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Everything posted by SDoolittle

  1. Who's finished? I agree. That is why constructive criticism doesn't hurt my feelings. Nobody here feels superior, and nobody is angry. This is a discussion board, and opinions will be posted. Intelligent thoughts should be posted in an intelligent manner. That is my opinion. You don't have to share it.
  2. Suddenly, I'm offended by those stupid Gieco commercials.
  3. dude im tlkin bout pepl hoo rite like this an it reelydont make no sinse an it giv me a hed ake tryin 2 figur out wat they try to say an its frustratin cuz sum of us pade atinshun in scool an they didnt
  4. You didn't go off topic. The type of grammar in your post is the topic.
  5. I don't agree with that statement, but I do understand what you're saying. The real problem arises when someone writes what should be a paragraph without a hint of capitalization or punctuation. I don't even bother to read that crap.
  6. My pet peeve is the misuse of there, their, and they're.
  7. Preparation is the key to survival when it comes to animal attacks. I suggest that you start running daily if you don't already do so. Don't worry so much about distance, but focus instead on wind sprints. Then, when the time comes, you should be able to easily out run your fishing partner!
  8. Same thing only mine was 14'. My partner and I took 2nd place out of about 30 teams. That was right at 10 years ago on Milford Lake KS.
  9. Unless there are suspended fish above the tree, crankbaits are probably a waste of time. I do a lot of deep cranking and I never go that deep. I would suggest a carolina rig with about an oz of weight.
  10. I just learned something new. All this time I thought his name was Leo.
  11. Yeah, I was gonna get one, but I changed my mind because they don't come with a trailer hitch!
  12. Doing an insane amount of coke may be counterproductive!
  13. Gblanks www.imaginationbassin.com Check 'em out!
  14. I'd eat it! And I'd make sure that there were no pictures taken of it. That way my record would be surrounded by controversy for the next century.
  15. Ditto. I've never seen that before. Does elevating the puck improve its performance?
  16. I came home from fishing this afternoon to find a new rod waiting on my front porch. Gblanks 6'10", med/xfast, IM8, spinning rod. Freakin' sweet! This rod was repayment for a favor and didn't cost me a cent. Then I checked the mail and found a check for $433. It was my 2008 Oklahoma State tax refund (is that correct Burley?). What a day! Kinda makes up for the crappy fishing.
  17. I filed 2008 and 2009 this year because I was deployed last year. I've already received the 2009 return, but still waiting on 2008.
  18. My favorite bass is the one I haven't caught yet. It's the one that keeps me from sleeping the night before I go fishing. It's the one that keeps me coming back for more.
  19. If they keep fishing the same lakes over and over, they should be easy to avoid.
  20. Frogtog's true identity is revealed. His real name is Cliff Clavin!
  21. I know what you mean. I've started taking a couple of my more out of shape Soldiers with me and even they are getting hooked on it. These are the same guys who dread Army PT every morning.
  22. I rarely use it, but I've never had a problem with it.
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