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Everything posted by 1984isNOW

  1. People used to get capped on for sayin things like that, if somebody got capped on and they didn't take it well the other person got capped > no ? What was the memorial day sale? Feels likeb they only run 15% off sales for a while now. Plus I'm lookin mostly at reels, everybody got sales on lures. Get bit outdoors got some killer deals on blanks right. Anybody know a place with a good sale on rain gear like jackets and hats, I been getting soaked fishing with no ?
  2. You know what they say about boating etiquette, "if I can reach your boat you're too close"
  3. I only stroke the jig at night, to keep my casting arm strong for the next days fishing.
  4. Could you or anybody else with the experience/knowledge compare this (the 7'2heavy mod) to the 7'3 heavy mod fast flipin rod in the same line? I grabbed it because I have really liked a swimjig and spinnerbait and chatterbait on the 7'2 MHMF target crank, but feel I want a little more back bone. The lure range kept me away from the ripnchatter, but then again those can be a little arbitrary and misleading. Does Croix stay consistent within lines? Will 7'3 h MF kind of be a middle ground to the 7'2mhmf and 72HM, or a totally different blank and mandrel and feel?
  5. What is his explanation for that claim? Regardless of the technique it's all about current, cover, and lure weight. True Ned's at 1/16 oz and 3 inch plastic in a swift current river vs a 1/4 oz 4 inch tube in the same location... depends on how you like to fish.
  6. I'm not sure if the 7'3 is XF but the 7 and 7'6 are. I have the 7, it's so sensitive I spent a good chunk of time learning not to set my hook into every piece of grass it bumped. It's definitely a solid stick with real backbone, hybrid line for me. I think a little give somewhere in the system helps keep fish pinned, xf with braid would really require some attention not to rip lips pff.
  7. All they have going for them now is selection, but I'm not too picky. I buy where the best price is and to me GP/red fleck or GP/gold fleck are similar enough. TW hasn't had a good sale in a while it seems.
  8. So you sayin or has or hasn't happened in 30 years? And do you just re spool every backlashed reel and not pick it out?
  9. Most of the waters around me have warnings to limit consumption of the fish. Some or just a couple a week or month, more are only one unless your a child or pregnant then it's 0, or just 0 - the sign just says "dont et the fish hear iddiot" But if I hit Maine waters, maybe this might come in handy. I'll do some youtubin just to have in the tackle bag
  10. Beautiful fish bro, at least ya did something. I wouldn't know how to filet a fish, so I woulda just got sad went home and thought why do I even fish for a few weeks. Like hitting a unicorn with your car... uuhhh you think it taste liker Sherbert? It's actually pronounced sherbet ya a****l*
  11. Has this spool ever experienced a backlash? Could have damaged some of the line. I also will never put 20# braid on a baitcaster. Line dig could also have damaged your line, doesn't happen as much the higher # test you go. I throw 30-40# and I'm exploring brands, one of the spiderwires I tried was solid, but not the basic. Suffix 832 and power pro are being tested presently. Also j Braid has been fine. The biggest difference between braids of reputable companies is the coating and how abrasive it is, aside from whatever # they rate to thickness. All contributes to how it fishes and performs, but random break offs with no previous damage... new spool to me.
  12. When's the last time you tried it? Android? It's my main browser, but night mode is absolutely priority for me on absolutely every site I visit. I hate the white backlight. Second is privacy, Firefox has the best add ons to eliminate trackers and ad garbage. Firefox has done everything I need adequately, I've tried a number of browsers and if it's been a while for you I recommend you give it a second chance.
  13. Use Firefox, everything I view is in dark mode always regardless of the site's settings. @Glenn thanks for the tip on adding to my home screen... you just changed my life... again
  14. Some Really good advice in here, I have a few questions that'll hopefully result in further advice: What are all of your current combos (brands & specs [instead of Mh or Heavy etc share lure ratings] for rods and reels)? How dense is the vegetation? What hook were you using (size, type, xx or superline)? We'll tighten up the recommendations considering all the previous info you shard and these answers. We've all been there, I'm still heartbroken like 6 years later after watching a fish I would've married spit the hook at me, flip me the middle fin, and swim off. I'll never knowingly let a fish jump again.
  15. Thanks for the tips yall, I threw an old reel's clip in for now, I'll makeshift one if I feel so inclined on that old one... but u really ain't using it anymore
  16. I'll try to find something on how then if it's that easy, Buy what happens if I use a reel without the bearing retainer clip?
