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Everything posted by SDoolittle

  1. Really?
  2. The AP poll has nothing to do with the BCS. The coaches poll does, and it is listed above.
  3. I'm hoping for an Oklahoma-Boise State rematch.
  4. College football is only about two weeks away. Who do you think will walk away with the crystal football at the end of the season? The poll contains the USA Today Top Ten, but if you're predicting someone else, let us know.
  5. Too funny!
  6. Wow!
  7. I can't wait for College football!
  8. I wonder if that's a college series rod in Mich.St8 Spartan's avatar.
  9. Was that directed at me? I honestly didn't understand what he was asking. Team Golija, who knows what will catch on and what won't. As a college football junkie, I am interested in seeing the college rods. I'm sure they would sell a ton of them down here in Texas, but I think burnt orange would make one ugly rod!
  10. Today, like everyday, I called the gunsmith two or three times. As usual, he didn't answer, so I decided to go to his shop and leave a note on the door. He wasn't there, but as I sat in the truck writing the note, he showed up. I followed him in and told him I was there to get my shotgun. He walked into the back and then came back with the wrong gun. I told him that it wasn't my gun. He looked at me funny, and then asked me if I was the guy he had just talked to on the phone. I told him that I was not, and I put my receipt on the counter. He walked to the back and retrieved my gun, and said "no charge". I asked if it was fixed, and he replied with "did I call you?" "No" I said. "Then I didn't fix it." What a jerk! He holds my shotgun hostage for six months, refuses to return my calls, and he never even worked on my gun! Well, at least I got my gun back. That's one less thing to deal with as I prepare to make my move.
  11. I'm not sure I understand what you're asking.
  12. Welcome to BR. Where are you in WV? I'm getting ready to move to Charleston, WV.
  13. That's kinda what I was thinking. I'm afraid that if I get the law involved, he'll give me the gun back, but then charge me $2,000 for a $50 repair.
  14. I have a receipt. I just can't get this jerk to link up with me. He is a part time gunsmith who never seems to be at his shop. If he would just return my calls, and agree to meet me at his shop, I'm sure this could be resolved. The problem is that I'm moving in five days, and I don't have time to play his games anymore.
  15. Several months ago, I took an old shotgun to a gunsmith to be repaired. He told me that he was backed up and it might be a couple of weeks before he could work on my gun. I was okay with that, so I left the gun with him and asked him to call me when it was fixed. Well, after about two months without hearing from him, I called him. He told me that the gun needed a new extractor. He said that he had lost my phone number, and he didn't want to order the part without clearing it with me first. I told him to order the part, fix the gun, and give me a call. Another month or so passed, and I still didn't hear from him, so I called him again. He told me that he was not in his shop, and he didn't remember me or my gun. He told me to call him sometime when he's at the shop and he would try to find my gun. I asked him when he would be at the shop, and he told me he didn't know and I'd just have to catch him while he's there. Now I'm getting ready to move. This coming Friday I'm leaving the state, and I'm not planning on leaving without my shotgun. I've been blowing up his phone for weeks, and I've been to his shop several times. He won't answer the phone or return my messages. How would you handle this?
  16. I've never come across any nudists, but I did stumble onto about 20 illegals skinny dipping in the creek that runs through my family's farm. They took off as soon as they saw me. It was quite a sight to see so many grown men running naked through the woods.
  17. I have two '09 STX's and a Curado. I prefer the STX. They just feel better in my hands.
  18. I tried it a few times in Iraq. I didn't like it. It was like smoking incense.
  19. My oldest son is considering going to Job Corps. We've done a little research and it seems like a pretty good deal. Does anyone here have any experience with Job Corps?
  20. I would get something like a 7'6" HVY/Fast to use as a flipping stick/Carolina rig.
  21. The Revo S is a good reel too.
  22. I'll PM you my address. You can send me the reel and a check!
  23. I've got a couple of Browning Safari travel rods. The baitcaster is a three piece and the spinning rod is a four piece. I think I paid $99 apiece for them. They are pretty good rods for the price. GLoomis and St Croix both make travel rods if you're looking for a higher end rod.
  24. It's a good deal no matter what year model it is. The Citica is a decent real, but you can't beat a Revo/ All Star combo at that price.
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