Back from Lake St Clair and it's understandable why they lake is held is such high regard. I've fished the lake before but never for longer than a single day. We fished 5/31 to 6/3 entirely on the American side from Anchor Bay down to the 9 Mile launch. I've caught bigger smallies out of LSC, but consistency of the bite and number of 3+ pound smallies we caught over 4 days was unreal...a very healthy, amazing fishery.
Day 1: Finding the right depth isn't really challenging. When you're motoring to a spot, you'll see a line of boats lined up parallel with the shoreline for 1/4 to 1/2 mile at a time. That will give you an idea of the approximate depth, we zig-zagged for a couple hundred yards at a time dropping waypoints as we caught them. Zoom out, check the line of waypoints that were created, and look for similar structure/contours/depths. We put 54 bass in the boat and majority were 2 to 3.5 lbs. Your 3+ lb fish typically are 18.5 to 19.5".
Day 2: Best day of the trip. We fished new water in the morning, but went back to some Day 1 locations in the afternoon and managed to catch 75 bass in 4 hours. The action was non-stop and our top 5 would've gone 16 pounds. Not huge bass, but every bass seemed to be 2.5 to 3.5 pounds no dinks, but no monsters either.
Day 3: Moved further south from Day 2 and the quality picked up...caught some 4 pounders. Hint: if you're fishing with a partner and they have one hooked cast near the hooked fish. The smallies are super aggressive and will try "stealing" from each other, we doubled up 3 or 4 times using this technique. Nothing like hooking a 17" bass, yelling to have him cast to your fish, and watching him land a 4.2#...Happy Father's Day ?
Top 5: 19 pounds.
Day 4: Fished Anchor Bay and Selfridge. Managed to catch a 4.2 on the first cast of the day...that never happens! Wind was non-existent prior to that day, but when it did pick up there was a consistent jerkbait bite. I did hook a 6.5 lbs sheephead (freshwater drum) which wasn't even the biggest of the trip. 6-7 pound sheephead might be the cruelest joke played by the lake.
We stayed at the rental linked below and it was a great location. It is at the north end of the lake and a 2 minute drive from a launch.
Note: depending on where you're at the lake will fish COMPLETELY different. For example, Anchor Bay water temps were 56 to 58 while the southern end of the lake had bays 68 to 72 degrees.