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  • Location
    Monitored by Big Tech and the Feds
  • My PB
    Between 0-1 lbs
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Da Nile
  • Other Interests
    Taxes and Tea Parties

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  • About Me
    An air of distrust and awareness

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Community Answers

  1. Depends on the bank(s) I'm fishing If I'm going to my typical banks I can only fish about 10 yards of bank, I'll bring 4 rods at least. I've caught bass after casting to the same spot 20 times, and on the first cast after switch baits I'll get the hit. If I'm walking around a very long bank, at least 2 rods, 10 pounds of gear, I'm probably only gonna use 2 or 3 lures anyway, I could probably shed 9.5 pounds and be alright.
  2. I've been waiting for a shipping update like it's coming here haha, keep us posted with a pic
  3. How'd you end up so far away where all the good fish live? Welcome @WhatJustHappened glad to have another Masshole (it just means we really care) on the team
  4. Chuck Norris doesn't play with dolls But when he does He beats the demons out of them
  5. Icy nothing but eyes
  6. Dude you should've seen me mumbling to myself earlier going back and forth on whether or not I should get that thing. I mas in and out of my head for the span of at least an hour and a half looking into what reels it could possibly be, do I reely need another reel, out the the potential reels it could be which would I be happy with, if it was one of the others could I deal with it or would it be a waste on a reel I won't use (like the daiwa musky reel)....... I just got myself a reel like a month and a half ago that was a big buy for myself, I was torn on a deal like this. 40% gets me lickin my chops Definitely keep us posted man, I'm excited for you, like a giant quarter machine with the little toys or candy or tattoos in the little plastic eggs, but for adults
  7. Whats a jack bag lol
  8. @Harold H should've donated that thing to science
  9. @BassinBrett i haven't used that blank, but from what I've heard, and it's ratings compared to the 4.0SK I don't think it would be comfortable to cast. That square bill is almost 1 oz. I might be wrong but I feel like that would cast kinda sloppy on that. A Lotta people like the MB765 Neo for big cranks. And like @BayouSlide said the AFPG Has a great reputation for that too
  10. Like attach at the hook eye or loose around the belly?
  11. If it's a rod you know you literally can't replace, but a fresh set of guides on and enjoy my friend. Maybe it wasn't worth 50 bucks off the shelf, but all these years later it's priceless
  12. What size crankbaits?
  13. Home made underspin? Where do you attach the split ring and is it just free floating?
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