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Everything posted by kirkkoh

  1. yes i agree. sorry i probably didnt get my point across well. im bad with words, always have been. i usually find when fish prefer that fast fall rate, they are usually pretty active and IMO when theyre active, dialing in the details of what color, weight, presentation, etc becomes less important. When i responded i was responding with the thought in mind that the fish are being finicky or lethargic which is how fishing has been for me lately. Thanks for the response!
  2. Im a firm believer in the lightest you can get away with. i feel like most people misinterpret that saying, including you. The idea is to get the most natural looking presentation and rate of fall experimenting with different oz weights. i find it is much easier to fish a lure too fast than to fish it too slow. once i find that good natural presentation and rate of fall, its likely its gonna be my highest chance of catching fish or "getting away with it". if i go lighter my bait isnt going down in the water column or going haywire in the current with a bad presentation. i go too heavy and its like a meteor landing next to the fish and a superfast unnatural rate of fall. either way "you arent getting away with it" if you go lig
  3. no mono for me... not sensitive compared to others.
  4. I CANT STAND IT but im trying lol!! especially those days where you just have to grind... The last thing i want to be doing is sitting in a large unproductive area fishing a slow and tedious finesse rig thinking they are just being finicky when they just arent there.
  5. Ive recently been trying to use and gain confidence in my "finesse" fishing techniques. TX rig, ned rig, shakeyhead, etc. i rarely fish these techniques because i hate how slow and boring it can be IMO. i've noticed that i think i would prefer TX rig fishing on a spinning reel...? i have years of experience with tx rigging on a baitcaster but ive always felt my presentations sucked regardless of what oz weight im throwing and although i know exactly how i want to work the bait in my head i struggle to match those motions physically with my rod and reel sequences, almost like its a brain comprehension thing. Im kind of puzzled lol. when i use a spinning reel. everything feels natural, i can work my bait exactly how i envision it in my head. all of my pop, drag, lift, and reel sequences seem to flow together much better. am i going crazy or does this seem logical?
  6. falcon buccoo or falcon buccoo sr? the original buccoo's were made in america if im not mistaken and ive read nothing but positive reviews. the buccoo sr is another story.
  7. Good to know! thank you. all of mine previously were aluminum frame.
  8. well i would have but they were interviewing people at academy for black friday and i saw it on the news lmaooo. thanks camera lady!!
  9. i got to use it for the first time and initially i was upset. it was very "geary" so i was like maybe it came dry, ill give lews the benefit of the doubt. so i oiled it and its still "geary". none the less, its a pretty good reel. its just the retrieve isnt silky smooth like my daiwa and shimano's... overall i like it.
  10. The black one. the silver one is the lews tournament lite. i actually meant to order the tournament lite (silver one) but ordered the custom lite (black one) by mistake but i think im gonna be happy with it. The custom lite may seem like plastic but thats mainly due to the sophisticated process used to make the frame of the lews custom lite. To the average person im sure it looks and feels like normal ole plastic. anyways is there a reason you dedicated it to your shakeyhead setup? and whats your thoughts so far compared to other reels in that price range?
  11. well, its not a matter of being simple or not being that everyones preferences are different. of course its simple to you because you know what you like and dont like. The reason for the post was to see different perspectives i may have not thought about or considered.
  12. oh trust me i know lol. im a "gear" nerd. the two setups i mentioned should be good enough. for what its worth, ill happily sit down and retie instead of buying more setups. i fish the Louisiana marsh 99% of the time so ill likely be throwing 1/8-1/4 oz.
  13. thanks, first ive heard that. i read quite a few reviews saying it was a good TX rig rod. and yea, i got the lizard dragger (carolina rig rod). i guess i will have to just first hand play around with it and see. i am afraid its going to break. when looking up reviews on forums i cant count how many people said it snapped on a hookset. some said they had multiple and every one of them snapped.
  14. i just ordered a lews custom lite slp and a falcon bucoo sr for my flipping/ tx rig setup. its been out for 2-3 years now. why isnt there many reviews online about this reel? not many youtube videos on it either. its messing with my brain because its a higher end lews thats only 4.9 oz so i dont see why theres not tons of youtube videos /reviews on it. anyone have one and can share their experiences? im a shimano/daiwa guy but if i like this reel the hypermag seems like a good reel i may try to get one day.
  15. i recently realized im a fan of light weight gear, especially for any type of finesse fishing. i never was a huge fan of TX rig fishing because its slow and having cheap gear thats not best suited for TX rig fishing. I recently got a new setup that i seem to enjoy more for this style of fishing. A shimano aldebaran BFS XG paired with an old 18 hollow point rod heavy fast 7' mainly for flukes, its one of my go-to techniques i have confidence in. i liked this setup for TX rig fishing aswell. My GF got me a Falcon Bucoo SR heavy fast 7' for christmas so i ordered a Lews Custom Lite SLP to pair it with to try for a TX rig setup. i may pair the custom lite with the hollow point being i LOVE my hollow point rod. Is gear weight a concern for you guys for finesse fishing? what things do you consider when choosing gear besides a fast gear ratio and a MH/heavy fast rod?
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