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Everything posted by 1984isNOW

  1. You mean the original SLX MGL or the updated one? Casts farther than the $250 Elite and brakes better than it does?
  2. It's not merely distance, buzzbaits catch wind and I was looking for something that can control it while letting it fly. I've heard Shimano does distance if you can do control, my thumb is still in training. Are Shimano centrifugal brakes like 13 fishing or other centrifugal brakes? Can there even be a difference? Which Zillion cast the furthest? I keep hearing SV Daiwa or nore braked than others
  3. @GReb @MiceNReets @A kid from Canada Having fished the Elite and Zillion - casting distance goes to which one? Bank fishing a buzzbait @PhishLI thanks for bringing the updated version to my attention-
  4. Can anybody compare these two from experience? Daiwa website makes the difference seem negligible and essentially nothing that would impact fiction. With sale prices worth 40-50 bucks more for Elite? What about either compared to original SLX MgL in casting distance? Thinking buzzbait and windfunky lures Any insight is appreciated
  5. What was the sale price and the website?
  6. I just quoted you quoting me 7 years ago when I first got into baitcasting gear. I'm not sure why more people don't understand this. I can't even fathom how this trend began, did it start as a prank but somehow caught on? Like pet rocks?
  7. Dude the first time I ever heard a beaver do that I had to take the wipies out haha And the second time And the third Sometimes, when I know they're there, they still get me to jump. It sometimes still gets the heart pumpin, but no more skidmarks. This summer I fished a bridge that has a narrow underpass for the water. A couple nights I'd seen 2-3 beavers on either side at the same time. I didn’t even know they got down like that, in groups and stuff. I hate those noisy jerks
  8. Night fishing is the best, but also the worst. My dude @Kozmentioned how creepy it can be, and he's right. Especially in the beginning. Ironically for me its always been more about either bank fishing or getting on and off the water in regards to other humans, but my friend is more afraid of bumping into wildlife. I've never heard a pack of coyotes cackling until this year... I probably did a dumb thing and stuck around hoping to catch a couple more, but it did spook me. Heard it a couple times this year, but not always sounding close. I didn't know they laughed like that, that was freakincreepy. But I'd take my chances bumping into a bear or a coyote over some homeless dude thinking I'm trying to move into his tent, I've had some daylight encounters that caused me to take those areas off my night time fishing list - sucks because one of them was a rare heavy bass spot. But on the water, in a kayak, it can get a little unnerving too. Going through fields of milfoil or hydrilla knowing if you tip you're gonna get so wrapped up so quick you're going to have 60 pounds of weeds pulling you deeper down and the more you swirl and try to right yourself the more you tangle up. Once you accept the fact you might not make it home, but you might catch the biggest bass of your life you're good to go. All my biggest bass have been at night, and all the biggest bass I've ever seen caught have been between like 10:30pm and 1:30am. If you get hung up, break free in a way the lure doesn't launch back at your eye or neck and stick ya, especially with trebles. Bugs? I wear long sleeves and pants and a face mask even at night. Bring extra batteries or an extra headlamp. Bring a scale, you're gonna hook your next PB.
  9. Appreciate the insight yall I'm picking up a used Brooklyn Kayak Company pedal drive today. Hopefully that will help with all this, that instant reverse is calling my name haha. Anybtips on actually increasing the sharpness myself? I have about 200 hooks already, do expensive sharpeners make a difference?
  10. 10 ft Minimally stable to stand in calm conditions, but I wouldn't hook set a jig standing in it. I'll keep that in mind, part of the reason I began building my own rods. I'll also keep that in mind haha This summer a 5.5#er pulled me nearly into a dock, then brought me to shore into the overhanging trees. I tore my shoulder and wrist up nice trying to fight and paddle with one hand and deal with some wind. I'm going to be looking for a peddle yak with instant reverse once I save up enough and find a deal. Thanks for the input y'all
  11. They only wanted a jerkbait. The bottom of this pond is literally weeds the entirety of the water, jig just disappears and reappears carrying gunk. Been a while since I threw a jerkbait, or anything with trebles, gotta play them different. I caught a few dinks,pne decent, lost a decenter one. Also lost my net, maybe it was the cold, maybe it was me being sick, maybe in just getting old slow and the brain damage is catching up with me. Pretty sure I just dropped the net in the water to grab the line. It was freezing and windy. My toes were numb, my fingers were numb, couldn't feel my toes for like 35 minutes after I left. Idk if it was worth it, definitely couldn't do a night trip, might lose a digit. The take was subtle, the pickerel hits a couple weeks ago were viscous. Was blind casting to shore and away, they were away. No distinguishable structure, weed tops were visible, no idea how deep it gets or how tall the weeds were.
  12. I'm getting a late start, heading out on yak soon. Any tips this late and cold, I've never fished past Nov 1 before pretty much. I got a small red black crank tied on, umbrella rig for the first time, Ned rig, and a jig, and a jerkbait.
  13. Also it means they make more money as people will purchase things not on sale with things that are on sale... and then a week later they put those things on sale so people who buy those things will then buy other things not on sale. It's a marketing ploy not in favor of the customer. This is why people steal stuff from Walmart
  14. I've got a pretty light yak, looking at getting into swimbaits to try to break 7 pounds (those fish don't exist around me but at least I won't be catching anything). Can one get enough of a Hooksett from a light yak to actually stick a fish with a beefy hook? Have to use braid to make up for the extra give? 8 inch savage gear line through, 8 inch savage gear pulse tail rtf, 6 inch line through savge gear, 6inch magdraft(regular and freestyle), s-waver 200 and the littler one. Don't bother with them and just catch fish instead? Risk throwing them from shore? Do they work at night? Any advice on any of the lures listed? Any swimbait advice at all? Have the Dobyns Fury 795 and Lews Super Duty 300 - line recommendations (considering yak, lots of vegetation in my waters)?
