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Everything posted by badbob

  1. Get a decent Hand Double Action Pump ( not a Cycle Pump ) Remember these thing need "Air Volume" not pressure. With a good hand pump ( again dbl action) you will be able to have that boat inflated in less than five minutes. They cost anywhere from 20.00 to 40.00. Have fun!
  2. Hi , I have a 16' Bass Tracker it is a 1989 model , with a 40hp . It has a nice platform in the front but the back is more like the "Panfish Model" no rasied platform. I want to make it more like the newer models . Should I be concerned about the additional weight of putting a platform with storge in this boat?....How thick of plywood should I be using?......thanks , Bob
  3. Hi, I bought the new Shimano Cumura 7' med action. I have not caught many fish on it yet but I like it. It feels so well balanced in the hand..... Thanks, Bob
  4. I do not really have anything to compare it too but I just bought a 50lb Minn Kota endura I have only used it twice but so far so good! All the best, Bob
  5. Hi, all of you have been very helpful with my newbie questions. The boat I bought is a 16' Bass tracker it is a 1989 model so the fish finder is a little outdated ( Pixels are really large) any recomendations on a decent one around 200.00?........ Thanks, bob
  6. Thanks for the advice ( really) I think I was backing in too far my trailer wheels were completley submergered......and it was very windy. I really do appreciate all the advice I have received here. All the best, Bob
  7. Hello, I put my boat in the water for the first time this past friday. I bought a used Bass Tracker 16' Once we were in the water I loved it! (First boat I have ever had) anyway getting that boat off and back on the trailer must nave been a sight for anyone watching. Talk about your chinese fire drill....we had a heck of a time . Can someone give me the run down on the how to launch and load a boat? Thanks, Bob
  8. Thanks for all the help! I bought a Minn Kota Edge Bow Mount 50lb thrust . I wanted to get a variable speed but I just could not swing it . I wanted to get another battery for the trolling motor seperate from the starting battery ( like everyone suggested) I am going out tommorrow for the first time........Can't wait! again thanks to everyone for the help! All the best, Bob
  9. Hi, Anyone been to Eastman or Hensley lately? any reports? Thanks, Bob
  10. Hi, Thanks for all the help everyone has given me . I have a new question. I just bought a '16 used Bass Tracker. It has one battery that is for the engine to start and also for the trolling motor. Should I run a seperate Battery for the trolling motor ? and also what about on=board chargers ? pros? cons?......Thanks!
  11. Hi, thanks for the suggestions , right now it has a Mariner trolling motor the fellow I got the boat from said it is the originla that came on the boat. Thanks
  12. Hello, first I want to thank everyone for help with the post "Towing with a Ford Explorer" I really appreciate it. I got the boat and now I need to get a new trolling motor. The boat is a 16' Bass Tracker. I am not sure how many lb thrust to get? I would like to get by as cheap as possiable?.........thanks!
  13. And you towed on the Bumper? without using an after market frame mounted hitch? Thanks!
  14. Thank you so much! for the replys! I have never had a boat this will be my first , I know it's used but I am so jazzed about getting it! I was just wantinf to make sure because bumper says 3000lbs and the trailer says boat and trailer weigh 1700lbs. I just wanted to be safe. Thanks for the help! all the best, Obb
  15. Hi, I am going to but a used Bass Tracker it is the 16' with a 60hp engine. I have a Ford Exporer 6cyl 4wd , my question is can I use the bumber to tow with? it has a place to put a ball and says 3000 pds? or would I be better off to buy a new hitch that mounts to the frame? Thanks, Bob
  16. Hi, my wife and I have just statred bass fishing ( Last year) I have fly fished all my life but this bass stuff with conventional gear is new to us. I have a Shimano crucial 6'8" medlight spinning rod and a Compre 7' medlight spinning rod that seems to work very well for how we fish ( we have only fished plastic worms) I was hoping to get a better understanding as to what type of rod to use for jigs? cranbaits? tubes? flukes etc.....I really do not know. Thanks for any help !
  17. Nice Fish! , Nice fishing partner also...lol. My friends give me a bad time about always fishing with my wife. I also tell them that she is prettier and better smelling than they are, and she catches quite a few fish also. We went yesterday evening to Eastman in Maderra co, Ca. It was pretty good on numbers but not quite as good on size My wife did manage one about three pounds and I got one about two. As for smallies in California there are a few good lakes around here I think Tullock in Modesto Co Ca, is the best?......Shimano makes a nice Swim Bait Rod it is in there Cruicial Line. Thanks, Bob
  18. Hi, Please do stop by!......Great to meet you! All the best, Bob
  19. Hi, We are from Fresno ca, I manage Herb Bauer Sporting Goods in Fresno. Thanks, Bob
  20. Had a great day yesterday! My Wife and I went to Eastman Lake ( Madera County, Ca.) My wife had the hot hand with her new Crucial Drop Shot Rod and Supreme reel she landed and released over twenty Largemouth Bass. Her Biggest I would guess at between 4-5 lbs and measure at 17" ( we guess at weight because we are Flyfishing Trout fishers , Fly Fishers measure inches not Lbs...lol) Although she whupped me good in numbers I did manage to catch the biggest Bass I have ever caught, it measured 24" and I guess would weigh about 8-10lbs. This Bass fishing with plastic worms is fun! We caught all our fish on a "Keeper" brand plastic worm fished with a split shot, the color was clear smoke , gold flake with a orange bloodline. I am going to try and include a couple pics. Thanks for reading, Bob
  21. Hi, My name is Bob and My wifes name is Donna we are 47 and 40 yrs old . We live in Fresno ca. I have spent the last 30 yrs Flyfishing. We have recently been doing alot of Bass fishing with "conventional gear". My wife loves it and it's fun. We have decided to purchase a boat for Bass fishing. I am not wanting to spend the farm on a new boat. I am looking real hard at the Tracker Pro Team 170 and 175. I was hoping someone could tell me a little about them if they have one? Also is there a ton of difference in a 25hp 4-stroke and a 40 or 50 4-stroke? I do not need to get across the lake in record time. The guy at the boat store said that the reason people get rid of there boat is that they got one too big or too small to begin with? any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bob
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