  17. Swapped out the spool bearings on a reel for the first time, on my OG Concept Z. Happend to have a couple beers along the way and I lost the stupid little tiny retainer clip. Is this really a big deal? Can I fish without it? What could happen if I do?
  18. Like my Ned rigs anonymous thread impli... expressly states, I have a problem. I pretty much found myself finesse fishing like 85% of the time. I'm trying to break the habit, haven't brought one this year almost at all. Caught my first jig fish, remembered why I used to love spinnerbaits, caught my first buzzbait bass in years (DAMB that felt good), and started my swim jig fetish the end of last year... this is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT the best season I've had in a decade.
  19. Ssssoooo is @Catt a dumb Cajun? I was searching about Cajun red line and found this https://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/search/?&q=cajun&page=1&search_and_or=and I appreciate the laughs brother, seeing you say something like that so many times on multiple pages had me gassed haha. But anybody have any feedback on that Cajun red line? Like Berkeley BG? Better? Worse? Something else?
  20. Which victory you talking about and do you have others?
  21. @Shadowx I got the spinning 6'10 for windy crappy days I don't wanna deal with a baitcaster (my 6'10 SLX), but I didn't realize the grip length was crazy long when I ordered it. The best way to decide between spinning and casting is your comfort level with baitcaster and your equipment. If you have something that can handle weightless flukes and you're comfortable casting them go for it. If you'd rather not deal with a bait caster and birds nests with light lures go spinning. I used spinning for flukes for a long time, no problem with it at all, I prefer 15-20 pound braid on spinning set ups maybe more 20 for sparse cover.
  22. Which 2 you get and di you already have one? I grabbed the 73H MF for $115, already have the 72mhmf and love the way it feels but wanted something with a little more back bone. I'm hoping I get the same bed profile just with a little more power behind it. Yeah but St. Croix, from my experience, has killer customer service and still warranted my B stock mojo over 1 year maybe about 2 years a couple years back. I have no idea what the blemish was in that rod, but is nothing that will affect the rod function.
  23. I think there's a little bit of a conflation of terms here regarding what people mean by keeping fish and its impact on population. Keeping bass in general isn't necessarily detrimental, but keeping big bass is indeed detrimental to "big bass population." If there's 10,000 bass taking a few is no big deal, if there's 100 bass over 7 pounds taking a few is a big deal. My cousin ate a 7 pound smallie, he was bragging about catching a monster. I told him he took the chance of his boy ever catching that fish away. He took the chance of any other angler away, I'm not impressed I'm disappointed. You wanna eat smallies fine, but let the ones who made it live. Nobody should be allowed to take a bass over 4 - that's a fish who's seen a lot and earned his place.
  24. re-watch the videos from my thread, I'll try to post some more just so we can all have the same frame of reference because my point in that thread is to address your question There are tons of videos of bass strikes where waiting to set the hook is the right thing to do. There are tons of videos showing that if you wait half a second you just blew your chance at a 10 pounder who sucked the whole lure, hook or hooks and all, into their mouth and then spit without any sticky sharps getting sticky stuck. There is no "right" way, and I'm going to address a comment in that thread whom I think has a decent philosophy on their approach to which way to go and when to set quick and when to wait. Also depends on your equipment, you using a fast rod with high speed reel? give'm a sec to take the lure in. Using a moderate fast rod and medium spd reel? Set the hook. But really again, there appears to be no right or wrong way, even for any given lure seeing how those 6 hooks were engulfed and spit so quick without hooking anything. That one BLEW my mind. In my mind at present I think what I will do from now on is try to be mindful of the size of my lure, longer lures with plastic away from the hook I think I'll give'm a second, but only a second. shorter baits I will set sooner before they blow it back out, but also try to tighten up the presentation with shorter plastics. I also plan to watch as many underwater strikes as possible for each lure to see how it is often attacked by bass, and adjust according to that as well.
  25. That's my point, its actually less than 2 revolutions in that comparison. But I was tired and didn't complete my thoughts... Sometimes a 7x ratio is 33 IPT and at 100' that puts handle turns at 36 and 52. So with the greater difference (which is more common, 7.x being over 31IPT) this means you would need to reel in 40% slower or faster to compensate either way which is a HUGE difference when comparing your natural reeling cadence to what you are aiming for. a 40% increase in decrease in the rate of anything is absolutely significant and noticeable in practice.
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