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Everything posted by 1984isNOW

  1. @CrashVector i can dig it, what techniques have you used it with? Do you have any experience with similar price points to compare it to?
  2. @msgf91 Any feedback on the feel and use? How's it been so far?
  3. @Choporoz I did search but nothing came up so I made the thread, but I just searched again. I feel like the search is finicky here sometimes. @CrashVector How'd your mhxf work out, that's what I'm looking at.
  4. Oh, and I'm lookin to get the 7ft medium heavy extra fast- just thought I should mention.
  5. @msgf91 yeah that one haha. The discount is enticing, but that's still a Lotta gwop for me
  6. Anybody out there have any experience with these rods and can offer any insight? Thanks
  7. This has always been what I call a snot rocket. Never caught a pike, but pickerel are like try to crack an egg and pour it into your hand.
  8. Perhaps your do not resuscitate training didn't clarify, but the others are correct and that is exactly why I was asking - fishing in water that is salted vs totally fresh. I wasn't sure If I needed to do anything special to start fishing in lightly salted water. So I can hose into my reels? That won't damage or ruin the lubrication?
  9. You fish in MA? Know any good spots? And there are some very nasty waters in MA - but I've still seen people keeping absolutely everything they catch- from the tiniest sunfish and bass to eel and catfish - all out of waters with drainpipes and government warnings on the fish. I've seen good fisheries go bad because of over harvesting- its freakin crazy!
  10. What he said haha. But really I don't think a regular human will notice the difference in casting distance between 10 and 15, but you will notice a line dig difference- 15 handles much better and will serve all your intended purposes.
  11. @MickD I just bumped into a post from you talking about rod repair - do you think someone who's never done anything like this could make this rod fishable again and if so any advice? Thanks
  12. Any update on how this rod has been treating you? What techniques have you tried with it?
  13. @Jrob78 Maybe, but the splinters feel kinda firm to just be paint. I'd really love for it to just be that, how could I tell? And just so I can take a look in case I do need to do the repairs where can I find that stuff you mentioned and what do I search to find a YouTube video on it or something?
  14. Thanks for the tips! Its just above 3rd eye, about 4-6 inches down. It's a St. CROIX MOJO Bass. If I can get it to useable for that cheap I'd say worth a shot, how do I even search to find videos how to do that and where do I shop for that stuff? Can it be done by somebody who's totally clueless about this stuff?
  15. @Jrob78 I'm not exactly sure if it's a layer of paint, or something. I'm still hoping someone with rod building experience can gimme some direction. I'm gonna look into some thin liquid epoxy or something if nobody points me in a different direction.
  16. I have no experience fishing a river, but I plan to hit one up soon. Will the brackish water mess up my gear? Do I need to do anything special for maintenance? How far up the river does the brack start/is there a way to tell - just jump down and take a sip?
  17. Thanks for the feedback y'all, maybe I'll give it a go with braid and see if that makes up the difference. I've seen some people say they like a moderate fast for jigs and t-rigs - hopefully the braid balances the action. If it's too floppy I'm either going H XF or H MF - thoughts on those alternatives?
  18. FFFFFFUUUUUUDDDDGGGGEEEE Got snagged, braid wrapped around between a couple eyes and I didn't realize - yank to free the snag and braid ripped through the rod apparently. Maybe I'll use it until it explodes on me. Any rod builders in here who could offer a band-aid or mickey mouse fix?
  19. @MassBass Thanks for the insight my man, really appreciate it. When you say considering water conditions do you just mean the like temp and high/low tide? I'm clueless fishing a river even how to approach it to find any amount of success. You're saying fish between the dam and the ocean? Is there any place on the river safe for kayaking? Thanks again
  20. Hey all, Is this rod still usable or can it be made usable again by repairing it? Idk if that's actual blank splintering or what, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  21. @WRBCould you please add specs to those rod assignments? I'm urious what double duty was shared with what PWR/ACT/LNTH - and did they share the same line? Your insight and experience is much appreciated my man. @roadwarrior your edit of my comment just quoting me left left no Quote or tag for wrb so I just wanted to make it clear that question was specifically for him and his comment listing all his double duty rods. Thanks y'all
  22. Thanks, is it worth spending $200 on a moving bait rod where sensitivity doesn't matter that much? Or can you actually feel a difference between a hundred and 2 hundred dollar chatterbait or crankbait bite?
  23. Hey all, I just upgraded a St. Croix MOJO Bass to a Victory - I was on the spot to upgrade and already have a few MH-F so I went with a Medium Heavy Moderate Fast instead, because I have none. I also have no experience with that action. I've seen it touted as a good chatterbait/spinnerbait rod, but I was wondering if it could also make for a good bottom contact rod (sensitive enough)? What do yall use a MH-MF rod for? Thanks yall
  24. @WRB Thanks for trying to make me feel better, but the ME record was set 54 years ago, MA record was set 47 years ago, and since then fishing has only gotten worse - I've seen a number of studies regarding the temperament of bass and their genetic predisposition for taking a lure, add the studies regarding how fish absolutely become lure shy from past experiences and then factor in over fishing/fishing during spawn and taking those aggressive fish off beds so the aggressive fish have less offspring and add poor fish handling to finish the equation and we end up in the situation we're in now. I mentioned in another post I heard a guy who ran a tackle shop out of his house in NH say it took him over 60 years to catch a fish over 8 pounds - Since I already lost a fish over 8 pounds (10# state record 55 years ago) and I won't likely live another 60 years, and certainly not be fishing that long if I do, the chances of me catching a fish that size have dramatically decreased. I plan on getting more into swimbait fishing and trying to use some larger lures to entice the fat girls to bite, but then I'm absolutely hooking less fish and I don't have the time or bodies of water to play that game often unless I want to spend weeks on end using the handful of hours I get to fish just practicing casting heavy lures haha.
  25. @WRB Around here the next cast has about .001% chance of being a 10 pounder, but if your looking for a roommate and have room for me, my wife, my 3 year old, and 4 month old I would love to come fish with you
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