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Everything posted by 1984isNOW

  1. How do they compare in performance? What do you use each for? How do they compare on the water? Which new tat over the zillion for this case? Why? Whats the difference in this one? Also to anybody who can compare, where does the Tat Elite come into play with all this?
  2. d**n, wish I checked on the HD. I did cop a zillion though. Whats the practical difference between the two? Whats BNIB? Where'd you get'em?
  3. What is SSR? Also, you use the no insert minimas with braid? Please help us new builders, share your experience. Who should we avoid?
  4. Isn't powerbait banned in some tourneys? Wonder why?
  5. Keep us posted
  6. You fellas have any more to say about glow in the dark baits at night?
  7. Real talk I've bumped into some chunks casting to nothing, makes it hard bot to always waste 6 hours blind casting in every direction with no electronics, but I guess that's the difference between fishing and hunting fish (livescope) I think a rat or some other wake is going on my shopping list, but I have a hard time dropping over 20 bucks on a lure right now, hard to justify with all the crap that I already have.
  8. Thanks for the insight bro. And that's crazy catching a topwater in January, crazy to even try to haha Looks like I've got some fudgin around to do
  9. Any specific ones? Colors? I basically can only fish at night, so daytime colors have been a lot less of a concern the past couple years. I've been stocking up on black everything haha But some people say just throw whatever you threw during the day
  10. d**n bro I'm gonna have to get into some glides. What color glides you use at night and do you think they work as well at night?
  11. What were the top 5 catches caught on and what was the time/conditions? I bagged something like a 6/7# last year and I wasn't prepared for it= no scale. I happened to just go out after work unplanned and my scale was in my life jacket wit the yak. Was like midnight on a black bladed jig in about 3ft on a cool November night. If Plymouth was closer I'd love to go for a chase, I always hear great things. I'm ready for the thunk bro, I have to distract myself or I genuinely get depressed. I think I'm gonna try to get out earlier this year than I ever have before. How long after the water is wet do you guys go out and actually catch your first wet water fish of the season?
  12. I've been distracting myself quite heartily, trying to teach myself to build a home lab of sorts, starting with some basic network set up. But I accidentally watched a fishing video on YouTube and it reminded me of that feeling you get when you're not really expecting a bite but then you get one and you're caught off guard and I'll prepared so you yank a janky hook set and fiddle around slapping the fish in the head with the net until it jumps one foot in front of you two feet out of the water and flips you the middle fin while it spits the hook and you're left sitting there in awe and dismay wondering if you should just paddle back to shore and never fish again... Know what I mean? 5#2 is a nice fish man, congrats. But I get the sense Plymouth waters/fish are in a bit better shape than up on the north shore.
  13. 1984isNOW

    Hair Jigs

    PM sent, thanks!
  14. 1984isNOW

    Hair Jigs

    Do you mean prok rind like from the super market? Got a Pic to share?
  15. I'm just hoping the big girls survived the low water levels and deep freeze, especially on the already shallow ponds I'm starting to get the ache back, visions of losing 6#rs flashing before my eyes
  16. Amazon has Daiwa Zillion under $200
  17. What was on sale from your list? I totally forgot they sent an email a while back saying to add things to your wish list for a special sale later Aggravated with myself I forgot to add stuff
  18. Any thoughts these years later?
  19. When you're not in Maine where in MA are you? I'm on the North Shore, I inlaws have a spot in Casco ME
  20. How does that c602 MB725 do for moving baits, spinnerbait chatterbait?
  21. I look forward to the feedback
  22. @NorthernBasser I have their original reels, the Series 1. It performs well enough, I haven't done any maintenance and maybe that's the reason it's Geary. I can feel and hear the retrieve. They use free swinging centrifugal breaks, there is no on and off. They swing out when they need to and back off when they're not needed. The drag clicker makes fighting fish so much more enjoyable, because of the visceral element of Hearing drag peel, but also having a better understanding of what is happening on that end of the line. The chromium, from my understanding is similar. They've added ceramic spool bearings and I think upgraded the spool. The series 1 definitely likes lures with a little more meat, but I'm also more a fan of magnetic breaking than centrifugal. I'm definitely a little haphazard with my thumb. 88 bucks is definitely enticing bro, if you dig centrifugal breaks it seems worth a shot to me. If i didn't need rods to put on reels I might be tempted myself, but I think I'm leaning on Daiwa's forgiving breaks a bit more than I like to admit
  23. Why would they be good for Maine but not Texas?
  24. Any thoughts to share after putting time in on the water with it?
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