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Susky River Rat

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Susky River Rat last won the day on July 14 2024

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1 Follower

About Susky River Rat

  • Birthday May 1

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    South central pa
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Stonewall Jackson - musky
    Susky - smallies
  • Other Interests
    I love training and working with my rescued dog. Between my wife, dog, work and fishing I do not have much free time or money for other passions.

Social Media

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  • About Me
    Certified river rat

    Fishing level - novice

    Smallie chaser

    Musky hunter

    Welder by trade

    Jet boats are life

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Susky River Rat's Achievements

Big 'un

Big 'un (7/9)




Community Answers

  1. You can’t beat a bass tracker for an entry leve boat. Are they the best? No are they good boats for the price? Yes. You also wont have to worry about if you bang it up a little. Which you will.
  2. I have disagreed with this as well. Again I believe it was the university of West Virginia conducted studies to debunk the 80 degree delayed mortality that everyone goes by. It was conducted at stonewall Jackson where the fish were radio tracked recorded than went and checked to see if they were alive after a certain period of time.
  3. @MonsterZero actually 3/4 of both articles supported that we should not be fishing if we cared for the well being of the fish. 1/4 of it was tackle. 1/4 was fight length. 1/4 was water/ air temp. Which only left 1/4 for the mishandling of fish after the catch. So thank you for proving that handling the fish after the catch is only 25% of the problem. Don’t just read what you want to see read the whole article that supported what I said to start. Stop playing checkers and start playing chess.
  4. @MonsterZero striped bass are a mute subject on this. Most are caught on to light of gear and played to the point of exhaustion. Much like happens with musky using improper gear. Also water and air temps play a factor. So again you have two other huge factors more so than just handling to much. Than this in the types of hooks. Stop trying in fight your fight with data that is not relevant to the topic at hand. let’s stay in the lane of small mouth and large mouth and not move to bigger in the family. I ask you again to show me smallmouth and largemouth research. As far as the slime yes we know they need it. You can’t honestly tell me removing the slime is worse than giving a fish open wounds from hooks or fizzing. Which fizzing is very common now due to FFS. I literally fish a river that 20 years ago was on the verge of having no bass in it. That had nothing to do with boat flips or mishandling of fish.
  5. Of that’s the logic you have than none of us should be living on this planet. We can go down that rabbit hole if you want too. I refuse to believe boat flipping a bass or even dropping one on the deck kills every single fish this happens to. Is that the best practice for every fish? No. They used to say that catching musky over 80 degree temps killed every single one. I believe it was University of West Virginia proved this wrong. Show me data and research that supports boat flipping directly kills fish. Not just what you believe or you heard or you think.
  6. This kind of reminds me of a musky forum right now. Don’t do this don’t do that. Only do this only do that. the very fish dies that was r handled the way is deemed “correct”. My one argument is if we truly care about the well being of the fish why are we jamming hooks in their face,eyes,throat,gills,body for our own glory or personal enjoyment. Than ripping them from their world to remove the hooks and put them back. They aren’t dogs or cats they are fish. Go fishing, Have fun and do your best to do no harm.
  7. I fish long level here and there. Mainly I fish north of there though.
  8. I boat flip smaller ones and net bigger ones.
  9. I don’t think there is any reason why you should need a gas motor on anything that small. At say 500 acres I could see you doing a slow no wake situation. The problem is people are bone heads and would abuse that. I personally stay away from any electric lakes. Not power loading my boat would make it extremely difficult
  10. I don’t always cast far but when I do it’s right I to a tree I never thought I’d reach.
  11. 84% increase in catch rate is huge.
  12. I had mine on Martin Luther king day through the ice!
  13. Jon boat. You can get them cheap and set them up a lot easier how you want them.
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