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About Gabjob

  • Birthday 02/10/1992

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  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Barragem Tovado

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  • About Me
    Fishing where and when I can, as long as I can catch a fish, snap a photo and watch it swim of healthy, all is good in the world. I also happen to be a recently addicted tackle junkie, so rare collectibles gimmie gimmie

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  1. just out of curiosity, you break them down to parts for invent to use in repairs right?
  2. not a Shimano guy ?
  3. I had a friend make a post for me for several items including the viola, but sadly no luck. cheers for the suggestion though
  4. Any help finding this reel is greatly appreciated. I know it won't come cheap and can only hope my offer will tickle their fancy.
  5. not seen any collect rebel baits but very fond of them. One model was very popular with locals back when I lived in Oman. The locals would take the hooks off, twist the eyelets and run a wire through them to a trebble on the back so it would freely move along the wire leader and then troll them for big spanish mackerel. Love the collection, cheers for sharing I'd like to be on of your friends ?
  6. sadly but I can only try ? the tease, If only i can find someone who would consider letting theirs go
  7. would'nt call it junk if you're able to sell it. one mans junk is another mans treasure wowowow, talk about taking it to a whole nother level and really making a passion out of it. that rule you made yourself of not buying anything people would lineup to buy is something I feel like many who collect should implement more, including myself.
  8. Fair enough, that is one way of looking at it. There is nothing you would have a hard time letting go off? But old can also be gold at times ?
  9. As this is a bass forum the first items that come to mind would be tackle. I myself, collect rare Daiwa and Megabass reels. The reason I collect rare/ limited reels is that I am attracted to the mechanics and technology put into a reel as well as the limited side to the models i'm into. Furthermore, unlike rods, they fit in my display. Why not lures? there is just too many and I feel like it would clutter up a display. I keep my collection separate from the tackle that I use and don't see why some people have it in for those who also enjoy the collecting aspect of tackle ? Apart from tackle, I caught the collecting bug young and started with stamps. Not something I have spent much time on in a long time, but I should really do something with all those albums of stamps I have stored away. What about yourselves, what do you collect and for what reason? Do you collect tackle or do you think tackle is only made to be fished?
  10. Following, also curious to know if they are trustworthy. Only reviews seem good but could also be bought
  11. Carp are big in the Unitek kingdom mostly. It's decently big in the rest of Europe. But we also have a lot of trout, pike, perch, zander, and even mega siluris. and black bass are quite big in Spain, Portugal, France. There really is a fish for almost all techniques so just depends what you're into.
  12. man that could have gone much worst. ladder to the head seems like the best outcome
  13. I use an FJ knot from braid to leader, and otherwise when connecting to lures etc. then mostly a uni knot.
  14. Need me a fisherwife, jokes aside; I see quite a lot of fisherwoman on other platforms lik IG and they seem to catch fish. But I also reckon a lot of these bikinin clad gals holding fish might also be viewer bait for us men.
  15. Paypal exchange rates are just terrible, but sometimes the added safety they provide makes the difference when purchasing abroad. You can also find th same products on other platforms like yahoo shopping and rakuten and use a proxy to purchase them. Done this several times and not had much issues, but then you are left paying service fees and international shipping (which isn't actually that bad). Just depends what you are trying to buy
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