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Everything posted by SDoolittle

  1. Well, you picked one of the few places in the country where I haven't spent much time. No matter where you are, I think you would be happier with something in the 18' range. It would be safer and provide you with a more stable platform and more storage space.
  2. I'll probably reserve a spot somewhere for a Bass Resource logo.
  3. 16' seems pretty small, but ultimately, I think it's going to depend on where you do the majority of your fishing. I had an 2008 Nitro Z6 (17'9") that was perfect for the lakes and rivers I fished in WV and KY, but I had some nervous moments on the big, wind blown lakes of Texas. You said that you live in ND, but you didn't mention where you're going to college. Any chance you're getting away from the great plains?
  4. I'm not sure where you came up with that figure, but you can rest assured that I have done due diligence prior to making this decision. My Army pension will more than cover the costs of entry fees into the six Bassmaster Opens that I plan to fish plus expenses such as gas, motel rooms, tackle, and my boat payment and insurance. I guess you could say that I'm taxpayer sponsored.
  5. I put mine on an old, round baitcaster and mounted it on an ice fishing rod. It's not exactly lightweight and small, but it is convenient, and it works for me. The retractable dog leash is genius!
  6. The reason for my setup is simple. I have a strong, sensitive, abrasion resistant main line with the heavier fluorocarbon. The lighter, mono leader is more buoyant and gives the bait better action. A few more things to consider are rod, reel, and hook selection. I prefer a 7'6" MH/F rod and a high speed reel. I built mine on a Rainshadow REVC76MH and paired it with a Revo STXHS. I almost always choose a traditional round bend worm hook over an EWG hook when fishing the C-rig. I just seem to get better hookups with the round bend hooks. There's a lot more to fishing the old chicken liver rig than some people realize, and I suspect that is why a lot of people don't do well with it. Give my setup a try, and see if your Carolina rig game doesn't improve.
  7. Catt, you've been around long enough to know how a Carolina rig works. Taking shortcuts is never the right answer in life or in fishing.
  8. I'm always worried that I'm going to step on my flush mounted graph.
  9. It has been about 10 years ago, but I used to have a transducer with a suction cup on my jon boat. It was a Humminbird unit, but I don't remember where I got the suction cup transducer mount.
  10. Really? I've always liked their soft plastics, and I've been considering ordering the micro jigs. Maybe I'll try the Keitech version instead.
  11. Has anyone tried Damiki TG Tungsten Micro Jigs? They look pretty similar to the Keitech Tungsten Mono Spin Jig.
  12. Thanks for the encouragement everyone!
  13. If you click on the individual part, there is an additional info drop box. They're compatible with GS16C, GS16SKC, GT16C, and GTB16C reel seats.
  14. Can anyone recommend a good place to get a boat wrapped within a couple hundred miles of Tulsa?
  15. I'm not a fan of those Carolina keepers either. I like to run 15-17 lb fluorocarbon as a main line and 12lb mono as a leader. You can't do that with a Carolina keeper. If you want to make rigging easier, tie up a few leaders with a hook on one end and a swivel on the other before you leave the house. Then, all you have to do is slip on a weight and a bead and tie one knot. It may not be quite as simple as using a keeper, but it's far more effective.
  16. No. I'm in the Army, and I was out there teaching Military Science (ROTC) at West Virginia State from 2010-2013. I fell in love with the New River. That's a West Virginia smallie that I'm holding in my avatar.
  17. Thank you! I have never understood why anyone would use those premade rigs. They defeat the whole purpose of using a slip sinker.
  18. Those are my favorite too! I had never heard of Cabin Creek until I lived in WV. Now, they're my favorite brand of tube, and smoked purple is my favorite color.
  19. Nailed it! Loosen up that reel a bit. Tubes are another bait that are fairly easy to skip.
  20. Never mind. I just read the picture I posted and found the answer to my own question. Duh!
  21. Where is WNC? Western North Carolina?
  22. Thank you for the detailed explanation, but that wasn't what I was talking about at all. I was talking about this. It's actually a hood, but Getbit calls it a fore grip. I'm just wondering if the threads are the same on all Alps/Forecast reel seats, or is there any other reason that this won't fit. I love all these Batson products, but it's sometimes hard to tell what products are compatible with each other.
  23. It's a budget issue. I can't afford to do both. I'm a life member of B.A.S.S., so that's the route I'm taking. I may end up fishing FLW in the future, but I'm starting with B.A.S.S.
  24. I'm fishing that one as a coangler too.
  25. Will the HEFG16C fit on any size 16 Forecast reel seat?
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