Caught a 6.4 on the Cue Bomb, and a 7.10 on the full sized Imo Kemushi last summer, these Geecrack fuzzy baits are pretty incredible. That said, they have some serious drawbacks, and are quite frustrating to fish with to some degree.
As noted by @scaleface, if the hairs are orange, chartreuse, or other brighter colors, the Bream will constantly be ripping them out. Rigging these baits, especially the Cue Bomb requires creativity outside of using them on the Drop Shot like many do. Not a DS fan, so I neko rig them and use an Owner CPS spring tightened down around the hook along with a nail weight in the bottom. I tried them on a Core Tackle Whacky Shot but the hookup ratio isn't great and I think it's because of the gap the weight creates b/t the hook and the bait.
If you rig those big Imo Kemushis Texas Rigged, they last a fish or two at most. I thread them on a big 5/0 flipping hook and try to stay away from the really heavy stuff. I'm also still learning how to actually hook the fish on the bait, it's very different than any other bait I've used in that way. You need to really set the hook like it's a jig or heavy T Rig, but at the same time you also need that wacky rig hookset where you reel into them and then apply a modest hookset.
The little Imo Kemushi I rig like a combo of a neko and ned rig. Once I got the elastomer version, I started to really like the little Imo Kemushis. With the regular SAF material the things lasted for a fish or two. I use a CPS spring tightened down around the hook and then a nail weight.
I need lots more practice and time with these baits, but their potential is only matched by their headaches.