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Everything posted by 1984isNOW

  1. Correct I just put the boot on and measured to about where i was holding it above my knee. Not knowing exactly where I put the margin of error around +/-1" which would put the range between 22-24 inches converting to about 6.22-8.21 pounds. Having handled some 5s, a couple 6s, and a 7, and comparing to my log of 5#+ catches I feel confident it's between 6.5#-7.333333333333333333333333333# Of course, it's a 2#r without a scale and 10 inches without a measurement I really think i needed to hear that bro, thanks I tell ya what though, I need to add drag clicker to every reel I own, the sound is so visceral. Plus it helps to know exactly what's happening @softwateronly incredible day bro, you get weather and water stats?
  2. I basically never go fishing without my scale, but I went after work the other night. Heart stopping! Without a scale, a little heart breaking. Easily the longest bass I've ever caught, I'm going to measure my foot to above my knee for a length estimate. I think it's going to be my PB that never was, can't verify... What do you think?
  3. That sounds good to me man, looking forward to your results. @Jrabbit82Any relation to B Rabbit?
  4. Keep us posted
  5. So just to clarify, with what frequency will you hit the same spot? I have about 4 small ponds and one decent size lake (for me) within about 30 minutes, further away than that only adds a few other small ponds. It sucks over here I can literally kayak 3 of these waterbodies while stopping to pick apart a few spots in merely a few hours. There's been a couple spots, shore fishing only, that have produced some good fish. Should I be blasting the same spots over and over? Like literally the same 20 yards on repeat? What about a multi night trip? Should I not hit the same 20 docks 3 nights in a row? And then again 2/3 nights in a row every other weekend or so for a few months?
  6. I've heard the SJ703 is too beefy for BFS, great for lighter stuff, but BFS is basically 1/16oz and less
  7. @DogBone_384 I can dig it, what kinda yak you in? I'm just thinking I like the idea of being warmer, and fishing later into the end of the season, but if i ever tipped wearing electric clothes I feel like I'd be cooked
  8. @TheSwearingAngler I'll take that as an invite bro, not sure if I'll get another day trip before this season comes to a close but if not let's connect and hit some bass next spring
  9. I can dig it bro, sounds fishy for shore I'm finally gonna get a chance to get out with my buddy next weekend, he gets out of work in Braintree. We're gonna go on the yaks, any places around there worth hitting? Not asking for your honey hope, just looking for one last good day of the season. PM me if you don't wanna post it here, much appreciated
  10. Deep structure or shallow cover?
  11. Couple hours and a few spots last night, spinnerbait, paddletail, buzzbait, ribbon tail worm... nothing. Was freezing out, couldn't feel my fingers at one point. 💯 I've definitely decided this is mega, especially for some particular water bodies more than others
  12. @DogBone_384 I'm on the north shore not far from NH at all, moved here a bit ago and my fishing buddy lives about 2 hours away in Halifax. Happy to meet up sometime time and hit the water when you're up this way. What did you catch it on and what was the weather, time of year, cover etc? I only have one this year too, boy did I have to work for it. Black and blue paddletail on weighted swimbait hooks, day after some rain, cooler night a few weeks ago, just by the bank in some grass beside a spill way from the dam. Slight increase in water flow must've had them waiting for snacks to come by.
  13. Hands were so cold last night the one time I thought I got a bite I couldn't tell if it was a bite and missed the hook set - I feel better telling myself it was just a small branch. Last week in the yak I started dancing my toes to bring the feeling back, what you wearing for boots/socks? I just had rubber waders and regular socks - I ordered some thermal socks to see if it helps You on a yak?
  14. @LrgmouthShad i tried telling you bro, you don't know my pain
  15. My man @Pat Brown laying the encouragement on thick, I'm gonna hit with couple banks tonight and hopefully the yak tomorrow night - I'll letchyou how it goes @gimruisi see what I did there, clarified the topic. What you said definitely makes sense, I'll certainly consider it if i can ever fish with the living. But I'm basically bound to the night like a pescatarian vampire who likes to play with his food and throw it back like a picky toddler
  16. I'm well read and well experienced in night fishing, but I haven't ever really done it past September in the northeast. I can already tell there's a difference, I know the fish spread out a bit and move around a bit, but on cold nights are they ambushing shallow or will more of them more likely be in deeper water? Mostly ponds, lots of grass and weeds and muck. A lot of people tout top water in October - but that's daytime, when fish are trying to catch some warmth. Still throw a buzzbait on a cold October night? What about November when it's significantly colder? Obviously you lucky Texas and Fla fisherman don't understand my pain, but can anybody else offer some insight on cold weather night bassin?
  17. @Alpster of those 9 thousand rods you've built what are your top 3 and why?
  18. You ever get around to it? Curious what you think
  19. Which blanks have you built on and what do you use them for?
  20. I'm genuinely skipping one or two meals often to make up for my tackle irresponsibility. Bologna can be found $1.87 a pound - best price per oz on this list- kinda like a yum finger
  21. More than my wife realizes haha I know it's tacky to invite yourself, but I'll be right over 🥴
  22. 7/10 - solid rating for me, I'm usually pretty picky. I'd honestly give about the same for what I'll share below, because he smashed a few too many syllables into a line too many times and got sloppy. But I'm diggin this Lanie track and I'll peep more. @slonezpand @Motoboss I used to bump Tom, we built this house was incredible. But dude just keeps recycling the same material now for like 5 years, making the same song to a different beat. Plus he started pandering just a little too hard without much of an attempt at any critical logical analytical investigation into any opposing or at least neutral perspective. When he mentions the nonsense of the political junk he's right, but then goes right back to pandering like he forgot he just said he knows it's all pretend anyway.
  23. Dick's sucks, I avoid them at all costs (get it) but every now and then they have that 50% and makes it reasonable
  24. The technology isn't perfect, but watch this video, and then imagine AI integration to identify species and body mass, along with weather data and historical catch data, speed the fish is swimming at and projected distance at its rate of speed in X seconds.... Why don't we just I host professional competitions at the aquarium?
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