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Everything posted by Smirak

  1. real quick - where in N Alabama? I live in HSV
  2. Thanks all. I actually fished it the way that valvo initially replied. All in all, everything was good with the exception of like 19trillion lbs of eel grass at Lake Guntersville currently…
  3. Just thinking out loud and would like some advice. I’m trying to get a better understanding of technique specific type of stuff vs just throwing what I have. Tell me what you would pair up with what and why. Also, if possible, please let me know what I should be throwing with each combo? I’d appreciate it much folks! Reels (baitcasters): Lews Speed Spool 6:8.1, 30lb Seaguar Tactix Braid SLX DC 7:2.1 50lb Seaguar Tactix Braid SLX DC 8:2.1 50lb Seaguar Tactix Braid Rods: 7’-6” Heavy, extra fast BPS Carbonlite pro or whatever the model is called 7’-2” St Croix Medium Fast Mojo Bass 7-0” Dobyns Fury Medium Heavy, Fast Thabks, Kevin
  4. I’ve got the Huk’s. They are great. I took a swim in mine the other day and they kept my feet nice and wet all day. But seriously, they fit great, are warm if needed. I recommend.
  5. I was army from ‘93 (deployment to Somalia) until ‘04 (deployment to Iraq). Was Air Force from ‘05 - 14 (both Iraq and Afghanistan).
  6. Hey Luke…I too have major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety and PTSD (thanks deployments!). Like you, I have constant mood changes as well. However, I don’t work any longer as im 100% P&T, and still have wavering thoughts. Hang in there bud and keep thinking about it!
  7. I know this topic refers to age wise, but here in Alabama, I got my lifetime hunting and fishing license for $90 due to me being 100% disabled. Not bad considering I am only 48 and am now covered for life.
  8. Thanks for the replies guys. I think I’m going to stick with my method of just walking it back. It’s not a big deal. My first thought was ascenders as well. May go to my local climbing gym and see what they use to haul their holds up high to reset routes.
  9. I searched for this, but couldn’t find what I was looking for (and, if this is the wrong forum, please feel feee to move). I recently installed the rad sportz single kayak hoist. Thing works great with my SS127. However, the issue I’m having is getting the kayak up by pulling on the ropes. I can only get so much “bite”, then pull, then have to get another bite. I have arthritis in my hands (thanks military) and it makes this difficult. I can actually just walk with the lines in my garage until it is all the way to the ceiling and then tie it off. However, does anyone have any recommendations for easier ways to lift? Like handle(s) on the lift lines, knots in the line to make it easier, etc?
  10. I too did the exact same thing. However, I couldn’t get the ctug adjusted correctly for my 127. I wound up buying a Malone at cabelas for like $170(?) that has adjustable bunks. It fits my 127 much better now.
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