so i couldt go to the golf course this evening cuz my buddy(who is the member there) couldnt i decided to try the private stock tanks that havent produced crap for a while now....well recently i have been trying to put some advice i read on another thread that matlures posted regarding bigger fish...he said...."stop fishing for small fish" i have been trying to do this.....i only took one rod with a few 10" power worms and some jigs....i was out there for about one hour, it was hot, bright sun, and HOT! i t-rigged a 10" red shad powerworm with a 1/4 oz bullet and tossed her out....i let it sit there and after a few casts working it very slow and letting it sit caught one that went just over a pound....tossed again and instantly had something break my line(turtle?)...rigged another worm and tossed one more time....about half way back to me, while the worm was just sitting for about a minute, i felt one good "bump" i reeled down and set it on!! knew it was a good one right took some drag and i finally got her in....removed hook...ran to truck, snapped pic, weighed real quick and let her go...she swam away strong....didnt rinse her off for the pic cuz i was trying to scale told me new PB! previous was 3.5 that i have matched 3-4 times over.