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    <p>White Oak, PA</p>

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  1. Brett, where exactly is the 10 mile pool on the Mon??? Or at least some general directions? Any close boat ramps?
  2. anybody?
  3. hey guys... I plan to head out to Ohio for their free fish days with a buddy. Going to be in the Akron/Canton area. We seemed to have a bad luck every year we do this. Anyone have any suggestions on where to fish in NE ohio early may? And please list suggested bait or spots to fish if you could...thanks! Just a rookie looking to catch something...
  4. ha! I didn't that notice either! maybe the spot is still available! :
  5. Tom, where is this Geneiva Lake you're talking about? Couldn't find it listed on any maps. Anyone else know about this place?
  6. For those looking to fish in OHIO, the fish for free days are: May 3 & 4, 2008 I've gone out to Ohio the last couple of years for the free days and haven't had very good luck. Can anyone suggest a couple good lakes/rivers to fish in the Akron/Canton area where I might have some good success? I'm tired of getting skunked or having very little success. Also,any good fishing lakes where we could rent a boat? Looking to fish bass or walleye or anything that will bite! : )
  7. Mercury 110 - 9.8hp Based upon the serial #s, a 1974-76. I didn't add the extension, I bought it that way. I'm not really sure if they guy I bought it off of knew what he was doing, or if he's not telling me what the real history is on the motor. I just want to get the boat on the water the cheapest way, but DO NOT want to damage the motor anymore than it appears to be. Not sure if I explained this part right: the extension piece on the motor, is it supposed to be sealed on the outside with some type of marine sealant? To me, it would "look" pretty tacky, but I guess the part's underwater so who cares what it looks like.
  8. Hello all. I don't know a whole lot about boat motors so I thought you guys could probably help me out. I bought a boat recently and am prepping it for the water. It originally had a short shaft, but was converted to a long shaft (before I bought it). I tested the motor in a large bucket of water and then drained the gear lube. When testing, I noticed some water leaking around the extension piece between the upper motor and lower prop unit. Is this area supposed to be sealed and if so, with what? The gear lube was also milky. Since water is mixing with the oil, how can this be fixed? I've done a little research and found that it could be any of these items: drain/fill and vents screws have bad seals, leaky prop shaft seal, or leaky lower unit seals. Anything else I could be missing? And how should I proceed? What should I replace/fix first? I read something about a pressure/vacuum test...is this something I should do or just have a repair shop do? Little more history: the guy I bought the boat from told me of this problem but said that every time he used the boat, he would drain the gear lube when he was done fishing, and then put in new gear lube before he took the boat out again. He did this for 2 years with no problems. And me, with little boat motor experience, figured that I could eventually replace whatever seals were bad. Will this destroy the engine and can I continue to repeat this procedure? Any help anyone can give will be greatly appreciated. TIA!
  9. A buddy of mine fished the Yough River near Smithton and said he didn't catch anything under 15". Lots of trout too. Said his son caught a 22" rainbow. I guess there are some tagged fish in that area for a chance at winning money. I think you have to donate to a local fish club though to claim it.
  10. Thanks for the replies....I appreciate it. Along with your posts and few books I'm reading, I will try your suggestions. I have caught fish over the last few years, but I feel as if no one really taught me the right ways to do it. I would like to learn enough to look at the weather and the water, and know what should work to catch fish. Anyone know much about electric trolling motors? I need to get a bigger one for my boat (the one I have is 12lb), and I'm looking at this one to buy, but the only markings are the name, Minn Kota 65. I would like to get at least a 30lb. Anyone take a guess as to what size this one is?
  11. Anyone know anything about Beaver Run Reservior, north of Delmont on Route 66. Can't find anything about any fishing regulations. Perhaps its off limits. Looks like a great lake to fish though.
  12. Lard_Bass, I got a 15 foot trihull with an open bow, 9.8hp, and trailer. Looking to pick up an electric trolling motor since the one I have won't push this boat. Boat needs a little work, but nothing major that won't keep it out of the water. I grew up around boats, but only for skiing, etc. I too want to try trout fishing this season. I have a buddy that works the Ligonier streams and if weren't for the weather this weekend, that's where I'd be! I've fished a few different areas: Ohio, Virginia, and even Canada. I haven't done any salt water fishing, although it would be fun to try. I'm just doing some reading of fishing forums and books to pick up the tips and places to fish. What I really need to learn is the difference between all the lures and baits, various methods of casting different lures, and then where to fish on the local lakes and rivers. Where do you guys buy most of your lures, baits, etc.? oh, and here's one for you....what things to you do at the beginning of each season? I've read about sharpening hooks, replacing old line, etc. but almost need a "to do" list so I cover everything. Like I really need another "to do" list! :
  13. Hello all! First time poster here. I guess you could call me a real rookie when it comes to fishing. Tried fishing a few times as a kid, never caught anything, so therefore, thought it was a waste of time. My brothers got me into it a couple of years ago and I got hooked! Bought my own equipment last year but I'm still learning the ropes. I just bought a boat last week and am anxious to use it. I live in the White Oak area, southeast of Pittsburgh and hope to fish the rivers and lakes in the area. Love bass fishing but will try anything that involves relaxing and casting! This seems like a great forum for getting suggestions and input from all of you that are experienced and know SW PA. Look forward to all of your input!
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