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Everything posted by AboveAverageAngler

  1. 1 lure catches about 90% of all the smallmouth bass I catch…3 inch power grub with beetlespin overhead spinner.
  2. Wading in rocky rivers. And also surviving the savage attacks on my leg hairs by schools of emerald shiners!
  3. Pretty much any all tackle I’ve bought in the past 3 or 4 years. Haven’t used hardly any of it yet.
  4. Not the least bit technique specific with any of my rods. Whatever techniques I use on a spinning rod, is used on all my spinning rods. Same with my baitcasting rods.
  5. I do just fine with the cheapest no name spinnerbaits on the rack! But I couldn’t pass up on the bluegill colored spinnerbait that Berkley made. Didn’t fish much this year, but it did look cool in the water at least.
  6. Bought a bigger boat this fall. Plan to fish some bigger bodies of water, that I never was able to take my small boat on. Vermilion, Mille Lacs, and Leech to name a few.
  7. Bill Dance dancin’ eel. Bass and pike absolutely inhaled that thing! And of all things, my biggest brook trout was caught on it!
  8. All 3 baitcasters I’ve bought in the past year are quantum. And 5 of the 6 casting rods are quantum graphex. They are very inexpensive, and I love them! I will always buy the cheapest, yet quality enough rods/reels. I’m sure the expensive stuff is great! Just can’t justify spending that kind of money, when my cheaper equipment has treated me so well over the years.
  9. Has anyone used this? Cabela’s had it on sale for dirt cheap! I know you get what you pay for sometimes, but it was so cheap, I couldn’t pass it up!
  10. If I’m not fishing for Smallmouth Bass, I’m typically targeting brook and brown trout. In the winter: crappie, tullibee, lake trout, sturgeon.
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