  15. I realized I have a savage gear pulse tail trout RTF, it's an 8 inch slow sink, but I haven't even used it yet. Not sure I wanna now get a huff68 I also won't use. Maybe I'd actually use it since it feels more dialed back. Maybe I'll grab a magdraft instead?
  16. I'm considering getting a Hudd 68, I fish more weedy ponds than big lakes, but have one lake I fish a few times a year pretty clean bottom that has produced half of my 5#+ bass. Which color and rod? Anybody try the perch color? Looks nice
  17. Think I might hate you just a little bit... nice fish man 😉 I'm still so torn... if it's the trailer hook movement that helps (along with the distance behind the head and blade obviously) What about a set up so the hook is free swinging well behind the blade and the skirt is just short of the hook? (Like a trailer hook would be)
  18. Here's a wrench for this system- All of your preferred trailer hook sizes? Different between spinner buzz and chatter?
  19. The scientific method is reliable, more people should apply it I agree.
  20. I've seen videos of rod sensitivity being measured by calculations of vibrations through the blank. The other perspective, that sensitivity is "feeling a fish bite" (in regards to a longer rod creating more opposing force) couldn't measure those minute pulls. A 4ft rod or an 8ft rod if the opposing force doesn't have enough strength to alter the position of the rod tip then that theory won't measure sensitivity. Now send minute irregular pulses through those rods (dragging over a boulder or stump or gravel or sand) and the crisper lighter carbon fiber blank will transmit that information more readily. Think conductor vs insulator, a longer fiberglass rod will insulate those pulses while a carbon fiber rod would better let them pass through. Because I'm pretty sure we could all save some loot if the opposite were true. I'll try one of those 8'x salt water rods at Walmart to check myself, I'll drag it on the floor there and see what I feel.
  21. No apologies needed homie, sometimes the natural discourse of a thread lends itself to parallel conversation. It All still relates somehow, otherwise it wouldn't have come up. I'm happy to hear what you all have to say about anything fishing. Jig+blade(above jighead)= spinnerbait Jig+blade(on head)= chatterbait Jig+blade(blade on water surface)=buzzbait Jig+blade(beneath head)=underpin Jig+swimbait trailer=swimjig Jig-skirt+straight tail worm=shakyhead Jig+creaturebait=jig (explain that paradox) Jig-skirt+creaturebait=pegged t rig Jig+a few shots=me lettin my Irish side out The jig really might be the most versatile lure there is. Doesn't that apply to every technique? I mean some days a spinnerbait slays, some it's just lame, one day they're hitting the crankbait next they must have voted it off the island. @LrgmouthShad mine are already dark brown and water levels are up, I'll hit you back in the summer, but that's definitely gnarly bro. It's extra fun when the lilies matt up right against the milfoil and there's a chunk of the two all blended and extra nasty.
  22. Dude I'll post a pic, I yak in a place where each swipe of the paddle lifts and swirls pounds of the stuff. I don't usually get nervous on the water, but the thought has crossed my mind if I ever tip into that pond I might get so wrapped up so quick it might weigh my vest down and I'll be nappin with the fishes
  23. @LrgmouthShad this wasn't about my Kistler, that was just an example. This was to get a feel for the community's take on sensitivity given those 2 definitions and 2 rod choices. I wasn't trying to learn what sensitivity is, I was trying to learn what sensitivity is to you. I do appreciate all the votes and the posts, feels like we're all pretty much on the same page. Seems like nobody believes a longer fiberglass rod is more sensitive than a shorter carbon fiber rod, the angling community can unite on some things Now straight braid or leader in the other hand 😉
  24. Sure, I agree, your all right about the wrong question. If the question is "what's more important regarding fishing and understanding what you feel while fishing, the rod or the angler's experience and ability to interpret what they feel" then yeah you're 100% correct. But let's say the question is which is a more efficient more affective tool to the angler that is trying to feel things: a fat heavy long fiberglass rod or a crisp shorter high modulus latest carbon fiber rod? Imagine a person has hearing loss, which device would be more helpful in providing access to sound: holding a metal cone to their ear or the newest most technologically advanced hearing aid. The answer isn't "he doesn't understand the language" it's either "metal cone" or "hearing aid" So which is the better listening device "heavy long fiberglass rod" or "short crisp Carbon fiber rod" NFC manufactures a blank they call the "xray" because "it's like you can see what's happening under the water" I get the feeling they mean it's sensitive regardless of who's using it. The first nice rod I ever got was a Kistler, I had to relearn what I was feeling on the other end because I was setting the hook into blades of grass. Could never feel the grass like that before, that was a whole new level of sensitivity for me. Since I switched to that high modulus carbon fiber I had greater access to what was happening on the other end of the line, I grew in understanding and improved in interpreting what I was feeling. There's another thread here about spinnerbaits, it mentions how important it is to "feel when something is different "which is a sentiment we've all heard in fishing. Being able to feel is just behind the ability to understand what you feel in terms of importance, because if you're the most perceptive angler who can interpret everything perfectly but you can only fish with an elastic tied to a sponge you're not going to get the chance to interpret and use those skills because you won't feel a thing. Anyway, I was just wondering what was more sensitive between those two options in the poll, that's all.
  25. @12poundbass @Jigfishn10 fireball and cream soda is like a liquid cinnamon bun... A quick shot of fireball and Rum Chata is like a hot cinnamon bun. You and your wives have been warned... It's freakin delicious
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