That's awesome you are GoProing your sessions, and I loved the video. That place looks super fishy, and beautiful. You're gonna find that filming your catches brings a whole different level of excitement to your catches. We spend way too much time and money on these fish, and then release them not to preserve some of our greatest highs in life with a camera. I won't go fishing without a camera and scale, and if I intend to fish for more than 5mins, the GoPro has to come now.
You really just can't put into words or pics what a video does so perfectly.
eta; like you I started out on my head, then I realized that it was too heavy. Started with one battery, now I have 6 lol. I got two 128g cards, so as of this last week, I can keep the thing going as long as I want....but atlas I still have to change batteries, and then also just turn it off going from one spot to the next.......and always that's when I catch a fish I wanted to have on film, just like yesterday lol. It's a ton of fun to do though, makes the whole thing so much more enjoyable. You're gonna find that if you're gonna bother taking it and filming, you want it rolling every second that line is wet, if not the stupid fish always come when it's off ?
Enjoy learning your way into the style and manner you want to make these videos in.