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Everything posted by Red

  1. welcome! Cliff
  2. so all the area lakes are flooded...in particular, the one i fish on, lake waco is 14 feet above normal! all the corp of engineer parks are closed, which is where i fish..i know of no place on this lake i can access without going into one of these parks or private property....so i am basically screwed....the news tonight said that the park rangers are predicting 3-4 weeks for clean up and damage recovery....what am i going to do!!!!!! > :( :-[ Cliff
  3. get yourself one of those beekeeper suit deals...ya know with the mask and all that...then you would be set!!
  4. yes they sure can...except for last night we couldt get any to come to our lights...lake is up like 10 feet...storms all over..no shad..no fish...lightning came so we bailed.
  5. well about fishing from the docks here in waco texas...some mentioned that it isnt allowed in their neck of the woods and all that...well i happened to be heading to the dock the other night when the park rangers were launching their boat....i spoke to one of them in the parking lot for a few minutes...it is not allowed...but there is no signs....guess it is supposed to be a "known" thing...anyway he told me that technically it is not allowed, but he said i could when it isnt busy..and if a boat comes in i need to have my line out of the water...he was very nice and i told him it wasnt a problem cuz i had a few other spots down the shoreline i like too...at least i know now....but i dont understand why they just dont put up a sign if they dont want people fishing there? they put up no swimming signs and stuff right? but none of it matters right now cuz the freakin lake is flooded again so i cant even get into the park anyway...and more rain all week is expected...anyway just thought i would fill ya'll in on that Cliff
  6. i have tried this method alot too with no success...i have cought one fish on a senko....i had a hard time telling which was longer..the fish or the senko.... ;D
  7. Red

    Prayer Request

    good luck over there man...stay safe and come home soon! Cliff
  8. what lake? just curious i am going to be fishing on belton lake tonight for hybrids Cliff
  9. Red

    good choices?

    well i actually got lucky in that department...my wife wears no jewlery...except for her wedding rings and class ring...thats it..no earrings, no necklaces...nothin....and she dosent want any...so now i just have to hope my LC's catch fish....then i can order some more!! Cliff
  10. i always just wack em right on top of the head with something hard. like a rock or my pliers...hit em hard enough and it will kill them instantly...or a knife through the skull into the brain works too
  11. well i have seen some of the mods and other members direct new members to a thread that already exists on the particular topic....that seems to be the best route Cliff
  12. we always look for the birds and use a homemade solid lead jiggin spoon..or white grubs or hair jigs...the jigs work well when the school is bustin shad on top
  13. Red

    good choices?

    first cast? oh no they to pretty to actually USE them, i just got em to make my box look nice. Cliff
  14. Red

    good choices?

    well i got my baits today...man those lucky crafts look sweet...hope to get out to try them this friday...its a busy week for me this week and i am going striper fishing over the weekend...the diawa buzzbait looks pretty awesome too...and my wife said i could buy as many LC's as i want...if they are catching fish....i sure hope they work good!! the two i got are both "american shad" color and look pretty cool...cant wait to toss em out into the drink! Cliff
  15. dont forget to keep a nice 1-2lber for lunch!
  16. yeah the pores are a surefire way to tell between a muskie and a pike too http://www.thefishinguide.com/pikemn.shtml yeah those fish are super agressive and tons of fun to catch...try using a buzzbait or a spinnerbait "bulging" the surface....the topwater strike is awesome! Cliff
  17. the darker fish sure do look like pike to me...kinda hard to tell by the pics....here is a comparison...what do you think? http://www.maine.gov/ifw/fishing/fishidentification/pikepickerelcomparison.htm
  18. 1/8 oz ball jig heads...no color always worked best for me....some small fathead minnows or shiners work well too...run the hook down the mouth and out the gill...then stick it in the back of the minnow, but dont kill it if you can help it...this makes for easy casting as the bait is less likly to fly off the hook....throw it out, let it sit..hop it and drag it slowly back...if in a boat it also works by vertical jigging right on bottom, but use a swivel to prevent line twist....this is the way i did it in minnesota and it worked great....feel for the "tick" they can be very skeaky.....hope that helps
  19. great vidoe! how did that baby survive? were the lions just playin or what? i always thought when one of those cats got a hold of an animal it was lights out pronto! guess they were slackin that day! Cliff
  20. dont know about where your living...but when i lived in minnesota...jig and minnow was the ticket Cliff
  21. 27" is a great walleye...nice job! Cliff
  22. i always fish alone...i really enjoy it...i can walk the shoreline and cast...or i can really fish one spot hard....i do talk to myself sometimes like when i get a backlash or hung up i usually mutter some 4 letter words, directed at the reel or lake bottom...and when i get a fish on i usually talk to it..."c'mon baby..come to daddy, ah crap another dink!" the only time i fish with someone is when i go hybrid/white fishin with my step dad in law...it is always a good time...he has fished the lake his whole and always puts us on fish Cliff
  23. well i havent managed to get any free lures yet..but i keep hoping....once i tried to help a Loon that had line all wrapped up in its wing and around its neck...it couldnt fly and of course swam off when i approaced trying to help...about a week later i found it dead on the shore nearby where i saw it
  24. nice lookin fish..good job! Cliff
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