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Everything posted by Red

  1. Red


    thanks everyone, appreciate the tips! Cliff
  2. Red


    i tried searching for this but my computer keeps locking up then giving me an error... how exactly do you retrieve a T-rigged worm, tube etc? where would i use this as opposed to a C-Rig? thanks Cliff
  3. wlcome!
  4. i buy all my stuff at walmart...rods, reels,lures..everything..unless there is something i want that they dont have then i will go to academy....like senkos...walmart didnt have GY senkos and i wanted some, so i bought some at academy.....come to find out buy reading this forums Kinami senkos are exactly the same...and walmart does have them....i just recently bought a pinnacle solene reel, which walmart carries...but they didnt have left hand so i bought minje online....my 3 other abu's i bought from walmart, and my two berkley rods i got there, i do have one guide series rod from gander mountain but it was a gift...i have always had good luck with shakespere rods too....my favorite rod that i put the pinnacle on is a shakespere rod....i looked up online some of the reel names i have read about on here(revo for example) and cant believe the prices!! i dont think i could ever bring myself to pay that much money for a reel! can a 200 dollar reel really be THAT much better or last THAT much longer than my 50 dollar rells? Cliff
  5. problem solved! thanks! Cliff
  6. i always used inline bucktails...but they are pricey...and definetly steel liters...their teeth are like razors....i cought about a 24 inch pike and gave it to a guy cuz he wanted to eat it...he put it on one of those rope stringers...few minutes later, the fish was gone and the guy had a crap stringer....and they love the banjo minnow, if you can get your hands on the real big ones like 7 inches or bigger...have fun they are a blast to catch! Cliff
  7. ok i will check it out....and since i just read the other thread related to this...should i use a mono backing with this line? thanks Cliff
  8. i am fairly new to baitcasters, i have used an abu(round body) for about 2 years....but i was throwing huge bucktails and jerkbaits for pike and muskie...i had 80lb dacron line on it, was like well rope...and with heavy lures backlashes were few and far between...i have recently purchased a pinnacle solene reel and have it mounted on a 6.5 foot MH rod...so far i have used trilene XT, trilene XL and red cajun....all 12lb test...i use this set up fpr everything because i am on the bank and move from place to place often...my point is i seem to get alot of backlash no matter what i am throwin...c-rig,weightless,cranks, spinnerbaits.....will a heavier line help me out? or something other than mono? or do i just need to practice more? i set the brake and all that for the lure i am using and i dont have a problem with distance...i can throw weightless senko plenty far enough but i get backlash more often than not...any tips would be MUCH appreciated Cliff
  9. hey guys, i am a non-boater.... have been fishing form the "courtesy" docks on lake waco....i have fished two different ones and cought a small bass at each.....my question is weather or not i am wasting my time on these docks....they see alot of traffic...people park the boat at the dock while they park the truck....boat in and out of there all day long...should i focus on the areas along the bank away from the actual dock? the docks have cover within casting distance(tree,brush) but the shorelines away from the dock are pretty bare....not much cover that i can see.....i am having fun anyway...i did catch two bass....but i am just wondering if i might do better away from these busy docks...thanks in advance! Cliff
  10. Red


    well i ended up taking my nephews out to catch some sunfish this afternoon, it was their first time fishing....we had fun they each cought a couple...took them and the wife home...then i came back out for a couple hours.....skunked Cliff
  11. yeah this place is great, so much information for someone who is new to bass fishing, like myself...i cant stop reading on here, i am on it at work and when i come home....i cant imagine being the moderators here....i run 2 forums related to a video game i play, but between the 2 there isnt even 40 members.....there is always like 200 plus on here....great place, great job! Cliff
  12. Red


    well i am going to bet out to the lake again tomorrow afternoon,,,supposed to be sunny and 80 degrees with south winds blowing 20-25mph....the wind will be at my back....any suggestion as to what may produce a bass or two for me? there will be alot of standing timber and brush...water is usually murky...i will let you know how i do! thanks Cliff
  13. there is also some great articles for bank fisherman on here too, i have read them all! Cliff
  14. i read somewhere on here a dude uses paint pens to write running depth on the belly of the lure...i think he said he got them from hobby shops Cliff
  15. i remember one season i was fishing in minnesota....i saw a Loon in the water going crazy....i got close to it and it had fishing line all wrapped around its neck and tangled up in one wing...i tried to grab it to help it, but of course it didnt know i was trying to help and it swam off.....about a week later i was on the other side of the lake walking the shoreline casting...i saw a dead Loon washed up on shore....with fishing line tangled in its wing and around its neck...from the amount of line i saw it appeared to be line that someone had thrown out,,,,not a piece of line left over from having a snag
  16. the walmart here carries pinnacle baitcast reels, they are about 50 bucks, i bought mine online cuz i wanted left hand crank, but i like it so far..very smooth...i have also purchased abu spinning reels there, 33 bucks...i like them alot too....all my rods are from walmart...20 bucks tops...go shekespere!! Cliff
  17. Red


