easy talking about things
  17. does anyone have anxiety and depression so bad it effects every aspect of yor life. How do you cope with it when prescribed medication isnt enough.
  18. copper with mettallic gold flake
  19. better question is why do they look identical if there not the same. looks and feel of the blank are identical
  20. are kistler still using Northfork composites, or is Northfork using someone else blanks and seeling them as theres. yeah gary loomis was somehow a part with them but he dont own Northfork. Just want to know who is making these great blanks really!
  21. i just got the 7105H helium rod brought it straight from their website they saying it is there KC9 etreme high modulis blanks but it looks and feels just like the Northfork composites 7108 x-ray blank i have. I know kistler use to use Northfork blanks so im just curious were their claim of trey kistlers overseas rod manufacturing to make there own KC9 blanks
  22. i was wondering if i could get long cast with 1/2 oz to 1 oz lures. like 3/4 oz carolina rigs 1/2 oz toykos 1/2-1 oz lipless cranks as well as the 21 Antres DC. im between the 21 Antares or the 23 Antares DC MD i already own the 21 just curious if the 23 is worth buying or if i should go with the 21 xg or a 23 steez a 2tw
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