so i was out fishing this afternoon and there were tons of shad flipping on the water....i mean alot of them too...there really wasnt any fish attacking them on top...i maybe saw 1 or 2 come up after a shad...i was using a weightless senko...i had two good hard strikes but no first thought was to try a original floater rapala...a lure which i dont have...yet....anyway so i kept throwing the senko....nothing....i saw a bassboat with a couple guys fishing the shoreline about 100 feet from me...they were catchin em....i couldt see real well but it look like they were throwin white i went to the car, grabed my other rod...white spinnerbait....about the third cast i cought a dink..about 8-10 inches....nothing else the rest of the time i was question is...what would you have done? water is murky, 15-20 mph N wind....brush, treees within casting distance.....thanks!