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Everything posted by Red

  1. Believe me I will be fishing. I was thinking about something like a weather app, preferably one that has a good wind forecast. Or some sort of log keeping deal. Mainly stuff I can use before and after the fishing trip. Thanks Cliff
  2. Hey all. Just got a DROID smartphone. Was wondering if there was any cool fishing related apps out there I should check out. Thanks Cliff
  3. I have been using it for a few months now. I like it, no complaints.
  4. Nice!! I caught one that was about the same size this morning. Sometimes small but always fun!! Especially when the kiddos are catchin em! Congrats!
  5. they lost.
  6. I believe it could be another species of fish besides a bass, however if a gill can produce a thump like the ones I was getting I reckon I would be afraid to catch that fish!!
  7. I think you canmake one from a cooler. Try googling and I bet you find something.
  8. Caught a few more this morning on a crank. No takers again on the jig. This was the biggest, 19.5" and really skinny. You should see my poor Bandit, it is all beat up, paint chipped off, one eye missing. It ain't pretty but it is still catching them!!
  9. Yes, deep for me anyway, out to about 10ft or so when cranking. A bit deeper when I start draggin a jig. Cliff
  10. Its ok, it was probably a gasper goo anyway, seems how I didn't catch one single fish on a jig today! Crankbait was the stuff today.
  11. I'm in!!
  12. I went out early this morning and threw the crank around. I caught 12 bass with two of them being solid 3lbers (18") or so. Went back again this evening and only caught two, but one was this nice chunk. Don't know weight, maybe 4-5lbs (20"). She had a really messed up eye, you can kinda see it bulging in the pic. It was like three times the size of the good eye. Other than that the fish seemed healthy, was pretty fat. Sorry for the crappy pic but its all I got!! All fish caught on a Bandit 200 Pearl/chart back. Cliff
  13. Basically the bites came while I was at the extent of my dragging, so my rod was up or more likely back to the side and I felt the tap, so I reeled down so my rod was pointing back at the fish then I set. I did not wait to feel resistance. Hope that is an understandable explanation. Like Buckeye said about waiting to feel the fish, I do that on some occasions. But with a thump like these there was no mistake, so I got the rod down quick and set. Happened again this evening. I felt the solid tap and set hard, this time I actually felt the fish for a second or two and then it was gone. There is Drum (Gasper goo?) in this lake, so you could be right on the money in that regard. I also am using scent, Megastrike to be exact. Thanks for the input y'all. Cliff
  14. This morning I was dragging a jig around a rocky point. I had about 4 or 5 good solid strikes. There was no mistake, it was 100% a fish. However not one hook up. I felt the tap, reeled the slack and slammed it home only to find nothing on the other end. I tried two different color jigs and a few different trailers. I read somewhere that sometimes a bass might "hit" a craw just to kill it, then come back and eat it. In my experience though, when a bass hits my jigs, it is eating it and I almost always get the hook up. Has anyone experienced this sort of thing? Ever had a "just to kill it strike?" What would you do in this situation to get the fish to commit to your offering? Also, the strikes we in my opinion good quality fish, just the viciousness of the "thump" and how it felt. There was no "nibbles", just one good solid "thump" Thoughts? Thanks Cliff
  15. Red

    Bait Buttons

    I wish I had these back when I lived in MN and fished live minnows all the time for walleye! Cliff
  16. I got his text messages and talked to him shortly after he caught that bass. Trust me, he was excited!!!
  17. biggun for sure brother. Keep it up! Cliff
  18. About the wires, mine have been submerged for hours when it rains and I am at work. I used shrink tubing, electrical tape, liquid electrical tape, then some rubber tape over all the connections. Haven't had any issues. Can't coment on winter storage as I am in Texas.
  19. I miss seeing his photos. Not only is he an excellent photographer, everything he caught was huge, no matter the species!
  20. I started coming here because it offered me answers to my questions as I was learning how to catch these fish. I got good answers quickly. I still have questions and still get great info quickly. Over the last few years I have visited this site daily, I feel like something is wrong if I don't. Now, the members, I think is why I visit daily. I just like to read what people are doing and catching and asking about. I have had the pleasure of meeting a couple members here in person and hope some day to make it to a BR road trip! Cliff
  21. Hey brother! Glad to see you back on BR! (he really is my brother ) I have had luck with them throwing them to the bank, couple quick jerks, then just let it sit for a bit. I think the general rule is the colder the water the longer the pause. Cliff
  22. Flipping - (generally shortened to flippin') The technique of placing a lure in a given spot precisely, and quietly, with as little disturbance of the water as possible using an underhand cast while controlling the line with your hand. Pitching - Presentation technique in which worms or jigs are dropped into cover at close range with an underhand pendulum motion, using a 6 1/2 to 71/2 foot baitcasting rod. The act of pitching a bait into a pocket or under tree limbs. Similar to flipping, but requires less stealth and usually done from further distances (known as pitchin'). There is a fishing glossary under the tools section above. Hope this helps. Cliff
  23. Sorry to hear. I googled and that is one cool looking spider!!
  24. That thing is a flippin pig! Nice job.
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