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Everything posted by Red

  1. i remember i was very young...maybe 9 or 10...my dad took me down to the river behind the soccer field...i dont remember what i was using...i think a yellow mister twister.....i was just reeling it in and wack! i reeled it in and it was a small northern about a foot long or so.....i was so happy and excited....we didnt have a camera and i HAD to show my mom....so dad put it on a stringer and i held it out the truck window for all to see as we drove through town to go back home...i can remember just holding that fish and looking for someone to see it as we drove along.....good times. i always loved fishing but didnt get really serious about it until i was in high school and my parents bought a place on cayuga lake.....dad bought me a new rod/reel that year and then i caught my first smallie....that is the moment i got really serious about fishing. Cliff
  2. went out again this morning for bit....after losing two of my only three jigs left, and then throwing a crank for a while, i switched back to my last jig, with a gene larew salt craw trailer....finally hooked up with this one...it went 2.4 lbs...it also ripped the entire skirt off my last jig!! so i just threw the jig head with just the craw on it and got this one....it went 1.5 thats all i ended up with this morning.....my buddy and i started a new "tournament" too...i lead with 2 fish at 3.9lbs and he has 2 fish at 2.9lbs Cliff
  3. crap! no lefties...hope they come out with a lefty in the future, i was really looking forward to these Cliff
  4. nice fish man...the red eye thing works, if you can keep from blinking while the first few flashes go off
  5. Red

    i got it!!!

    thanks, i think it would work great, since the BDS2 in american shad has been great this year...but i am currently saving my pennies for a different piece of tackle so i wont be getting anymore cranks soon
  6. thanks guys, another question...how do they hold up? cuz i have been using GYCB flappin hawgs recently...and the words "durable" and "GYCB flappin hawg" shouldnt be used in the same sentance ;D....i like them but man the fish look at them and the appendages fall off....i only bought one pack just to try them, they worked great but didnt last for crap....hope the paca stuff is better Cliff
  7. i told my buddy he needs to get some jigs...but he keeps throwin the little spoon and small cranks and catchin dinks....then he cusses me when i consistently catch larger fish than him....we had a little "tournament" going...5 bass, most weight wins, gotta be a pound to count...i won 8.6lbs to 4.6lbs....he never got a 5th fish to weigh in....and i replaced two fish today from my list with bigger ones....we are going to start again next time we are out...hope he gets some bigger baits or he is goin down again!! Cliff
  8. how long do you think that thing is?
  9. Red

    i got it!!!

    thanks guys, it isnt a whole lot of OT...about 5-13 hrs per week, 5 for sure and then a saturday here and there...so not real bad....but after sitting and doing nothing at my current job i am very excited about actually WORKING again....i like to work, not the type to sit behind a desk or anything like that Cliff
  10. the jig was hot this afternoon, along with the temperature...hit the golf course for about an hour or so....i used a eakins jig 5/16 brown w/purple flash, with a GYCB flappin hawg trailer in green pumpkin....just went around the tank pitchin to sticks and lay downs and retention walls...caught these four plus a few other smaller ones...these four ranged between 1.5 and 2lbs...no hawgs but great fun and practice with the jig!
  11. a job i applied for, it is for a company called sturdisteel that builds press boxes, grandstands and bleachers...i am so excited...i start on the 8th.....better pay plus all the overtime i can handle...the bait monkey is fixin to be very satisfied!! Cliff
  12. porch where you can relax in the rocker and i will get comfy in this..... then we can....
  13. i didnt measure it, but if i had to guess, i would say between 21" and 23"
  14. when i first saw the fish, i thought for sure it would go 5lbs...but after closer inspection she was kinda skinny...maybe i can get her again when she is full of eggs
  15. yeah if your looking for numbers maybe try for northen's instead...good luck!
  16. FAT BDS by LC in Amreicna shad for me
  17. thanks guys....i believe this to be the same fish i had on earlier this year, when i was just starting out bass fishing....i had one on in the same tank right close to shore...i got a good look at it and this fish was about the same size.....the other tank in the area produces more and better fish normally...but i always go back to this one to try t get that fish i had on months ago...i think i finally got her Cliff
  18. wasnt worried about him getting away, was worried about him staying alive!
  19. so i couldt go to the golf course this evening cuz my buddy(who is the member there) couldnt go...so i decided to try the private stock tanks that havent produced crap for a while now....well recently i have been trying to put some advice i read on another thread that matlures posted regarding bigger fish...he said...."stop fishing for small fish" i have been trying to do this.....i only took one rod with a few 10" power worms and some jigs....i was out there for about one hour, it was hot, bright sun, and HOT! i t-rigged a 10" red shad powerworm with a 1/4 oz bullet and tossed her out....i let it sit there and after a few casts working it very slow and letting it sit caught one that went just over a pound....tossed again and instantly had something break my line(turtle?)...rigged another worm and tossed one more time....about half way back to me, while the worm was just sitting for about a minute, i felt one good "bump" i reeled down and set it hard...fish on!! knew it was a good one right away...it took some drag and i finally got her in....removed hook...ran to truck, snapped pic, weighed real quick and let her go...she swam away strong....didnt rinse her off for the pic cuz i was trying to hurry....my scale told me 4.1lbs...my new PB! previous was 3.5 that i have matched 3-4 times over.
  20. anyone have much luck with these? mainly the craws and chunks? was considering these for my jig trailers....i am down to only a couple jigs left now...so i need to restock and wanted to buy some trailers to match....i know what jigs i want to get but am looking for a good trailer, and some good craws to use on t-rigs as well...plus they are on sale at *** thanks Cliff
  21. definetly not a walleye, or a falcon ;D....an off colored white maybe?
  22. well went out again tonight, met up with my buddy and told him i was going hawg huntin...i only brought jigs and my spook for after the sun went down...i fished jigs the whole time...i caught one dink and one went 1.3lbs....then i threw my spook for a few and lost it on a tree...back to the jig and nothing for the rest of the evening.....oh well was fun, i will stick to it and get that pig!! BTW the fish i did catch hit the bait about half way back to shore Cliff
  23. you guys are really the bait monkey in disguise arent you?
  24. do you generally work the jig all the way back to the bank? or just pitch it to your target, give it a pop or two then reel it in? all the fish i have caught ona jig came on the initial fall or just after it hits bottom....just wondering if i am missing out by reeling it in and not covering all that water between target and bank... kinda new to the jig thing...thanks guys Cliff
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