    thanks, just an update, i have been out everyday this week after work for a few hours...each time i went to a different spot.....1st day i cought 1 bass on a fluke c-rigged.....no bites before this one and none after....i also threw a spinnerbait(white) and a crankbait(norman thin N)....next day...skunked....today i started with a spinnerbait..no luck....jerkbait..nothin...then i tried a C-rig...powerworm(blue flake) nothing, fluke..snagged a catfish in its belly, lizard..nothing....then i put on this bubblegum colored worm...i dont know what it is or where it came from, i have a zip lock bag of em in my box..been there for years and never used them...it is about 7 inches long and a pretty "stiff" plastic....first cast i got about a 1 pounder...kept throwin it and no more hits so am i just getting a lucky fish here and there? what would you do? it is a large lake(lake Waco) and all the areas i have fished so far have standing timber and i can feel alot of crap on the bottom with the C-rig...the water is murky...about 1 to 1 1/2 foot visibility down...i give each bait about 20-25 casts before i switch.....also, does having a glass bead make much of a difference on a c-rig? i havent been using them but i bought some tonight, and brass weights too thanks guys...love this site, cant stop reading it! Cliff
  18. well i got some 12lb trilene XL and spooled it up, used it today...it seems to be fine so far....i snagged a big ol catfish right in the aXX! dont know how, but i did, and i cought one small bass
  19. i have an ambassador(round body) and two cardinal spinning reels...have had all three for a few years and i love them, no problems at all....i would like to have bought a low profile abu reel, but i cant find any that have left hand crank that dont cost 200 bucks! so i bought a pinnacle solene(about 50 bucks), and so far i llike it...but who knows if it will last as long as my abu's have cliff
  20. hey all, i am new to all of this and will be fishing from the bank in texas....i use a pinnacle solene on a M/H berkley 6' rod...i dont take numerous rods because i like to walk the shoreline and cast and dont want to carry several rods everytime i move...i was wondering what would be a good line for all applications (crankbaits, soft plastics, spinnerbaits, etc)? the reel is rated for 120 yds of 12lb test and the rod for 12-25. i normally use trilene XL, but have never used any of it heavier than 6lb and have not used it on a casting reel, only spinning. any suggestions will be much appreciated thanks Cliff
  21. Red


    thanks, i have been surfing all day really....and dont worry i will have plenty of questions for you all. this is really i great site, i am glad i found it and if any of you happen to have any questions about walleye/pike fishing i may be able to help there i lived in MN for 5 years...i am no expert but i know a few things. anyway i really look forward to LMB fishing..i am already having a blast slammin the white and hybrids! Cliff
  22. Red


    thanks, guess i need to do some shopping, because i have exactly none of those baits! i just went over to the river for a few minutes, to try out my new rod and reel(pinnacle solene left hand, berkley 6' cherrywood) it seems the river water is fairly stained due to recent rains....lots of trees hanging down into the water and some stumps and downed trees in the water. i didnt catch anything but new setup is pretty nice. i did see fish jumping under some hanging trees on the other bank across from me...i will give your baits a try for sure...hopefully gonna get me a nice big fat hybrid tomorrow! thanks again Cliff
  23. i have cought alot of fish in the banjo....tons of pike in NY and MN...few bass here and there...and the biggest walleye i ever cought was on the bajo in a river in NY...they are great for pike in my opinion...but pike will eat anything
  24. Red


    thanks! also i wanted to add, when i go fishing with my step father targeting hybrids...we are usually in 25-35 foot of water....anyway to catch largemouths in that deep water while he is fishing for whites and hybrids? I really have no experience largemouth fishing in anything other than small farm ponds in NY...so this is all kinda new to me thanks Cliff
  25. Red


    hey all, i am new to the forums and am looking for some advice. I just moved to Waco, Tx from minnesota and i am originally from NY. My largemouth bass fishing knowledge isnt really that good.(cought alot of smallies in NY) I fish belton lake about once a week with my step father in law....but he targets whites and hybrids....i want to catch some largemouths.....locally in waco there is Lake waco, the Bosque river and the Brazos river. i do not have a boat so i will be shore fishing. i have casting and spinning gear. I am just looking for any tips on where and how to catch me a bass or two. or if there is already topics here on the forums if you could direct me to them....there is so much info here it would take me forever to search it all! anyway thanks in advance and i look forward to reading through some more of the great info here Cliff
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